Inventory Preferences
Form ID: (IN101000)
You use this form to configure the inventory functionality to suit your business. The settings include global settings for inventory items to be used in the system, settings that define integration with the general ledger, and settings specific to inventory functionality, such as numbering sequences to be used to automatically assign reference numbers to new inventory issues, receipts, adjustments, and physical inventory counts.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.
General Tab
The General tab contains groups of settings used to configure the inventory functionality.
Element | Description |
Batch Numbering Sequence | The numbering sequence to be used to assign reference numbers to batches generated for inventory documents. |
Receipt / Transfer Numbering Sequence | The numbering sequence to be used to generate reference numbers for inventory receipts and transfers. |
Issue Numbering Sequence | The numbering sequence to be used to generate reference numbers for inventory issues. |
Adjustment Numbering Sequence | The numbering sequence to be used to generate reference numbers for inventory adjustments. |
Kit Assembly Numbering Sequence |
The sequence to be used to generate reference numbers for kit assembly documents. This box is available only if the Kit Assembly feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS101000) form. |
PI Numbering Sequence | The sequence to be used to generate reference numbers for physical inventory documents (counts). |
Replenishment Numbering Sequence |
The sequence to be used to generate reference numbers for replenishment documents. This box is available only if the Inventory Replenishment feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Element | Description |
Replan Back Orders |
A check box that you select to indicate that the system should re-plan received quantities (update plan types) for sales orders with the Back Order status on release of inventory receipts. If this check box is selected, you can run the Create Shipments process on the Process Orders (SO501000) form for back orders that can be fulfilled by the received quantities. If this check box is cleared, after release of receipts, you have to open the back orders first (by using the Open Orders command on the Process Orders form) when you need to create shipments or you have to create shipments for back orders on a per-order basis. |
Allocate Items in Documents on Hold |
A check box that defines whether inventory documents with the On Hold status affect the calculation of the item availability. If the check box is selected, the items in the inventory documents—that is, issues, receipts, transfers, assemblies/disassemblies, adjustments)—with the On Hold status are allocated and the system considers the quantities of items in such documents for item availability calculation. Also, such documents are shown on the Inventory Summary (IN401000) and Inventory Allocation Details (IN402000) forms, and the system validates the availability of lot- or serial-tracked items by lot or serial numbers. If the check box is cleared, the system does not consider the quantities of items in documents with the On Hold for item availability calculation. When you change the state of the check box on an instance with existing data, you must run the inventory recalculation for the warehouses. |
Element | Description |
AR Clearing Account |
The account to be used as the AR clearing account for inventory issues (of the Invoice, Debit Memo, and Credit Memo types) that originate on inventory forms and are not yet associated with any customer. This account will accrue the amounts to be received from customers for the items affected by the issues. If an issue entered manually on the Issues form has a nonzero value specified in the Ext. Price column for a line, the system generates additional journal entries, one to a sales account and another to this AR clearing account. After that, when creating an invoice for a particular customer, you can move the specified amount from this AR clearing account to the customer's AR account. For more information, see Inventory Issue Processing. |
AR Clearing Sub. | The subaccount to be used with the Accounts Receivable clearing account. |
In-Transit Branch | The branch assigned to the in-transit warehouse, which is a hidden warehouse stock items become associated with when they have been issued from the source warehouse but have not yet been delivered to the destination warehouse. This box is available only if the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
In-Transit Account |
The account to be used to accumulate the amounts on uncompleted transfers. |
In-Transit Sub. | The subaccount to be used with the in-transit account. |
Work-In-Progress Account |
The account to be used for work-in-progress transactions generated for kits in the processes of kit assembly and disassembly. This box is available only if the Kit Assembly feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. For more information, see Inventory Item Kits. |
Work-In-Progress Sub. |
The subaccount to be used for the work-in-progress transactions generated for kits. This box is available only if the Kit Assembly feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Element | Description |
Update GL |
A check box that indicates to the system (if selected) that inventory transactions are posted to the general ledger. If this check box is cleared, the general ledger is not updated by the inventory transactions. You can clear the check box temporarily if, for instance, you need to import the historical inventory transactions after you imported the trial balance. |
Post Summary on Updating GL |
A check box that allows (if selected) the posting of batches with summary data (summed by account and subaccount pair) to the General Ledger. For these transactions, accounts that allow posting of summary values should be used. If the check box is cleared, the batches may contain multiple journal entries for the same account and subaccounts pairs. |
Automatically Post on Release | A check box that indicates (if selected) that automatic posting of inventory batches to the general ledger is allowed once the inventory documents are released. |
Element | Description |
Hold Documents on Entry | A check box that indicates (if selected) that new inventory documents will be saved with the default On Hold status. If the check box is cleared, the documents by default are saved in the Balanced status. |
Validate Document Totals on Entry | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the you must enter the document control total before you can save the document. |
Add One Unit per Barcode | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the item quantity on the receipt should be increased by one unit each time an item barcode is entered into the system, manually or by using a barcode scanner. |
Automatically Add Receipt Line for Barcode | A check box that indicates (if selected) that when a barcode scanner is used, a line should be added to a receipt automatically once a new barcode has been scanned or entered. |
Default Stock Item Class | The default item class to be used to provide default settings for new stock items of the class and for new stock item classes. Only a stock item class can be selected in this box. The item classes can be defined by using the Item Classes (IN201000) form. |
Default Non-Stock Item Class | The default item class to be used to provide default settings for new non-stock items of the class and for new non-stock item classes. Only a non-stock item class can be selected in this box. The item classes can be defined by using the Item Classes (IN201000) form. |
Element | Description |
Receipt Reason Code | The reason code to be used by default for manually entered receipts. |
Issue / Return Reason Code | The reason code to be used by default for manually entered issues. |
Adjustment Reason Code | The reason code to be used by default for all generated adjustments. |
Assembly/Disassembly Reason Code |
The reason code to be used by default for the documents with the Production and Disassembly type on the Kit Assembly (IN307000) form,—that is, for assembly and disassembly documents—in which the cost variance should be recorded in the system. For assembly documents, the system specifies this reason code in the Reason Code column on the Stock Components tab of the Kit Assembly (IN307000) form for stock components that do not have a reason code when the assembly document is released. For disassembly documents, the system automatically specifies this reason code in the Reason Code box in the Summary area of the Kit Assembly (IN307000) form. |
Phys. Inventory Reason Code | The reason code to be used by default for all adjustment documents generated as the result of physical inventory. |
Element | Description |
Use Tags | A check box that indicates (if selected) that inventory tags will be used for physical inventories. If the check box is cleared, physical inventory documents will be generated with line numbers only. |
Last Tag Number | The number of the last tag generated for physical inventory in
the current financial year. Only digits are allowed. When the next
physical inventory document is generated, this value incremented by
1 will be used as the first tag number in the document. Other tag
numbers for the physical inventory document are generated
successively by incrementing the previous tag number by 1. Note: We
recommend that you specify a relatively large number (for
example, 1000 or 10000) as the Last Tag
Number when you enter it for the first time.
This makes the tag numbers clearly distinguishable from the
quantities specified on the tags. Then the users will not
confuse tag number #1001 with a count quantity of 1, as they
could with tag number #1 and a quantity of 1.
Turnover Periods per Year | The number of periods per year used to calculate the turnover for inventory items. You can enter one of the following numbers here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 12. |
Release PI Adjustment Automatically | A check box that indicates (if selected) that when a user completes a physical inventory (PI), the system changes the status of the PI document to Completed. It also generates a PI adjustment to correct the on-hand quantities, with unit costs copied from the PI document for each item, and releases the generated PI adjustment. If the check box is cleared, the adjustment is generated with the Balanced status, and users are able to review and correct the adjustment before release, or delete the adjustment and correct the PI document. |
Element | Description |
Include Sales | A check box that indicates that sales of stock items are taken into
account in the calculation of the Cost of Goods Sold
value. This check box is always selected and unavailable. Because it is
selected, the following lines of inventory transactions increase the
Cost of Goods Sold value when the inventory
transactions are released:
The following lines of inventory transactions decrease the
Include Production Orders | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the lines of inventory
transactions from documents related to the manufacturing functionality
are taken into account in the calculation of the Cost of Goods
Sold value. By default, this check box is cleared. When it
is selected, the following lines of inventory transactions increase the
Cost of Goods Sold value when the inventory
transactions are released:
of inventory transactions generated for material returns decrease
the The Include Production Orders check box appears on the Inventory Preferences form only if the Manufacturing feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. |
Include Assemblies | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the assembly and
disassembly operations for kits and their components are
into account in the calculation of the Cost
of Goods Sold value. By default, this check box is cleared.
This check box appears on the Inventory Preferences form only if the Kit Assembly feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Include Issues and Adjustments | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the following lines of
inventory transactions are taken into account in the calculation of the
Cost of Goods Sold value when the inventory
transactions are released:
This check box is cleared by default. |
Include Transfers | A check box that indicates (if selected) that lines of outgoing
transfers are taken into account in the calculation of the Cost
of Goods Sold value. This check box is cleared by
default.Note: Transfers between different locations of the same
warehouse are not taken in account in the calculation of the
Cost of Goods Sold value. |
Subitem/Restriction Groups Tab
The tab displays the available subitem restriction groups.
This tab is available if both the Inventory Subitems and Row-Level Security features are enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
Button | Description |
Group Details | Navigates to the Restriction Groups (SM201030) form, where you can view details of the subitem restriction group. |
Column | Description |
Group Name | The name of the subitem restriction group. |
Description | The brief description of the group. |
Active | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the group is active. |
Group Type | A read-only column that shows the type of the restriction group: A, A Inverse, B, or B Inverse. For more information, see Types of Restriction Groups. |
Mailing & Printing Tab
The Mailing & Printing tab contains the list of the mailings for employees. Mailings are used to print documents or send electronic versions of documents (by email) to company employees who oversee inventory operations. Emails for active mailings will be sent to company employees when a user invokes the action specific to the mailing.
The tab includes the Default Sources table, with the list of mailings.
Column | Description |
Mailing ID | The unique identifier of the mailing. An alphanumeric string of up to 10 characters can be used. |
Branch | The ID of the branch for which the mailing is defined. If the DeviceHub feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, inventory documents are printed by using the default printer (also specified on this tab). If the branch is not specified, the default printer is used for documents of all branches. |
Default Email Account | The system email account to be used by default for the mailing. If no account is specified, the default system account will be used. |
Default Printer |
The printer to be used by default for printing operations. This column is available only if the DeviceHub feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Report ID | The identifier of the inventory report to be used as the email's body (if a report is used for this mailing). You can select the report from the list. |
Notification Template | The email template to be used to generate the body of the email
(if an email template is used for this mailing). CAUTION: For each mailing, you can use only one of the
options as the body of the email: a report or a notification
template (email template). |
Format | The format in which the report (if applicable) will be sent by default if a recipient has no other preferences. You can select one of the following options: HTML, Excel, or PDF. |
Active | A check box that indicates (if selected) that this mailing is active. Emails will be sent for only active mailings. |
Warehouse Management Tab
On this tab, you can specify branch-specific settings for processes related to the functionality that supports automated inventory operations.
This tab is available only if the Warehouse Management and the Inventory Operations features are enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
Element | Description |
Use Explicit Line Confirmation | A check box that indicates (if selected) that manual confirmation of each document line (for inventory documents, such as receipts) is a required step of a process (receiving, issuing, transferring, or counting items) on forms that support automated warehouse operations. If the check box is cleared, the line confirmation step is skipped. |
Use Warehouse from User Profile | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system copies the warehouse in the Default Warehouse box of the User Profile (SM203010) form for the current user to the Warehouse box on the forms that support automated warehouse operations (such as Scan and Issue). |
Element | Description |
Use Default Quantity in Receipts |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that on the Scan and Receive (IN301020) form, the system applies the quantity entered by the user as the default quantity of each receipt line. If the check box is cleared, the system applies the quantity entered by the user to only the receipt line that is currently being processed. |
Use Default Reason Code in Receipts |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that on the Scan and Receive form, the system applies the default reason code specified in the Receipt Reason Code box to inventory receipts. If the check box is cleared, a user must scan the barcode of the appropriate reason code for at least the first line in a receipt. |
Request Location for Each Item in Receipts |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that on the Scan and Receive form, the system prompts a user to scan the location barcode before the user scans the barcode for each stock item. If the check box is cleared, the user first scans the location barcode and then scans as many barcodes as are necessary for stock items to be received in this location. To start receiving items in another location, the user scans the barcode of this location before scanning the item barcodes. |
Element | Description |
Use Default Quantity in Issues |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that on the Scan and Issue (IN302020) form, the system applies the quantity entered by the user as the default quantity of each issue line. If the check box is cleared, the system applies the quantity entered by the user to only the issue line that is currently being processed. |
Use Default Reason Code in Issues |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that on the Scan and Issue form, the system applies the default reason code specified in the Issue/Return Reason Code box to inventory issues. If the check box is cleared, a user must scan the barcode of the appropriate reason code for at least the first line in an issue. |
Request Location for Each Item in Issues |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that on the Scan and Issue form, the system prompts a user to scan the location barcode before the user scans the barcode for each stock item. If the check box is cleared, the user first scans the location barcode and then scans as many barcodes as are necessary for the stock items to be issued from this location. To start issuing items from another location, the user scans the barcode of this location before scanning the item barcodes. |
Element | Description |
Use Default Quantity in Transfers |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that on the Scan and Transfer (IN304020) form, the system applies the quantity entered by the user as the default quantity of each transfer line. If the check box is cleared, the system applies the quantity entered by the user to only the transfer line that is currently being processed. |
Use Default Reason Code in Transfers |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that on the Scan and Transfer form, the system applies the default reason code of the Transfer usage created on the Reason Codes (CS211000) form to inventory transfers. If the check box is cleared, a user must scan the barcode of the appropriate reason code for at least the first line in a transfer. |
Use Default Lot/Serial Nbr. |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system automatically inserts an available lot or serial number of an item when the user scans the item barcode. If the check box is cleared, a user must scan the barcode of the lot or serial number after scanning the item barcode. This check box is available only if the Lot and Serial Tracking feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Request Location for Each Item in Transfers |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that on the Scan and Transfer form, the system prompts a user to scan the barcodes of the origin and destination locations before the user scans the barcode for each stock item. If the check box is cleared, the user first scans the barcodes of the origin and destination locations and then scans as many barcodes as are necessary for the stock items to be transferred between these locations. To start transferring items between other locations, the user scans the barcode of the origin location and of the destination location before scanning the item barcodes. |
Element | Description |
Use Default Quantity in PI Counts |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that on the Scan and Count (IN305020) form, the system applies the quantity entered by the user as the default quantity of each line of a physical inventory document. If the check box is cleared, the system applies the quantity entered by the user to only the line of the physical inventory document that is currently being processed. |
GS1 Units Tab
On this tab, you can map the units of measure coded in the GS1-128 barcode to the units of measure specified on the Units of Measure (CS203100) form. This barcode can be scanned during the processing of documents by using a barcode scanner or a mobile device with barcode scanning support (for details, see Automated Warehouse Operations: General Information). When mapping is configured for a particular unit of measure and a you scan a GS1-128 barcode that contains document lines with quantities in this unit of measure, the system converts the scanned value to the quantity and unit of measure specified on the Units of Measure form.
Element | Description |
Kilogram | The unit of measure that corresponds to a kilogram. |
Pound | The unit of measure that corresponds to a pound. |
Ounce | The unit of measure that corresponds to an ounce. |
Troy Ounce | The unit of measure that corresponds to a troy ounce. |
Element | Description |
Kilogram per Square Metre | The unit of measure that corresponds to a kilogram per square metre. |
Element | Description |
Cubic Metre | The unit of measure that corresponds to a cubic metre. |
Cubic Inch | The unit of measure that corresponds to a cubic inch. |
Cubic Foot | The unit of measure that corresponds to a cubic foot. |
Cubic Yard | The unit of measure that corresponds to a cubic yard. |
Litre | The unit of measure that corresponds to a litre. |
Quart | The unit of measure that corresponds to a quart. |
Gallon U.S. | The unit of measure that corresponds to a U.S. gallon. |
Element | Description |
Metre | The unit of measure that corresponds to a metre. |
Inch | The unit of measure that corresponds to an inch. |
Foot | The unit of measure that corresponds to a foot. |
Yard | The unit of measure that corresponds to a yard. |
Element | Description |
Square Metre | The unit of measure that corresponds to a square metre. |
Square Inch | The unit of measure that corresponds to a square inch. |
Square Foot | The unit of measure that corresponds to a square foot. |
Square Yard | The unit of measure that corresponds to a square yard. |