Step 5: Testing Transitions With Conditions

In this step, you will test transitions that depend on a condition. Do the following:

  1. Rebuild the PhoneRepairShop_Code project.
  2. In MYOB Acumatica, create a new record on the Repair Work Orders (RS301000) form.
  3. On the form, specify the following values:
    • Customer ID: C000000001
    • Service: Liquid Damage
    • Device: Nokia 3310
    • Description: Liquid Damage, Nokia 3310
  4. On the form toolbar, click Remove Hold.
  5. Notice that the repair work order status has been changed to Pending Payment (in contrast to what has been tested in Step 2: Testing the Transition), because the service specified for the order requires prepayment. You can see that the service requires prepayment on the Repair Services (RS201000) form.