Step 5: Firing the Event

As you learned in Step 3: Exploring the MYOB Acumatica Source Code, you need to override the UpdateBalances method to fire the event that triggers the transition from the PendingPayment state to the ReadyForAssignment state. However, you should first calculate the prepaid percentage value based on the values of the Balance and Amount boxes of an invoice on the Invoices (SO303000) form. These values have been calculated in the base UpdateBalances method.

You can work with the fields of the ARRegister adjddoc parameter instead of selecting the corresponding ARInvoice parameter because ARRegister is the base class for the ARInvoice class and contains the same essential fields.

The ARRegister entity has been modified in the base method and its value has been updated in PXCache. But the value passed as the parameter to the overridden method has not been updated. Thus, in the overridden method, you should use the cached value. To get the cached value of the entity, you need to use the Locate(Object) method of PXCache<TNode>.

Firing the Event

To fire the event that triggers the transition between states, add the following code to the ARReleaseProcess_Extension class of the PhoneRepairShop_Code project.
        public delegate void UpdateBalancesDelegate(ARAdjust adj,
            ARRegister adjddoc, ARTran adjdtran);
        public virtual void UpdateBalances(ARAdjust adj,
            ARRegister adjddoc, ARTran adjdtran,
            UpdateBalancesDelegate baseMethod)
            baseMethod(adj, adjddoc, adjdtran);

            ARRegister ardoc = adjddoc;
            ARRegister cached = (ARRegister)Base.ARDocument.Cache.Locate(ardoc);
            if (cached != null)
                ardoc = cached;

            RSSVWorkOrder order = SelectFrom<RSSVWorkOrder>.
                .View.SelectSingleBound(Base, new[] { ardoc });

            if (order != null &&
                order.Status == WorkOrderStatusConstants.PendingPayment)
                var payment = SelectFrom<ARPayment>.
                    .View.SelectSingleBound(Base, new[] { ardoc });

                if (payment != null)
                    var paidPercent = (ardoc.CuryOrigDocAmt - ardoc.CuryDocBal) * 100
                        / ardoc.CuryOrigDocAmt;
                    var paymentExt = PXCache<ARPayment>.
                    if (paidPercent >= paymentExt.UsrPrepaymentPercent)
                          .Select(e => e.InvoiceGotPrepaid)
                          .FireOn(Base, ardoc);
                        // No need to call the Persist method.

In the code above, first you have called the base method, and then you have obtained the cached value of the invoice. You have selected the repair work order with the same invoice number as the invoice passed as a parameter. Then you have selected the prepayment and its extension (which contains the prepayment percent) and calculated the prepaid percentage for the invoice. If the prepaid percentage is greater than the required percentage, you have fired the InvoiceGotPrepaid event.

Both SO and AR payments and SO and AR invoices should be selected from the ARPayment and ARInvoice tables, respectively. To avoid selecting a document of the wrong type, when you select payments or invoices, you should check not only the refNbr of the document but also its docType.

At the end of the method, there is no need to call the Persist method, because it is called at the end of the release process.