
In the mobile site map, moves the object that is referenced in the outer scope of this instruction immediately after the specified object. The instruction is used to order child objects within a parent object of the mobile site map. You cannot use the instruction to move an object from one parent object to another.


placeAfter objectType "objectName"


  • objectType: A keyword that specifies an object type, as described in Object Types.
  • objectName: The string constant that specifies the name of the object of the type specified by the objectType parameter. The object must exist in the instance of the mobile site map in the memory of MYOB Acumatica server before the MSDL interpreter processes the placeAfter instruction.


Suppose that you need to move the EP503010 form shortcut within the ExpenseReceipts folder of the main menu to the position after the EP301010 form shortcut. You can add the following code within the sitemap instruction.

update folder "ExpenseReceipts" {
    update item "EP503010" {
        placeAfter item "EP301010"