Project Billing Preparation: Mass Processing

This topic explains how to perform mass-processing operations related to project billing, and how the system generates, changes, or works with documents as a result of the mass processing.

Mass-Billing Projects

Multiple projects can be billed at the same time on the Run Project Billing (PM503000) form. On this form, you can run billing for multiple projects that are pending billing, based on the Invoice Date selected in the Summary area of the form. (By default, this box contains the business date.)

The form does not show the projects for which the Next Billing Date, which is specified on the Summary tab of the Projects (PM301000) form, is later than the Invoice Date, which is specified in the Selection area of the Run Project Billing form.

The system creates pro forma invoices or accounts receivable invoices (depending on the workflow configured for the project) with the date that is specified in the Invoice Date box in the Selection area of the form.