Tax Zones and Categories: Automatic Assignment of a Tax Zone in Documents

On the Tax Zones (TX206000) form, tax zones can be defined based on combinations of country, state, and postal code, and ranges of postal codes can be specified. The system supports three types of tax zones:

  • Tax zones based on one country or multiple countries. With this type of tax zone, a user can include entire countries in the tax zone.
  • Tax zones based on one state or multiple states. A user can assign any combination of states of the same country to this tax zone. With this type, the tax zone consists of the entire state or states.
  • Tax zones based on one postal code or multiple postal codes. Multiple ranges of postal codes within the same country can be assigned to this tax zone.

To select a type of for a specific tax zone, on the Ship-To Addresses tab of the Tax Zones form, you select one of the following options in the Tax Zone Is Based On box:

  • Countries: The tax zone is based on any number of countries. To add each country in the tax zone, you click Add Row on the table toolbar and select the country from the list in the Country column.
  • States: The tax zone is based on any number of states of a specific country. You select a country in the Country box and then add each state in the tax zone by clicking Add Row on the table toolbar and selecting the state in the list in the State column.
  • Postal Codes (default): The tax zone is based on any number of ranges of postal codes within a specific country. You select a country in the Country box and then add each range of postal codes in the tax zone by clicking Add Row on the table toolbar and entering the needed values in the From Postal Code and To Postal Code columns.

On data entry forms, if a customer has an empty tax zone, the system searches for a tax zone that matches the range of postal codes specified on the Tax Zones form. If no tax zone is found, the system continues searching for a tax zone that matches the state of the shipping address. If no tax zone is found, the system searches for a tax zone that matches the country of the shipping address. The system considers the combination of the country, state, and postal code in the shipping address while searching for a matching tax code.

The automatic search for a tax zone is applied in the following boxes on the following forms: and