Marketing Reports: Lead Generation and Processing Analysis

The Leads BI (CR3010BI) generic inquiry form displays lead generation and processing data and metrics that marketing managers and sales representatives can analyze, as described in the following sections.

These metrics are based on the data from the Leads(CR301000) form.

Reviewing the Efficiency of Lead Generation Channels

On the Lead Analysis tab of the Leads BI (CR3010BI) inquiry form, you can find information about new leads added to the system over a period of time.

The Source column shows the numbers of leads that have been acquired during a month and grouped by the following sources from the predefined list:

  • Organic Search: The lead came from a search engine. For example, the lead searched for your product or service by using a search engine.
  • Campaign: The lead has been created as a result of a marketing campaign. (For example, the lead opened a landing page, clicked a paid link, called an advertised phone number, or was purchased from a marketing vendor).
  • Referral: The lead has been created as a result of someone recommending your organization or its products or services to the lead.
  • Other: The lead has been created from some other source.
  • Web: The lead has been created as a result of the person visiting your website.
  • Phone Inquiry: The lead has been created as a result of a phone call to the lead.
  • Purchased List: The lead was purchased from a marketing vendor.

You can use the predefined filter options in the top of the tab to narrow the data that is shown in the table.

By using the information displayed on this tab, you can analyze the most effective source of lead acquisition.

Monitoring Outgoing Activities with Leads Over a Period of Time

You can find the information about your team's outgoing activities with leads over a period of time on the Lead Activity Analysis tab of the Leads BI (CR3010BI) inquiry form.

The Last Activity Aging column shows the numbers of leads grouped by the date of the last outgoing activity that has been performed by a sales representative in one of the following predefined periods, determined from the current business date:

  • Empty: No outgoing activity was logged for the leads in the system
  • Last 30 days: The last outgoing activity was performed within the last 30 days.
  • 30–60 days: The last outgoing activity was performed more than 30 days ago, but less than or equal to 60 days ago.
  • 60–90 days: The last outgoing activity was performed more than 60 days ago, but less than or equal to 90 days ago.
  • Over 90 days: The last outgoing activity was performed more than 90 days ago.

You can use the predefined filter options in the top of the tab to narrow the data that is shown in the table.

By using the information displayed on this tab, you can minimize the possibility that a lead is lost because of a late reply from a sales representative.

Monitoring Your Team's Lead Response Time

On the Lead Response Time tab of the Leads BI (CR3010BI) inquiry form, in the Created On column, you can find the information about the average amount of time (in hours) it takes for a sales representative to contact a newly acquired lead after the lead has been added to the system during a month.

You can use the predefined filter options in the top of the tab to narrow the data that is shown in the table.

The information on the Lead Response Time tab helps you monitor the speed of lead processing among your team and to determine the optimal lead response time for your organization.

Reviewing the Number of Qualified Leads

On the Lead Qualification Analysis tab of the Leads BI (CR3010BI) inquiry form, in the Source column, you can find information about the numbers of leads that have been converted to opportunities during a month, grouped by the leads' sources.

You can use the predefined filter options in the top of the tab to narrow the data that is shown in the table.

With this information, you can determine the quality of the leads' sources for your marketing team.

Reviewing the Lead Qualification Time

On the Lead Qualification Time tab of the Leads BI (CR3010BI) inquiry form, in the Source column, you can find information about the average number of days it takes a sales representative to convert a lead to an opportunity.

You can use the predefined filter options in the top of the tab to narrow the data that is shown in the table.

This information helps you assess the quality of the leads supplied by your marketing team.

Monitoring the Lead Disqualification Reasons

On the Lead Disqualification Reasons tab of the Leads BI (CR3010BI) inquiry form, you can find information about the main reasons of lead disqualification grouped by the lead source.

The Reason column shows the numbers of disqualified leads grouped by the following predefined reasons of disqualification:

  • No Interest: The lead has no interest in the organization's products or services.
  • Unable to Contact: It is not possible to contact the lead. For example, the phone number or email address is invalid, or the lead does not answer the phone.
  • Duplicate: The lead is a duplicate of another lead in the system.
  • Other: The lead cannot be qualified for a reason that is not included in this list.

You can use the predefined filter options in the top of the tab to narrow the data that is shown in the table.

With this information, you can monitor the main reasons and sources of disqualified leads and refine your lead management process.