Step 3: Add the ApproveDiscount Action

By using Workflow API, you can define actions without implementing them in a graph. You do this by calling the ActionDefinitions.CreateNew method and specifying all settings of the action, including the display name and category. This approach can be used only if the action does not have complex logic. In this step, you will define the approveDiscount action without implementing it in a graph.

To add the approveDiscount action, do the following:

  1. In the SOInvoiceOrder_Workflow class, define a string constant whose value will be used as the display name for the approveDiscount action, as the following code shows.
            public const string ApproveDiscount = "Approve Discount";
  2. In the Configure method of the SOInvoiceOrder_Workflow class, add the following code.
                var approveDiscount = context.ActionDefinitions
                  .CreateNew(ApproveDiscount, a => a
                    .DisplayName("Approve Discount"));

    In the code above, you have defined a new action with the Approve Discount display name.

  3. In the WithActions method of the UpdateScreenConfigurationFor method call, add the approveDiscount action, as the following code shows.