Project Mailing Configuration: Pro Forma Invoices

You can email a pro forma invoice with any status to the customer for review. To do this, you select the invoice and then invoke the Email command on the form toolbar of the Pro Forma Invoices (PM307000) form.

The email address of the recipient is taken from the contact information specified on the Bill-to Contact section of the Addresses tab of the Pro Forma Invoices form. This information is copied to each pro forma invoice from the project from the Bill-To section of the Summary tab of the Projects (PM301000) form and can be modified at the invoice or project level.

The system generates the email in accordance with the settings of the PROFORMA mailing of the project on the Mailing & Printing tab of the Projects form. The mailing settings of the project are copied from the Mailing & Printing tab of the Projects Preferences (PM101000) form and can be overridden.

The created email activity is listed in the Tasks & Activities dialog box that opens by clicking Activities on the form title bar. The system also attaches a printable version of the pro forma invoice to the email.