Sales Order Types: Implementation Checklist

The following sections provide details that you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for the processing of sales orders, and to specify settings that affect the processing workflow for orders of different types.

Enabling the Needed Features

You should make sure the following features have been enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form based on the types of orders you want to configure and use:

  • The Inventory and Order Management feature to be able to configure and use orders of any of the following types: QT, IN, CM, CS, CR, and MO.
  • The Inventory and Order Management and Inventory features to be able to configure and use orders of any of the following types: BL, SO, SA, RR, RM, and RC
  • The Inventory and Order Management, Inventory, and Multiple Warehouses features to be able to configure and use orders of the TR order type

Configuring the System

Before you begin configuring order types, you should make sure that on the Chart of Accounts (GL202500) form, all GL accounts that you will use for configuring an order type have been added. For details, see General Ledger: To Create a Chart of Accounts.

Minimum Required Settings

For each sales order type that you are going to use, you should specify the following minimum settings to configure and activate the order type.
Form Criteria to Check
The General tab of the Order Types (SO201000) form
  • The Order Numbering Sequence, which is the sequence to be used to assign order reference numbers, is specified.
  • The Invoice Numbering Sequence, which is the sequence to be used to assign reference numbers for invoices prepared for orders of this type, is specified.
  • The Freight Account, which is the account for posting freight charges, is specified.
The Summary area of Order Types form The Active check box, indicating that the order type is available for use, is selected.

Settings That Affect the Workflow

For a particular order type, you can specify additional settings on the General tab of the Order Types (SO201000) form that will affect the processing of orders of this type:

  • To cause new orders to be created with the On Hold status (so that they can be verified before further processing), select the Hold Orders on Entry check box.
  • To make the system verify the customer's credit status and put an order on hold if the credit limit has been exceeded, select the Hold Document on Failed Credit Check check box.
  • To reduce input errors during order entry, set up the validation of order totals by selecting the Require Control Total check box, so that a user will need to enter a control total for an order of this type; the order can be processed further only if the system-calculated total equals the manually entered control total.
  • To cause the system to prepare separate bills for multiple orders of the type for the same customer, select the Bill Separately check box.
  • To cause the system to prepare separate shipment documents for multiple orders of the type for the same customer, select the Ship Separately check box.
  • To cause the system to calculate freight charges for an order of the type, select the Calculate Freight check box.
  • To cause the system to require a user to enter a customer order number for an order of the type, select the Require Customer Order Nbr. check box. To allow users to enter duplicated customer order numbers, select Allow Duplicates in the Customer Order Nbr. Validation; to warn users if they have entered a duplicated number, select Warn About Duplicates. To prevent users from entering duplicated customer order numbers in orders of the type, select Forbid Duplicates.

On the Template tab of the Order Types form, to configure an order type for quick processing, you select the Allow Quick Processing check box. This causes the Quick Processing tab to appear, and you specify the needed settings on this tab. For more information, see Quick Processing of Sales Orders.

If your organization's policies require the approval of sales orders of a type, you can set up their approval, as described in Sales Order Approval.