Multicurrency Funds Transfers: Generated Transactions

The system always generates separate GL transactions for a multicurrency transfer. The following tables show the transactions recorded to the general ledger for the source and destination accounts.

Table 1. Transactions for Source Account: Multicurrency Transfer
Account Debit Credit
Source account 0.00 Transfer amount
Cash-in-Transit account Transfer amount 0.00
Table 2. Transactions for the Destination Account: Multicurrency Transfer
Account Debit Credit
Destination account Transfer amount 0.00
Cash-in-Transit account 0.00 Transfer amount

If a gain or loss is produced by a multicurrency transfer, the transactions shown in the following tables are recorded to the general ledger for the destination account, depending on whether a gain or loss is produced by the transfer—that is, whether the realized gain or loss (RGOL) is positive or negative.

Table 3. Transactions for Destination Account: Multicurrency Transfer Producing a Gain
Account Debit Credit
Destination account Transfer amount 0.00
Cash-in-Transit account 0.00 Transfer amount
Realized Gain/Loss account 0.00 RGOL amount
Cash-in-Transit account RGOL amount 0.00
Table 4. Transactions for Destination Account: Multicurrency Transfer Producing a Loss
Account Debit Credit
Destination account Transfer amount 0.00
Cash-in-Transit account 0.00 Transfer amount
Realized Gain/Loss account RGOL amount 0.00
Cash-in-Transit account 0.00 RGOL amount