To Create a Custom Destination Type

In MYOB Advanced or an MYOB Advanced Framework-based application, you can send push notifications to the notification destinations, which can be of a predefined type (which is webhook, message queue, SignalR hub, commerce push destination) or of a custom type, which you can implement in the code of the application.

The notification destination of a custom type can be implemented in a project of your MYOB Advanced extension library. To create a custom destination, follow the instructions in this topic.

To Create a Custom Destination Type

  1. In a project of your MYOB Advanced extension library, define a class that implements the PX.PushNotifications.NotificationSenders.IPushNotificationSender interface, which is a sender of push notifications.
  2. In the class that implements the IPushNotificationSender interface, implement the following methods and properties of the interface:
    • The Address property, which is the address to which the system should send notifications. A user specifies the value of this property in the Address box on the Push Notifications (SM302000) form. The property uses the following syntax.
      string Address { get; }
    • The Name property, which is the name of the notification destination. A user specifies the value of this property in the Destination Name box on the Push Notifications (SM302000) form. Use the following syntax for the property.
      string Name { get; }
    • The Send method, which sends a notification synchronously and uses as the parameters the notification to be sent and a cancellation token. The method uses the following syntax.
      void Send(
        NotificationResultWrapper results, 
        CancellationToken cancellationToken
    • The SendAndForget method, which sends a notification without blocking the current thread. We recommend that you use HostingEnvironment.QueueBackgroundWorkItem in the method implementation to delegate the execution to a parallel thread. The following code shows a sample implementation of the method.
      using System;
      using System.Threading;
      using PX.PushNotifications;
      using PX.PushNotifications.NotificationSenders;
      public void SendAndForget(
        NotificationResultWrapper result, 
        CancellationToken cancellationToken, 
        Action onSendingFailed, 
        Action finalizer)
          Send(result, cancellationToken);
        catch (Exception e)
          onSendingFailed($"Send to target {Name} failed: ({e.Message})");
  3. Define a class that implements the PX.PushNotifications.NotificationSenders.IPushNotificationSenderFactory interface, which creates a sender of push notifications.
  4. In the class that implements the IPushNotificationSenderFactory interface, implement the following methods and properties of the interface:
    • The Create method, which creates a sender and uses as the parameters the destination address, the name of the notification destination, and the additional parameters (such as a header for an HTTP address). Use the following syntax for the method.
      IPushNotificationSender Create(
        string address, 
        string name, 
        IDictionary<string, object> additionalParameters
    • The Type property, which is a string identifier of the destination type that is exactly four characters long. The value of this property is stored in the database. The property uses the following syntax.
      string Type { get; }
    • The TypeDescription property, which is a string label of the destination type. A user selects the value of this property in the Destination Type box on the Push Notifications (SM302000) form. Use the following syntax for the property.
      string TypeDescription { get; }
  5. Build the project of your MYOB Advanced extension library.
  6. Run MYOB Advanced and test the new destination type.