Integration with HubSpot: To Resolve Synchronization Issues
System Preparation
Launch the MYOB Acumatica website, and sign in to the necessary tenant.
Step: Reviewing Errors and Resolving Issues
To verify and modify (if necessary) the import scenario, do the following:
- Open the HubSpot Sync Dashboard (HS2050DB) form.
- On the dashboard, look for entities that have been synchronized with errors.
- For each entity synchronized with errors, click the related widget to review the list of errors.
- In the Error column of the form that is brought up (which depends on the widget you have clicked), review the error messages.
- Resolve the issues specified in the messages.
- In the Status column, click the link.
The HubSpot Sync State (HS205041) form opens.
- On the form toolbar, click Sync All.
- Perform Instructions 3 through 7 for all entities.