Items with Lot and Serial Numbers: Related Report and Inquiry Forms

In the following sections, you can find details about the reports and inquiries that provide information about items with lot and serial numbers.

Viewing the Location of Items with Lot and Serial Numbers

By using the Inventory Lot/Serial History (IN407000) form, you can find the physical location of an item by the lot or serial number assigned to it.

You can use the Lot/Serial Numbers (IN613000) report to view the list of items, along with their lot and serial numbers, that are located at the selected warehouse, location, or both.

Viewing the Item Quantities

When you want to view the documents that include the item you specify and that are in process in the system (not completed yet), you can use the Inventory Allocation Details (IN402000) form. You can also use this form to view the quantities of items in a particular warehouse or location (or both).

When you want to view the on-hand quantities of particular items and the total cost of inventory by inventory account, with details for different warehouses, you can use the Inventory Valuation (IN615500) report.