Step 1: Adding a Condition Pack

To implement a transition from the OnHold state to the ReadyForAssignment or PendingPayment state, based on the properties of the current repair work order, you need to define two conditions: one that is true when a repair work order requires prepayment, and another that is true when it does not require prepayment. You will declare these conditions in this step. Each condition will be checked in the corresponding transition.

A repair work order requires prepayment when the service specified for the order requires prepayment. The service requires prepayment if the Prepayment check box is selected for the service on the Repair Services (RS201000) form. This means that to check whether a repair work order requires prepayment, you need to check the value of the prepayment property of the RSSVRepairService DAC record, which has the same serviceID value as the repair work order.

To declare the conditions, do the following:

  1. In the RSSVWorkOrderWorkflow class, add the Conditions region.
  2. In the Conditions region, declare a condition pack, as the following code shows.
            public class Conditions : Condition.Pack
            {        }
  3. In the Conditions class, declare a condition that is true when the repair work order requires prepayment, as the following code shows.
                public Condition RequiresPrepayment => GetOrCreate(b => b.FromBql<
                  Where<Selector<RSSVWorkOrder.serviceID, RSSVRepairService.prepayment>,

    In the code above, you have created a condition by calling the GetOrCreate method and provided a BQL statement in the lambda expression. In the BQL statement, you have selected the RSSVRepairService record by using the RSSVWorkOrder.serviceID value and checked whether the RSSVRepairService.prepayment value equals true.

  4. After the RequiresPrepayment condition, declare a condition that is true when the repair work order does not require prepayment, as the following code shows.
                public Condition DoesNotRequirePrepayment => GetOrCreate(b => b.FromBql<
                  Where<Selector<RSSVWorkOrder.serviceID, RSSVRepairService.prepayment>,

    In the code above, you have created the same condition as the previous one, except that you have checked whether the RSSVRepairService.prepayment value equals false.

  5. In the Configure method, create an instance of the Conditions class, as the following code shows.
            protected static void Configure(WorkflowContext<RSSVWorkOrderEntry, 
                                                            RSSVWorkOrder> context)
                // Create an instance of the Conditions class
                var conditions = context.Conditions.GetPack<Conditions>();            
  6. Save your changes.