Menu Editing Mode

In the user interface of MYOB Advanced, you open Menu Editing mode (see the following screenshot) by clicking the Edit Menu menu command on the configuration menu of the main menu. The Edit Menu menu command is available only to users with a role specified in the Menu Editor Role box on the Security Preferences (SM201060) form. For details, see Customizing the User Interface.
Figure 1. Menu Editing mode

The buttons that appear in Menu Editing mode are described in the following table.

Table 1. Buttons of Menu Editing mode
Button Description
Add Workspace Opens the Workspace Parameters Dialog Box with the boxes blank so you can specify these parameters and add a workspace to the UI.
Add Menu Item
Opens the Select Forms Dialog Box for the selected workspace.

The button is available when you first select a workspace in Menu Editing mode.

Add Tile

Opens the Tile Parameters Dialog Box with the boxes blank so you can specify these parameters and add a tile to the selected workspace.

The button is available when you first select a workspace in Menu Editing mode.

Menu Settings Opens the Menu Settings menu.
Exit Edit Menu Saves your changes and exits Menu Editing mode.

Editing and Deletion of Menu Items

In Menu Editing mode, you can delete or edit the properties of the following items: workspace, category, form, and tile. When you point at an item, the toolbar pops up with the Edit and Delete buttons (see the following screenshot, which shows the toolbar for the workspace title).
Figure 2. Workspace pop-up toolbar

In the following tables, you can find descriptions of the pop-up toolbars for each item type.

Table 2. Workspace Pop-up Toolbar
Button Description
Edit Opens the Workspace Parameters Dialog Box, which displays the parameters of the workspace.
Delete Deletes the workspace and the tiles that belong to the workspace from the system. The forms that belong to the workspace remain in the system.
Table 3. Section Pop-up Toolbar
Button Description
Edit Opens the Category Parameters Dialog Box, which displays the parameters of the category.
Delete Deletes the category from the system. The menu items under this category are moved to the Other category in each workspace.
Table 4. Form Pop-up Toolbar
Button Description
Edit Opens the Form Parameters Dialog Box, which displays the parameters of the form or report. Changes to the form or report parameters are visible in all the workspaces to which the form or report belongs.
Delete Deletes the link to the form or report from the current workspace. The form or report remains in the system.
Table 5. Tile Pop-up Toolbar
Button Description
Edit Opens the Tile Parameters Dialog Box, which displays the parameters of the tile.
Delete Deletes the tile from the system. You cannot restore the tile after it is deleted.

Dialog Boxes of Menu Editing Mode

In this section, you will find descriptions of all dialog boxes that you can open by using the buttons of Menu Editing mode.

Table 6. Workspace Parameters Dialog BoxIn the Workspace Parameters dialog box, you can specify the parameters of a new workspace or edit the parameters of an existing workspace. You can invoke this dialog box by clicking Add Workspace or by clicking the Edit button on the workspace pop-up toolbar. This dialog box contains the elements described in the following table.
Element Description
Icon The icon that is displayed to the left of the workspace title. You can select an icon from the predefined list.
Area The area under which the workspace is displayed on the More Items menu of the main menu. You can select an area from the predefined list.
Title The title of the workspace. The title of the workspace should be unique among the workspaces in the system. If you type an existing title, the system displays a warning and does not create or update the workspace.
The dialog box contains the following buttons.
OK Saves your changes and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without saving your changes.
Table 7. Select Forms Dialog Box

In the Select Forms dialog box, you can select the forms, reports, and dashboards links to which are displayed in the selected workspace. This dialog box contains a list of all forms, reports, and dashboards grouped by areas and categories. To add a form, report or dashboard to the workspace, you select the check box to the left of its caption. You can find a form, report, or dashboard by typing its title or ID in the Search box at the top of the dialog box.

In addition to the Search box and the listed forms, reports, and dashboards this dialog box contains (at the bottom right of the dialog box) the buttons described in the following table.

Button Description
Add Adds to the workspace the forms, reports, or dashboards you have selected.
Add & Close Adds to the workspace the forms, reports, or dashboards you have selected and closes the dialog box.
Close Closes the dialog box without adding the selected forms, reports, or dashboards to the workspace.
Table 8. Tile Parameters Dialog BoxIn the Tile Parameters dialog box, you can specify the parameters of a new tile you are adding to the selected workspace or edit the parameters of an existing tile in the workspace. The elements of this dialog box are described in the following table.
Element Description
Icon The icon that is displayed on the tile button. You can select an icon from the predefined list.
Title The title of the tile. The title of the tile should be unique among the tiles in the system. If you type an existing title, the system displays a warning and does not create or update the tile.
Form The MYOB Advanced form that is opened when a user clicks the tile. You can select a form from the predefined list. When you are selecting a form, you can type the first characters of the form ID or title, and the system filters the list by these characters.
Parameters The form-specific parameters of the address line that the system adds to the form link when a user clicks the tile.
The dialog box contains the following buttons.
OK Saves your changes to the parameters of the tile and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without saving your changes to the parameters of the tile.
Table 9. Menu Settings

In the Menu Settings menu, you can add a new category, edit parameters, or delete an existing category. You can also reset the menu to the default state.

The menu contains only the specific buttons described in the following table.

Button Description
Reset to Default Menu Settings Resets the settings of the whole menu (the main menu items and the workspace items) to the default settings.
Add Category Opens the Category Parameters Dialog Box with blank boxes.
Table 10. Category Parameters Dialog BoxIn this dialog box, you can specify the parameters of a new category or edit the parameters of an existing category. You can invoke this dialog box by clicking Add Category in the Menu Settings menu or by clicking the Edit button on the category pop-up toolbar. Elements of this dialog box are described in the following table.
Element Description
Title The title of the category. The title of the category should be unique within the categories defined in the system. If you type an existing title, the system displays a warning and does not create or update the category.
The dialog box contains the following buttons.
OK Saves your changes and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without saving your changes.
Table 11. Form Parameters Dialog BoxIn this dialog box, you can edit the parameters of a link to a form or report. You can invoke this dialog box by clicking the Edit button on the form title pop-up toolbar. Changes to the form or report parameters are visible in all workspaces to which the item belongs. The elements of this dialog box are described in the following table.
Element Description
Category The category under which the form or report is displayed in the workspace.
Title The title of the form or report. You can specify a unique title, or you can specify a form or report title that exists in the system because forms and reports are identified by their IDs, not titles.
The dialog box contains the following buttons.
OK Saves your changes and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without saving your changes.