Product Import: Settings of Imported Items

You can import products that have been defined in the Shopify store instead of creating them manually in MYOB Acumatica. The imported products are defined as stock or non-stock items on the Stock Items (IN202500) or Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form.

Assignment of Item Classes

During the import of a product, some settings of the stock or non-stock item created on the Stock Items (IN202500) or Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form, are imported from the Shopify store, whereas other settings are copied from the item class assigned to the item. To determine which item class the system should assign to the item, it uses the type of the imported product from the Product type box in the Product organization section of the product management page in the Shopify store and does the following until it finds a class:

  1. Checks whether the product type is mapped to any item class in the store’s substitution list, which is specified in the Substitution List for Item Classes box on the Inventory Settings tab (Import Settings section) of the Shopify Stores (BC201010) form.
  2. Checks whether the product type is the same as any item class that has been defined on the Item Classes (IN201000) form.
  3. Assigns the default item class that has been specified for the store. It finds this class in the Item Class for Stock Items or Item Class for Non-Stock Items box of the Inventory Settings tab (Import Settings section) of the Shopify Stores form.

Item Settings Imported from the External System

The following table shows the settings that are assigned to a stock or non-stock item created in MYOB Acumatica on the Stock Items (IN202500) or Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form, respectively, based on the corresponding settings of the source product from the product management page in the Shopify store.

MYOB Acumatica Element Shopify Element
Summary area
Description Title

Item Status

An item is assigned the Active status if the corresponding product has the Active status, and the Inactive status if the product has the Draft status.

Price/Cost tab
Default Price Price
MSRP Compare-at price
Description tab
Item description Description
Cross-Reference tab
Alternate ID (in a row with the External SKU alternate type) SKU
Alternate ID (in a row with the Barcode alternate type) Barcode
eCommerce tab


For a stock item, the Set as Available (Track Qty.) option is inserted in the box for the item if the corresponding product has the Track quantity check box selected, and the Set as Available (Don't Track Qty.) option is inserted if the check box is cleared.

For a non-stock item, the systems ignores the state of the Track quantity check box and always selects the Set as Available (Don't Track Qty.) option.

Track quantity

When Qty. Unavailable

For a stock item, the Do Nothing option is selected in the box for the item if the corresponding product has the Continue selling when out of stock check box selected, and the Set as Unavailable option is selected if the check box is cleared.

Continue selling when out of stock
Packaging tab


The system populates the box for only stock items.


Weight UOM

The system populates the box for only stock items.

Weight, the unit of measure

Assignment of the Tax Category

During the import of a product from the Shopify store, the system searches for the tax category to assign to the corresponding stock or non-stock item created on the Stock Items (IN202500) or Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form as follows until it finds a tax category:

  1. It checks the mapping settings on the Import Mapping tab of the Entities (BC202000) form for the corresponding store and the Stock Item or Non-Stock Item entity.
  2. It checks the substitution list specified in the Tax Categories box (Substitution Lists section) on the Order Settings tab of the Shopify Stores (BC201010) form.
  3. It checks the tax category from the item class assigned to the item on the General tab of the Stock Items or Non-Stock Items form.

Assignment of the Vendor

During the import of a product, if the product has a vendor specified in the Vendor box in the Product organization section of the product management page in the Shopify store, and this vendor matches any existing vendor name in the Account Name box on the General tab of the Vendors (AP303000) form, the system adds a row with this vendor on the Vendors tab to the corresponding stock or non-stock item created or updated on the Stock Items (IN202500) or Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form. Also, the system selects the Default check box in the row with the added vendor.