

# comment
instructionName objectType "objectName" {
  attributeName1 = newValue1
  attributeName2 = newValue2
  instructionName1 objectType1 "objectName1" {
MSDL provides the following instructions.
Instruction Description
add Appends the specified object as a child to the object that is referenced in the outer scope of this instruction.
attachments In a container, switches the MSDL interpreter to the mode of setting the attachment attributes.
placeAfter In the mobile site map, moves the object that is referenced in the outer scope of this instruction after the specified object.
placeAt In the mobile site map, moves the object that is referenced in the outer scope of this instruction to the specified position.
placeBefore In the mobile site map, moves the object that is referenced in the outer scope of this instruction to the position before the specified object.
remove Removes the specified object from the mobile site map.
sitemap Switches the MSDL interpreter to the mode of editing the main menu of the mobile site map.
selector In a field, switches the MSDL interpreter to the mode of editing the selector content.
update Switches the MSDL interpreter to the mode of editing the specified object.