Customer Discounts: Application of External Discounts
In MYOB Advanced, you can apply to a document discounts that were created in external systems. For external discounts, you can create a discount code on the Discount Codes (AR209000) form or enter a discount and specify the code of the external discount manually on a document.
You can specify manual external discounts for documents created on the following data entry forms:
- Sales Orders (SO301000)
- Invoices (SO303000)
- Invoices and Memos (AR301000)
If you want to enter an external discount manually, you open the document to which you want to apply the discount on an appropriate entry form, and in the Discount Amt. or Discount Percent column of the Discounts tab, you enter the discount. For a discount line with this manually entered external discount, you can type the external discount code (for informational use only) in the External Discount Code column.
The system applies external discounts in the same way as it does manual document discounts; the system does not recalculate external discounts if there are changes to the document.