Business Events: Subscribers
You configure the system to perform some actions once a business event occurred. In the system, these actions are defined as subscribers. The system can notify interested parties about the occurrence of the event by sending an email, push, or SMS notification. Also, the system can execute an import scenario or create and assign multiple tasks.
Specification of a Subscriber
To define the actions that the system should perform in the system once the business event has occurred, you specify the subscriber or subscribers of this business event on the Subscribers tab of the Business Events (SM302050) form. If needed, you can specify multiple subscribers, with one in each row. You can add a subscriber that has already been created on the appropriate form or create a new subscriber.
The easiest way to create a new subscriber for a business event is to do so while you are creating the event on the Business Events (SM302050) form: On the table toolbar of the Subscribers tab, you click Create Subscriber and click the menu command corresponding to the type of the subscriber. The system opens the corresponding MYOB Advanced form (for the creation of an email or a push or SMS notification to a mobile device or a task) or the dialog box and form (for an import scenario script) so that you can create the subscriber.
Also, you can open the appropriate MYOB Advanced form and configure a subscriber of needed type using the form. After you have saved the configured subscriber, you can link it to the business event on the Send by Events tab of the form. You add a row to the table and select the needed business event in the Event ID column. You can also create a needed business event by clicking Create Business Event on the table toolbar of the tab. Alternatively, you can return to the Business Events form and add the configured subscriber on the Subscribers tab for the event.
If you plan to use a data entry form as a source for a business event, you can create a notification template (for email, push, or SMS notifications) directly from the entry from. You can link these notification templates as subscribers for business events created for the form. For details, see Business Events: Use of a Data Entry Form as a Source.
Configuration of an Import Scenario as Subscriber
You configure a subscriber of the Import Scenario type on the Import Scenarios (SM206025) form. We recommend that you open this form to create the subscriber from the Subscribers tab of the Business Events (SM302050) form: You click on the table toolbar and specify the name of the scenario in the Create Import Scenario Subscriber dialog box, which opens.
When you enter the name and click OK to close the dialog box, the system automatically creates on the Data Providers (SM206015) form a data provider of the Business Process Provider type for the import scenario (if the provider has not been created earlier for the generic inquiry of the business event). For this provider, the ScreenID parameter on the Parameters tab is set to the generic inquiry of the business event. The provider has two schema objects on the Schema tab: Results and PreviousResults. Each object includes all fields of the results of the generic inquiry. The Results object returns the values of these fields when the business event occurs. The PreviousResults object returns the values of these fields before the business event has occurred.
When the data provider has been created, the system opens the Import Scenarios (SM206025) form with the import scenario name and the data provider specified. On the form, you complete creation of the import scenario by specifying the following:
- In the Screen Name box, the target MYOB Advanced form (which can be any MYOB Advanced form) on which the system should execute the sequence of instructions when the business event occurs.
- In the Provider Object box, the Results provider object or the PreviousResults provider object, depending on whether you want the system to extract the values before the business event has occurred or the values when the business event has occurred. The system uses the specified results of the generic inquiry to perform the sequence of instructions on the target form.
- On the Mapping tab, the mapping of the import scenario—that is, the sequence of instructions that the system should perform on the target form when the business event occurs. When you are mapping fields, you should first map the key fields: the fields that the system uses to distinguish records that belong to different documents. After you have mapped the key fields, you should map other fields in the order in which you would fill them in on the form. At the end of the mapping of the scenario that creates or updates data in the system, to save the record to the database, you have to insert a row with the <Action: Save> action. For details about import scenario mapping, see Configuring Scenario Mapping.
You can also specify other parameters of the import scenario and source and target restrictions. For more information about import scenario configuration, see Configuring Import Scenarios.
Alternatively, you can create an import scenario on the Import Scenarios form and then add it as row in the table on the Subscribers tab of the Business Events form.
Configuration of an Action Execution as a Subscriber
You configure a subscriber of the Action Execution type on the Action Executions (SM204007) form. We recommend that you open this form to create the subscriber from the Subscribers tab of the Business Events (SM302050) form: You click on the table toolbar, and the system opens the Action Executions (SM204007) form in a pop-up window with the data source (inquiry or data entry form) specified for the business event populated in the Event Screen ID box of the form.
First, you specify the data entry form in the Action Screen ID box. Then in the Action Name box, the you select the action that the system should execute when the business event is triggered. All actions defined in the code or in the workflow for the primary DAC of the selected form are available for selection in this box.
On the Keys tab of the form, the system displays the list of key fields that are required to identify a record for which the system will execute the action on the selected data entry form. The system will execute the action for the record. The values for these keys will be provided by the data source (inquiry or data entry form) specified for the business event, which is shown in the Event Screen ID box of the form.
If a selected action requires some additional data for the execution, on the Field Values tab, you specify the key fields and their values that are required for the action execution.
When all the needed settings are specified, you save the configured action execution and close the pop-up window. The system displays the configured subscriber on the Subscribers tab of the Business Events form for the business event.
Processing of a Subscriber
When the business event occurs, the system processes the subscribers specified on the Subscribers tab of the Business Events (SM302050) form one by one. The system extracts the values of the fields used as placeholders and uses these values to compose the notification, task, import scenario, or action execution. Then the system processes the created entity according to the subscriber type: sends the notifications to the recipients, assigns tasks to their owners, or executes a scenario or action.
If the processing of a subscriber has been successful, the system adds a record on the Business Event History (SM502030) form. If any error has occurred during the processing , the system displays the error on this form for the business event.
If you have specified multiple subscribers on the Subscribers tab of the Business Events form for the business event, you can select the Stop on Error check box in the row of each subscriber to direct the system to process subsequent subscribers in the list only if no error has occurred while the system was processing the current subscriber.
Use of Data Fields as Placeholders
When you configure a notification template (for email, push, or SMS notifications) or task template, you specify a data source (a form or a generic inquiry) that the system should use as a source of the data fields. You can use these data fields as placeholders to personalize content of a notification or a task. Also, placeholders can be used to specify multiple recipients or task owners. When the business event occurs, if values for the used data fields are available in the record created with a data entry form or in the results of the generic inquiry, the system retrieves these values and uses them to compose the notification, task, or import scenario.
For example, for notifications and tasks, that you configure using the Email Templates (SM204003), Mobile Notifications (SM204004), and Task Templates (SM204005) forms, you can use placeholders as follows:
- To specify the recipients of a notification (in the To,
CC, and BCC boxes) or the task owners, you use
the data fields (as the placeholders, separated with semicolons) that hold user email addresses
or phone numbers and whose values are retrieved when the business event occurs. Also, if some
recipients should always receive a particular notification, you can specify their email
addresses or phone numbers explicitly. If you need to specify multiple recipients, these values
should be separated with semicolons.
For example, if you want to send a text about a shipment confirmation to a customer, you can use a placeholder for the identifier of the customer's phone number, such as
. If you need to monitor cases and send push notifications to assignees, you can use a placeholder for the identifier of the assignee, such as((CRCase_ownerID!PKID))
. - To specify the subject of a notification or a task summary, you can use any data fields
whose values are retrieved when the business event occurs. For example, the subject could be
Opportunity ((CROpportunity_opportunityID)) has been assigned to you
. - In the body of a notification or a task, you can click Insert Data
Field on the formatting toolbar to insert as a placeholder any data field whose
value is retrieved when the business event occurs. Also, you can click Insert
Previous Data Field to insert as a placeholder any data field whose value was
retrieved before the business event occurred.
For example, suppose that you would like to notify a customer that the status of the case has changed to another one. In the body of a notification, you insert the
data field, which represents the placeholder of the case status and whose value will be retrieved when the business event occurs. To show the previous status of the case, you click Insert Previous Data Field and select the same data field; the system inserts the placeholder with thePREV
function, which in our example isPREV((CRCase_status))
. When the event occurs, the system retrieves the value that the field had before the event occurred. - For a push notification, you use the needed fields to specify which entity should be opened
by the mobile app after a user taps the notification (in the Destination Entity
ID box). Make sure that the
data field is present in the results of the generic inquiry for the entity. For example, suppose that you selected Sales Orders in Destination Screen ID and want to open a particular order for the user; then you need to select theNoteID
data field for theSOOrder
object in Destination Entity ID.
Attaching an Email as Activity
For an email template that is used as a subscriber of a business event, you can specify whether the system should link a sent email as activity of the Email type to an entity defined in the system. For example, a customer, a vendor, a contact or a document.
To attach a sent email as activity to an account or a contact, you specify the data fields that contain a business account ID (BAccountID) or a contact ID (ContactID) in the Link to Account or Link to Contact boxes, respectively. The system creates an activity of the Email type and links this activity to the specified business account or contact.
To attach a sent email as activity to a system entity you use one of the following setting:
- Attach Activity: You select this check box to direct the system to
link a sent email as activity of the Email type to an entity that was created using a
data-entry form specified in the Screen Name box.
For example, if the Sales Orders (SO301000) form is specified in the Screen Name box and the notification template is used as subscriber of a business event configured to monitor data changes for this form, the system links the activity to a sales order that triggered the event.
- Link to Entity: You specify in this box a data field for a unique identifier of an entity (NoteID) to direct the system to link a sent email as activity of the Email type to an entity that is in the results of a generic inquiry specified in the Screen Name box.
You can then view the activity on the Activities tab of the corresponding form or in the Tasks & Activities dialog box, which opens if you click Activities on the form title bar. For details about activities, see Emails and Activities: General Information.
Attaching a Task as Activity
For a task template that is used as a subscriber of a business event, you can specify whether the system should link a created task as activity of the Task type to an entity defined in the system. For example, a customer, a vendor, a contact or a document.
To attach a created task as activity to a system entity you use one of the following setting:
- Attach Activity: You select this check box to direct the system to link a task as activity of the Task type to an entity that was created using a data-entry form specified in the Screen ID box.
- Link to Entity: You specify in this box a data field for a unique identifier of an entity (NoteID) to direct the system to link a created task as activity of the Task type to an entity that is in the results of a generic inquiry specified in the Screen ID box.
You can then view the activity on the Activities tab of the corresponding form or in the Tasks & Activities dialog box, which opens if you click Activities on the form title bar. For details about activities, see Emails and Activities: General Information.
Attaching a Report to Email Notification
For email templates that used as subscribers of business events, you can select a report or multiple reports to attach to the email on the Attached Reports tab of the Email Templates form. On the tab, you can specify the report format and parameters. If the parameter values are not specified, the default value of parameters will be used when the report is generated.
On the right pane, in the Reports Attached by Report ID table, in the Report ID box, you can select the report to be attached. In the Report Format box, you can select the format of the attached report: Excel, HTML, or PDF. Selecting the HTML format makes the Embedded check box available. When this box is selected, the report will be inserted in the email body.
On the right pane, in the Report Parameters table, for each added report you specify parameters to be passed to the report at the moment of the report generation process.
Alternatively for an added report, you can select the Use Event as Data Source box on the left pane, the system can pass the business event data to the report, rather than selecting data from the database at the moment of the report generation process. The Use Event as Data Source check box is available and can be selected only if there are common tables in generic inquiry (specified in the Screen Name box) and in the report. If the check box is selected the Source Table box becomes available and contains the source tables for selection.
Additionally, you can select a report to be attached in the Attach Report Opened by Action box. The system uses the list of reports available under the Reports action on the form toolbar of the data-entry from specified in the Screen Name of the form.