Discount Codes
Form ID: (AR209000)
You can use this form to add, edit, view, and delete the discount codes defined in your company. To complete the configuration of discounts, you specify discount sequences for each discount code on the Discounts (AR209500) form. For more information, see Configuring and Applying Customer Discounts, Customer Discounts: Discount Codes, and Customer Discounts: Discount Sequences.
This form is available only if the Customer Discounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
Form Toolbar
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Discount Codes Table
This table contains all the discount codes defined in the system and can be used to create new discounts.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Discount Code | The unique code for the discount. An alphanumeric string of up to 10 characters may be used. |
Description | A brief description of the discount. Use an alphanumeric string of up to 50 characters. |
Discount Type | The type of the discount, which can be one of the following options:
Applicable To | The entity to which the discount may be applied. For a Line or
Group discount, you can select one of the following options:
For a Document discount, the following options are available:
Applied to Deferred Revenue | A check box that (if selected) indicates that a discount should be applied to a
component price while computing a deferred revenue for the component. This option is
applied to the Line discounts only. Note: This check box is hidden if the
Deferred Revenue Management feature is disabled on the
Enable/Disable Features form. |
Manual | A check box that (if selected) indicates that this discount is excluded from automatic searches for the best available discount. A user can, however, add manual discounts to a document line or to a document. |
Exclude From Discountable Amount | A check box that (if selected) indicates that the line amount is excluded from the amount that is the base for any applicable Group or Document discount. This option is available for only line-level discounts. |
Skip Document Discounts | A check box that indicates (if selected) that after this discount has been applied, no other applicable discounts should be applied. This check box is available for only a Group discount. |
Auto-Numbering | A check box that you select to use auto-numbering for generating IDs for sequences based on this discount code. By default, the discount code will be used as a prefix for generating sequence IDs, but you can instead specify in the Last Number column a string to be used as a template for auto-numbering. |
Last Number | The last ID used for the sequence if sequence IDs are auto-numbered. If you enter a string here before any sequence is created, the string will be used as a template for auto-numbering. The string may contain up to 10 characters with digits at the end. The last letter used divides the string into a prefix and the integer to be auto-incremented. If no value is specified, the discount code will be used as a prefix. |