To Attach a Note to a Record Detail

You can attach a note to a record detail (a detail row or line of the entity or document), as described in this topic. For example, you can leave a comment for your colleagues who will process the document with this detail later, as described in this topic.

To Attach a Note to a Record Detail

  1. Open the form, and then select the record that contains the detail you want to attach the note to.
  2. In the table, at the beginning of the appropriate detail row, click Note ().
  3. In the Enter Record Note dialog box, type the text of the note.
  4. Click OK.
  5. On the form toolbar, click Save.
  6. Verify that the Attach Note button () has changed to the Note Attached button ().

To read the note, open the form, select the record, click the record detail with the note attached, and click Note Attached ().