User Access: User Access Security
In addition to the system-wide password policy configured on the Security Preferences (SM201060) form, you can use the following capabilities of MYOB Advanced to apply your organization's security policies to individual user accounts on the Users (SM201010) form.
Password Recovery
You can allow a particular user to recover the user name and reset the password through email by selecting the Allow Password Recovery check box on the Users (SM201010) form.
If this check box is selected for a particular user, the user can click the Forgot Your Credentials? link on the Sign-In page of MYOB Advanced and receive an email with a link to the password reset form. For more information, see Access to Your MYOB Advanced Instance.
Password Change
You can allow a specific user to change the password by selecting the Allow Password Changes check box on the Users (SM201010) form. The user will be able to change the password at any time by clicking Change Password on the User Profile (SM203010) form.
If you have set a system-wide requirement for users to change their passwords periodically by selecting the Force User to Change Password Every x Days check box on the Security Preferences (SM201060) form, the system forces all users to change their passwords, regardless of whether the Allow Password Changes check box is selected for the individual user.
Forced Password Change
You can require a specific user to change the password on the next sign-in by selecting the Force User to Change Password on Next Login check box on the Users (SM201010) form. After the user changes the password, the system clears the check box for this user.
This check box is available only if the Allow Password Changes check box is selected.
Password Expiration
You can allow a particular user never to change the password by selecting the Password Never Expires check box on the Users (SM201010) form. Such a user will not be forced to change the password, even if the Force User to Change Password Every x Days check box is selected on the Security Preferences (SM201060) form to enforce the system-wide requirement to change a password periodically. The only way to make such a user change their password is to select the Force User to Change Password on Next Login check box on the Users form.
Individual Network Restrictions
You can limit the range of IP addresses from which a specific user can sign in to your MYOB Advanced instance. If the user attempts to access the system from a computer with an IP address that is outside of the specified range, access will be denied. You specify the range of IP addresses on the IP Filter tab of the Users (SM201010) form.
User Account Deactivation
While viewing a particular user on the Users (SM201010) form, you can deactivate the user account to temporarily prevent the user from signing in to your MYOB Advanced instance by clicking Disable User on the form toolbar. For example, suppose that your organization uses a contractor's services from time to time. When the contractor completes a project, you deactivate the contractor's user account until the next project emerges.
User Inactivity Timeout
You can specify the time interval (in hours) of user inactivity after which a user will be forced to sign in again. You specify the value on the Security Preferences (SM201060) form, in the User Inactivity Timeout box of the Timeout Settings section. This setting will be applied to all tenants of the instance.
You can instead configure the system to use the timeout setting value specified in the web.config file. To do this, in the Timeout Settings section of the Security Preferences form, you select the Use WebConfig Value check box.