Dashboard Design: Widget Toolbar Reference

The widget toolbar is located at the top of each widget. The widget toolbar actions that are available to you depend on the mode in which you are working with the dashboard (view or design) and on the widget type. In view mode, you can update the widget. See the following screenshot for an example of a table widget in view mode.
Figure 1. Widget toolbar in view mode

In design mode, shown in the following screenshot, you can copy and delete the widget and edit its properties.
Figure 2. Widget toolbar in design mode

You can switch to design mode only if you have the rights to modify the dashboard on which the widget is added—that is, only of you see the Design button on the dashboard toolbar.

The widget toolbar includes only standard buttons, which are described in the following section.

Standard Widget Toolbar Buttons

The following table provides descriptions of the standard buttons of the widget toolbar.
Button Icon Description
Update Updates the widget view.
Copy Copies the widget.
Edit Opens the appropriate version of the Widget Properties dialog box.
Delete Deletes the widget from the dashboard.