To Create a Built-In Definition

In MYOB Acumatica or an MYOB Acumatica Framework-based application, you can configure push notifications for a query that is defined as a class in the source code of the application—that is, for a built-in definition of the query. The built-in definition can be implemented in a project of your MYOB Acumatica extension library.

To create a built-in definition, follow the instructions in this topic.

To Create a Built-In Definition

  1. In a project of your MYOB Acumatica extension library, define a class that implements the PX.PushNotifications.Sources.IInCodeNotificationDefinition interface. The following code demonstrates the definition of such a class.
    using PX.PushNotifications.Sources;
    public class TestInCodeDefinition : IInCodeNotificationDefinition
  2. In the class that implements the IInCodeNotificationDefinition interface, implement the GetSourceSelect() method of the interface so that the method satisfies the following requirements:
    • The method must return a tuple of a BqlCommand object, which defines the data query, and a PXDataValue array, which defines the parameters that should be passed to the query.
    • The data query that the method defines should adhere to Recommendations for the Data Queries in the Integration Development Guide.
    The following example shows the GetSourceSelect() method implementation.
    using PX.Data;
    using PX.PushNotifications.Sources;
    using PX.PushNotifications.UI.DAC;
    public class TestInCodeDefinition : IInCodeNotificationDefinition
      public Tuple<BqlCommand, PXDataValue[]> GetSourceSelect()       
            .GetCommand(), new PXDataValue[0]);       
  3. In the class that implements the IInCodeNotificationDefinition interface, implement the GetRestrictedFields() method of the interface so that the method satisfies the following requirements:
    • The method must return an array of IBqlField-derived types, which contains the fields that should be returned from the query.
    • If you need to return all fields, the method must return null.
    The following code shows an example of the implementation of the GetRestrictedFields() method.
    using PX.Data;
    using PX.PushNotifications.Sources;
    using PX.PushNotifications.UI.DAC;
    public class TestInCodeDefinition : IInCodeNotificationDefinition
      public Type[] GetRestrictedFields()       
        return new [] 
  4. Build the project of your MYOB Acumatica extension library.
  5. On the Built-In Definitions tab of the Push Notifications (SM302000) form, make sure that you can select the new built-in definition by its class name. The class of the built-in definition, which implements the IInCodeNotificationDefinition interface, is detected by the system and automatically added to the list of classes available for selection on the tab.
    You can obtain the results of the data query defined with a built-in definition by using the following endpoint: http(s)://<MYOB Acumatica instance URL>/PushNotifications/<full class name of the built-in definition>. For example, suppose that you want to retrieve the results of the data query defined with the PX.PushNotifications.Sources.TestInCodeDefinition class from a local MYOB Acumatica instance with the name AcumaticaDB. You should use the following URL to obtain the data: http(s)://localhost/AcumaticaDB/PushNotifications/PX.PushNotifications.Sources.TestInCodeDefinition. The endpoint returns the data in JSON format.