Units of Measure
Form ID: (CS203100)
This form displays the reference table of unit conversions for the units of measure (UOMs) used in MYOB Advanced. You can add new units of measure by specifying how they can be converted to other units of measure available in the system. For more information about units of measure, see Unit of Measure Creation: General Information.
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This table displays the relationships among the units of measure defined in the system. Each line in the table defines a rule used to perform a conversion from one unit of measure to another. When you add a new unit, specify its conversion first to itself and then to other units. Units from this table will appear on the list of UOMs used to define item classes.
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Column | Description |
From Unit | The unit to be converted. |
To Unit | The unit to which the unit specified in the From Unit will be converted with the use of the specified operation and specified conversion factor. |
Multiply/Divide | The operation to be performed for conversion of the From Unit to the To Unit. You can select the Multiply or Divide option to perform conversions between those units of measure. |
Conversion Factor | The factor to be used for the unit conversion with the specified operation. |