AR Invoices in Foreign Currencies: Related Reports and Forms

In the following sections, you can find details about the reports and inquiry form you may want to review to gather information about invoices in a foreign currency.

If you do not see a particular report or form that is described, you may have signed in to the system with a user account that does not have access rights to the report or form. Contact your system administrator to obtain access to any needed reports or forms.

Reviewing Customer Balances in a Foreign Currency

You can review a customer's balance broken down by document and the current balance in both the base currency and in a foreign currency on the Customer Details (AR402000) form. The inquiry form shows document amounts in the foreign currency, the same amounts recalculated to the base currency, and the realized gains and losses.

Reviewing AR Balance by Customer in a Foreign Currency

You can review the outstanding foreign currency balance of a particular customer or all customers for a selected financial period by running the AR Balance by Customer MC (AR633000) report.

Reviewing Invoices Coming Due

To determine when you should expect to receive payments for the outstanding multicurrency documents, you can use the AR Coming Due MC (AR631600) report. The report shows all open documents recorded in the system, regardless of the current business date or the date specified in the Date box on this report form.

Reviewing Invoices Overdue for Payment

To determine which multicurrency documents are overdue for payment and for how long, you can run the AR Aging MC (AR631100) report. The report shows all released AR documents in the system, and the document balances on the date specified in the Age as of Date box on this report form.