Employee Payroll Class

Form ID: (PR202000)

By using this form, you can define employee payroll classes, to be used to group certain types of employees. Employee classes may be used to establish certain default settings for new employee records or in GL account postings.

The system will automatically update payroll details of employees assigned to the selected class with the changes made on this form if the Use Class Default Value check box is selected for an employee on the Employee Payroll Settings (PR203000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Summary Area

You can use the elements in this area to specify the ID and name of a new class or to select the ID of a class whose settings you want to view (and possibly change).

Element Description
Payroll Class ID The unique identifier of the employee payroll class.
Description The description of the employee payroll class.

Default Settings Tab

The values entered on this tab are used to establish the default settings for employees that belong to this class. Any of these settings may be overridden at the employee level on the Employee Payroll Settings (PR105000) form.

Element Description
Employee Type The general classification of the employee. The following options are available:
  • Salaried Exempt: The employee is compensated based on salary, which is typically paid once or twice a month. For employees of this type, overtime hours are not allowed, and the payroll batch will always use the quick functionality and create one earning line per pay period with always the same amount for the entire year (if weekly or biweekly, the system will still create one earning line per working day).

    With this option selected, the Exempt from Overtime Rules check box becomes selected and non-editable.

  • Salaried Non-Exempt: The employee is compensated based on his or her salary, with overtime hours paid additionally. For employees of this type, the payroll batch will always use the quick functionality and create one earning line per pay period with always the same amount for the entire year (if weekly or biweekly, the system will still create one earning line per working day).

    With this option selected, the Exempt from Overtime Rules check box becomes cleared and non-editable.

  • Hourly: The employee is paid (usually weekly or biweekly) based on an hourly rate for hours worked.
  • Other: The employee is compensated based on some other factor (for example, for each item produced).
Pay Group The employee pay group, which is a group that includes employees that are paid on the same pay period cycle. You use the Pay Groups (PR205000) form to create pay groups.
Default Calendar The work calendar to be used by default to import the hours to the payroll batch for quick pay and to calculate the number of hours worked during the week. You define work calendars by using the Work Calendar (CS209000) form.
Working Hours per Week Read only. The standard number of working hours per week, which is used in combination with the work calendar to create standard earnings transactions for the quick pay functionality.
Working Weeks per Year The employee's standard number of working weeks per year, which is used to calculate the number of working hours per year.
Working Hours per Year The standard number of working hours per year, which is used to calculate the hourly pay rates of salaried employees for some kinds of proration calculations. It corresponds to the hours worked per week multiplied by the number of working weeks per year.
Override Hours per Year for Certified Project A check box that enables you (if selected) to manually specify a number of certified project hours in the Certified Project Hours per Year box, which appears below.
Certified Project Hours per Year

The number of certified project hours that the system will divide by the value specified in the Working Weeks per Year box to determine the number of hours applicable for the calculation of the benefit rate.

This box appears only if the Override Hours per Year for Certified Project check box is selected.

Exempt from Overtime Rules

A check box that indicates (if selected) that employee is not subject to overtime rules.

This check box is selected and non-editable if Salaried Exempt is selected in the Employee Type box; it is cleared and non-editable if Salaried Non-Exempt is selected in the Employee Type box.

Net Pay Minimum The amount to be used when deductions and garnishments are applied. Net pay is not allowed to drop below this level (except on adjustments, which can be negative, and manually issued checks, which are considered to be “after the fact”).
Maximum Percent of Net Pay for All Garnishments The maximum percent of net pay that can go to garnishments.
Default WCC Code The work compensation code to be used as a default code when a transaction is generated on creation of a payroll batch and a paycheck if no specific code is specified. You use the Workers' Compensation Codes (PR209800) form to define the codes.
Default Union The union to be used as a default union when a transaction is entered if no specific union is specified. Unions may be used to override multiple different data entry parameters. You use the Union Locals (PR209700) form to define unions.
Exempt from Certified Reporting The default setting for newly created employees that belong to the class. If this check box is selected, none of the following will be applied to a new paycheck or adjustment created for the employee or a payroll batch generated for that employee:
  • Earning rates associated with a certified project
  • Fringe benefit rates
  • Deductions or benefits from the deductions and benefits package specified for a certified project

Employees with the Exempt from Certified Reporting check box selected are not included in the certified reports generated through the Government Reporting (PR504000) form.

Table 1. Work Locations SectionBy using the table in this section, you can specify multiple work locations for the employee class and mark one of the specified work locations as the default. Only the following work locations are available in an employee's paychecks and adjustments and in the related payroll batches:
  • The work locations that are specified in the table, if the Use Class Default Work Locations check box is selected for the employee on the General tab of the Employee Payroll Settings (PR203000) form
  • The payroll work locations that are specified for the related projects, if applicable
Element Description
Use Payroll Work Location from Project A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system uses the work location specified for the related project in the Payroll Work Location box on the Summary tab of the Projects (PM301000) form. If the check box is cleared, the system uses the default work location from the table below.
The table in this section has the following columns.
Location The identifier of the work location.
Location Name The name of the location.
Default A check box that indicates (if selected) that this location is selected by default on transaction entry but any other location from the list can be selected if necessary.