Union Locals

Form ID: (PR209700)

By using this form you can configure the different unions the employees are part of. Different earning rates can be applied to different rank inside a union and the specific benefits and deductions can be added on this form (they will be added to the paycheck).

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Summary Area

You use the elements in this area to specify basic union details.

Element Description
Union Local ID The identifier of the union.
Active A check box that indicates (if selected) that the union is available for employee assignment.
Description The short description of the union.

Earning Rates Tab

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Labor Item A labor item associated with the union pay rate.
Description A description of the union pay rate which is by default is the description of the labor item.
Wage Rate A pay rate for the combination of the labor item and union.
Effective Date A date when the pay rate becomes effective.

Deduction and Benefits Tab

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Deduction and Benefit Code A deduction or benefit code associated with the union. You use the Deduction and Benefit Codes (PR101060) form to create codes.
Labor Item
Description A description of the code as defined on the Deduction and Benefit Codes (PR101060) form.
Contribution Type A contribution type of the code as defined on the Deduction and Benefit Codes (PR101060) form.
Deduction Calculation Method The method used for determining the deduction amount, which can be one of the following: Fixed Amount, Percent of Gross, Percent of Custom, Percent of Net, or Amount per Hour.
Deduction Amount The deduction amount used if the deduction calculation method is set to Fixed Amount or Amount per Hour.
Deduction Percent The deduction percentage used if the deduction calculation method is set to Percent of Gross, Percent of Custom, or Percent of Net.
Contribution Calculation Method The method used for determining the contribution amount, which can be one of the following: Fixed Amount, Percent of Gross, Percent of Custom, Percent of Net, or Amount per Hour.
Contribution Amount The contribution amount used if the contribution calculation method is set to Fixed Amount or Amount per Hour.
Contribution Percent The contribution percentage used if the contribution calculation method is set to Percent of Gross, Percent of Custom, or Percent of Net.
Effective Date A date when the deduction or benefit rate becomes effective.