Mass-Update of Sales Prices: General Information

Occasionally, you might need to update the sales prices of your stock and non-stock items. MYOB Acumatica provides you with the ability to mass-recalculate the existing sales prices by using specific criteria.

Learning Objectives

You will learn how to recalculate existing sales prices based on the manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP).

Applicable Scenarios

By using sales price worksheets, you can mass-calculate prices of any type, except for default prices. That is, you can mass-calculate base prices or prices specific to a customer or customer price class, including sales prices that have been marked as promotional or that have been defined for a particular unit of measure or a particular warehouse.

Price Basis

Your company may use a cost-plus approach or set prices to achieve specific profit targets. In MYOB Acumatica, you can calculate pending sales prices for both non-stock items and stock items by using the approach—that is, by choosing the price basis—that makes the most sense at a particular time.

In MYOB Acumatica, the options for the price basis can be divided into the following groups:

  • Inventory-related: A cost-plus basis (the Last Cost + Markup % option or Avg./Std. Cost + Markup % option) or the manufacturer's suggested retail price (the MSRP option).

    You specify values for these options by using the Stock Items (IN202500) form for stock items. Also, on the Price/Cost tab of the Item Warehouse Details (IN204500) form, you can define the markup percentage and MSRP specific to a particular warehouse. For non-stock items, only the Avg./Std. Cost + Markup % option is applicable, and instead of using the average or standard cost, the system uses the current cost of a non-stock item, which is specified in the Current Cost box on the Price/Cost tab of the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form.

  • Price record-related: The item's current price (Source Price) or pending price (Pending Price).

    You specify values for these options by using the Sales Price Worksheets (AR202010) form.

Calculation of Pending Prices Based on the MSRP

An item's MSRP—that is, the manufacturer's suggested retail price—is specified on the Price/Cost tab of the Stock Items (IN202500) form. A similar box is available on the Price/Cost tab of the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form for non-stock items.

You perform mass-calculation of pending prices based on the items' MSRP by using the Sales Price Worksheets (AR202010) form. On this form, you add to the sales price worksheet the price records for the items for which you want to recalculate prices. Then, you click Calculate Pending Prices on the table toolbar to invoke the Calculate Pending Prices dialog box. In this dialog box, you select MSRP as the price basis and click Update to add to the worksheet the pending prices recalculated based on MSRP. The recalculated pending prices become effective after you release the worksheet (on a date specified as the effective date).