Marketing Reports: Lead Conversion and Qualification Analysis

The Lead Conversion BI (CR3011BI) generic inquiry form displays lead conversion and qualification data and metrics that marketing managers and sales representatives can analyze.

These metrics are based on the data that users have entered on the Leads(CR301000) and Opportunities (CR304000) forms.

Monitoring the Number of Converted Leads

On the Lead Conversion Analysis tab of the Lead Conversion BI (CR3011BI) inquiry form, you can find information about opportunities created over a period of time based on leads and the sources of the converted leads.

The Source column shows the numbers of opportunities based on the leads, which are grouped by the following predefined lead sources during a week:

  • Organic Search: The lead came from a search engine. For example, the lead searched for your product or service by using a search engine.
  • Campaign: The lead has been created as a result of a marketing campaign. (For example, the lead opened a landing page, clicked a paid link or called an advertised phone number, or was purchased from a marketing vendor.)
  • Referral: The lead has been created as a result of someone recommending your organization or its products or services to the lead.
  • Other: The lead has been created from some other source.
  • Web: The lead has been created as a result of the person visiting your website.
  • Phone Inquiry: The lead has been created as a result of a phone call to the lead.
  • Purchased List: The lead was purchased from a marketing vendor.

You can use the predefined filter options in the top of the tab to narrow the data that is shown in the table.

With this information, you can analyze lead-to-opportunity conversion and assess the value of the lead sources.

Reviewing Lead Revenue

On the Lead Revenue Analysis tab of the Lead Conversion BI (CR3011BI) inquiry form, you can find information about the value of the opportunity pipeline converted from leads.

The Source column shows the amounts of opportunities based on leads, which are grouped by the lead sources, during a quarter of a year.

With this information, you can identify the sources that generate the most revenue—both prospective revenue for open opportunities and actual revenue for won opportunities. Also, you can consider reducing expenses on the sources that bring the least revenue.