Site Preferences
Form ID: (SM200505)
You use this form to provide general settings for your organization, such as its name, the time zone from which most users sign in, the map viewer, the interface theme, and the parameters used when documents are exported to Microsoft Excel.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.
General Settings Area
In the General Settings area, elements are grouped based on the areas they cover. These settings will be used for all users unless particular users specify their own preferred settings on the User Profile (SM203010) form.
Element | Description |
Home Page | The form or help article that you first see when you sign in to MYOB Advanced website by default. If the form is not selected, the home page displays the online documentation list. |
Use Online Help System |
The check box that indicates (if selected) that when a user performs a search, the system searches for the topics in the Online Help Portal and displays them on the Help Topics tab of the search results. For the most relevant topic, the system displays a preview box. To determine the most relevant topic, the system analyzes the frequency of views of the topics and displays the one that was viewed most often. If the administrator clears the Use Online Help System check box, the system uses built-in Help source for searching and does not display a preview box with the most relevant topic. Currently, the online Help functionality is available for only MYOB Advanced instances in a public cloud. |
Map Viewer | The map viewer to be used for viewing customer, vendor, and corporate locations on the map. This can be selected from the supported viewers available on the hosting server. |
Login Time Zone | The time zone to be used by default for users who don't specify a time zone on the User Profile (SM203010) form. |
Interface Theme |
The style used for the user interface. There are two predefined themes available in the system:
If you have created a custom theme its name will be available for the selection in the list. For details on customizing of interface style, see Customizing the Color Theme. |
Reset to Default Colors | Resets the changed primary color to the default color. The system will reset the primary color for all companies and branches. |
Primary Color |
A primary color used for the user interface that is applied for all companies and branches configured in the system. The box is available if the Default theme is selected in the Interface Theme box and the default value is blue (#007acc). You can leave the default color defined in the theme or select a different primary color to be used for the user interface. For multibranch companies, a different color can be specified for each branch (on the Branches (CS102000) form) to make it easier for employees to distinguish between these branches. To reset the changed primary color click the Reset to Default Colors button next to the Interface Theme box. The system will reset the primary color for all companies and branches. |
Template for External Links | The template to be used for sending external links by email. |
Portal External Access Link | The URL that will be included in the emails sent to new users and in login and password recovery emails if the user account is marked as guest account. This setting is also available on the Portal Preferences (SP808000) form. |
Support email address | The email address of the support contact for the site. This address will be presented as the default when sending an error trace via the Help dropdown. |
Display Name Order |
The name order to be used for displaying the personal names of all contacts, employees, and users. Name order is the order in which the parts of a person's name (first name, middle name, and last name) are displayed. The following options are available:
Element | Description |
Search Condition |
The setting that defines which condition the system uses by default for the searches performed with the search box in tables. Select one of the following option buttons:
If the Starts With option is selected, the system uses this condition by default for the searches in tables. If a search returns no results, the system notifies the user and provides a link the user can click to perform the search with the Contains condition instead. |
Max. Length of Search String | The maximum length for a search string for the searches performed with the search box in tables. The default value is 100 symbols. |
Show Tooltips for Table Toolbar Buttons | A check box that indicates (if selected) that tooltips are shown for the buttons on a table toolbar on all forms in the system. |
Element | Description |
Usage History for Search Optimization | The setting that defines duration of keeping history of accessing
menu items by users. The history is used to optimize searching for
menu items that have similarity in names. Based on the usage history
most frequently accessed menu items will be displayed higher in the
search results. Select one of the following option buttons:
Element | Description |
Spell Check | A check box that indicates (if selected) that a spell-check functionality is available for users through the browsers they use. |
Element | Description |
Draw Border | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the exported document should have a border. |
Border Color | The color of the table borders that is applied during data export to an Excel file. |
Skip Hidden Fields | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system should not to export the elements that are hidden on the form. |
Apply Body Settings to Empty Cells | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system should apply the settings specified in the Body section to the empty cells of the documents exported to Excel. |
Header Section |
Font | The name of the font to be used on headers of the document exported to Excel. |
Size | The size of the header font, in points. |
Font Color | The font color of the header. |
Style | The style of the header. The following options are available: normal, bold, italic, and bold and italic. |
Fill Color | The header fill color. |
Body Section |
Font | The name of the font that will be used in the body of the documents exported to Excel. |
Size | The size of the body font, in points. |
Font Color | The font color of the body. |
Style | The style of the header. The following options are available: normal, bold, italic, and bold and italic. |
Fill Color | The body fill color. |