Inquiry Forms: To Set Up an Inquiry Form

The following activity will walk you through the process of creating an inquiry form without any filtering parameters.


Suppose that you need to create an inquiry form in the PhoneRepairShop customization project that will display all repair work orders that have not yet been paid in full, along with information about the invoices that have been created for these orders. This form will include the following parts:
  • The table toolbar
  • The table with rows for each repair work order and the following columns:
    • Order Nbr.: The number of the repair work order
    • Status: The status of the repair work order
    • Invoice Nbr.: The number of the invoice created for the repair work order
    • Due Date: The due date of this invoice
    • Percent Paid: The percent of the invoice that has been paid
    • Balance: The amount that has already been paid for the invoice

Process Overview

In this activity, you will create the Open Payment Summary (RS401000) custom inquiry form and define and configure its components by performing the following steps:
  1. Creating the inquiry form
  2. Defining the DAC for the grid view of the inquiry form
  3. Defining the data view for the inquiry form
  4. Configuring the ASPX page of the inquiry form
  5. Testing the inquiry form

System Preparation

Make sure that you have configured your instance as described in Test Instance for Customization: To Deploy an Instance for Developing Inquiry Forms