Inventory Turnover: Mass-Processing of Calculations

The following sections explain how to create and delete multiple turnover calculations, and how the system generates or manages calculations as a result of the mass processing.

Mass-Calculating the Inventory Turnover

The inventory turnover can be calculated with multiple results by financial periods and calendar years. To generate multiple calculations, you open the Manage Turnover History (IN507000) form and select the Calculate Turnover action. In the Calculate By box, you select Period to create a separate calculation for each period in the selected range of periods, Year to create a separate calculation for each calendar year in the selected range of periods, and Selected Range to create a single calculation for the selected range of periods. If the Period or Year options are selected in the Calculate By box, you additionally select the unlabeled check boxes in the rows with the periods or years, for which the turnover should be calculated, and then click Process on the form toolbar. The system calculates the turnover for the selected range of periods.

Mass-Deleting Calculations

You can delete multiple calculations of the inventory turnover at once. To delete multiple calculations, you open the Manage Turnover History form and select the Delete Records action. Then you select the unlabeled check boxes in the rows with calculations and click Process on the form toolbar. The system deletes the selected calculations.