
Switches the MSDL interpreter to editing mode for the main menu of the mobile site map.


sitemap {}

The braces are mandatory. Within the braces, you can add instructions for objects of the main menu of the mobile site map.


The following code adds the new folder to the main menu, sets the attributes of the folder in the mobile site map (see folder for details), and adds the shortcut for the Expense Receipts (EP301010) screen with the specified display name to the folder.

sitemap {
  add folder "ExpenseReceipts" {
    type = HubFolder
    isDefaultFavorite = True
    displayName = "Expense Receipts"
    icon = "system://NewsPaper"
    add item "EP301010" {
      displayName = "Expense Receipts"

The code below updates the ExpenseReceipts folder of the main menu in the following ways:

  • Switches the MSDL interpreter to editing mode for the main menu
  • Changes the display name of the folder
  • Removes the shortcut to the Expense Receipts screen from the folder
  • Adds the shortcut to the Expense Receipts screen to the folder with the specified display name
  • Switches the MSDL interpreter back to editing mode for the content of the mobile site map
update folder "ExpenseReceipts" {
    displayName = "New display name"
    remove item "EP301010"
    add item "EP503010" {
      displayName = "Other screen"

The code above can be executed because it operates with the objects that are created in the previous code example.