Requirements for an Extension Table Schema

You should ensure that the following requirements are met when you create an extension table:
  • The extension table should have the same set of main key columns as the original database table has.
  • The extension table must include the following columns if they are declared within the original database table:
    • [CompanyID][int] NOT NULL
    • [DeletedDatabaseRecord][bit] NOT NULL
  • For an extension table that can be used separately, you should also declare the following audit columns:
    • [tstamp][timestamp] NULL
    • [CreatedByID][uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL
    • [CreatedByScreenID][char] ( 8 ) NOT NULL
    • [CreatedDateTime][datetime] NOT NULL
    • [LastModifiedByID][uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL
    • [LastModifiedByScreenID][char] ( 8 ) NOT NULL
    • [LastModifiedDateTime][datetime] NOT NULL
The example below shows the declaration of the InventoryItemTableExtension extension table. Notice that this table will not be used independently from the original database table.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[InventoryItemTableExtension]
    [CompanyID] [int] NOT NULL,
    [InventoryID] [int] NOT NULL,
    [DeletedDatabaseRecord] [bit] NOT NULL,
    [ExtTableDescr] [nvarchar](256) NULL
    CONSTRAINT [InventoryItemTableExtension_PK] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED 
        [CompanyID] ASC,
        [InventoryID] ASC
          IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, 
          ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS  = ON, 
          ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS  = ON) 
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[InventoryItemTableExtension] ADD  DEFAULT ((0))
    FOR [DeletedDatabaseRecord]