To Create a Service Template

You use the Service Templates (FS204900) form to create a service template in the system. For details on service templates, see Service Templates.

Before You Proceed

Before you begin creating a service template, make sure that the necessary types of equipment-related service orders have been created on the Service Order Types (FS202300) form and services for the orders have been created on the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form.

To Create a Service Template

  1. Open the Service Templates (FS204900) form.
  2. On the form toolbar, click Add New Record.
  3. In the Service Template ID box, enter the identifier of the service template.
  4. In the Description box, enter a brief description of the service template.
  5. In the Service Order Type box, select the service order type related to the services of the template.
  6. On the Details tab, do the following for each service you want to add to the template:
    1. On the table toolbar, click Add Row.
    2. In the Service ID column, select the service you want to add.
    3. In the Quantity column, change the quantity of service items (which is 1 by default) if necessary.
  7. Optional: On the Details tab, perform the following steps for each stock item you need to add:
    1. On the table toolbar, click Add Row.
    2. In the Inventory ID column, select the stock item you want to add.
    3. In the Quantity column, check the quantity of stock items and change it if necessary. By default, 1 is specified.
  8. Click Save.

Notes About the Procedure

The notes in this section describe the nuances of the UI elements available on the form, such as when an element is required and when it is not, and when the system fills in settings by default. This section can include other notes.

You can add items on the Details tab only if the Sales Orders option is selected in the Generated Billing Documents box on the General tab of the Service Order Types (FS202300) form for the selected service order type. The necessary stock items have to be created on the Stock Items (IN202500) form in order to be added on this tab.