Purchases to the Project Site: Generated Transactions

When you purchase items for a project that are drop-shipped to the project site and no purchase receipt is processed, you create and process a purchase order of the Project Drop-Ship type. To update the vendor balance and record the incurred expenses to the cost budget of the project, the system generates the GL transactions and project transactions described in the following sections.

GL Transactions Generated on Release of the AP Bill

When an accounts payable bill is released, the system creates a batch of the general ledger transactions shown in the following table.

Account Source of Account Project Budget Key Debit Amount Credit Amount
Accounts Payable account Vendor X (Non-project code) 0.00 Amount
Expense account Determined by the Use Expense Account From setting of the project Project, project task, and cost code in the purchase order line Amount 0.00

On the Financial tab (Link to GL section) of the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form, you can click the link in the Batch Nbr. box to view the details of the batch on the Journal Transactions (GL301000) form.

Project Transaction Generated on Release of the AP Bill

On release of the general ledger transactions, the system generates the project transaction shown in the following table.

Project Budget Key Account Group Debit Account Amount
Project, project task, inventory item, and cost code in the GL transaction Account group mapped to the Expense account Expense account in the GL transaction Amount

You can review the created project transaction on the Project Transaction Details (PM401000) form. In the Selection area of this form, you select the project in the Project box. In the table, you can find the project transaction created on release of the accounts payable bill by looking for the reference number of the AP bill in the Orig. Doc. Nbr. column.