Access to Your MYOB Advanced Instance
Information about the financial documents processed in each organization is confidential, so system administrators who deploy and support MYOB Advanced in your organization restrict access to the system by creating user accounts or integrating MYOB Advanced with external identity providers.
In this topic, you will read about managing user account information, recovering your credentials, and changing your password.
Managing User Account Details
As a user of MYOB Advanced, you have a separate user account that defines what forms you can access, what changes you can make, and what your personal settings are. Your user account contains the following:
- A login (user name), which is managed by your system administrator
- A password
- Additional information about you, which you can manage without contacting your system administrator
On the User Profile (SP203010) form, you can manage the following personal information:
- Your first name and last name.
- Your phone number.
- Your password. For details, see Changing the Password of Your MYOB Advanced Account.
- Your email account. For information about how to configure your email account, see To Configure Your Email Account.
- Your password recovery question and answer. For details, see Recovering Your User Credentials.
To open the User Profile form, in the User menu (in the top right corner of the screen), click your user name and select My Profile.
Changing the Password of Your MYOB Advanced Account
Your system administrator can allow you to change the password of your MYOB Advanced account any time you want. The ability to change your own password is useful, for example, when you suspect that your account is being accessed without your consent. For details, see To Change Your Password.
Recovering Your User Credentials
If you use MYOB Advanced credentials to sign in to the system, your system administrator can allow you to recover your password and login. The recovery mechanism sends emails to the email address that is specified in your account information. For details about how to recover your credentials, see To Recover a Forgotten Password or a User Name.
On the User Profile (SM203010) form, you can specify a password recovery question, the answer to which you need to enter when you are recovering your password. With a password recovery question, you reduce a risk of hacking your user account. For a procedure, see To Specify Your Password Recovery Question.
If you have forgetten your password from a domain account, you should contact your system administrator.
If you have forgotten your password from an external identity account, you should use the password recovery tools of the external identity provider.