Step 2: Extend the ARDocStatus class

Before you add the Postponed state to the workflow, you need to add a string constant and class to the extension of the ARDocStatus class. You also need to add a corresponding value to the field that holds the record's status on the Invoices (SO303000) form. Do the following:

  1. In the SOInvoiceRepairOrder_Workflow.cs file, extend the ARDocStatus class by adding the following code.
        public class ARDocStatus_Postponed : ARDocStatus
            public const string Postponed = "O";
            public class postponed : BqlType<IBqlString, string>.Constant<postponed>
                public postponed()
                    : base("O")
  2. Add a combo box value to the Status box on the Invoices form by calling the WithFieldStates method in the lambda expression for the UpdateScreenConfigurationFor method, as the following code shows.
                    .WithFieldStates(fs =>
                        fs.Add<ARInvoice.status>(state =>
                              .Postponed, "Postponed"));
  3. Save your changes.