Item Classes
Form ID: (IN201000)
On this form, you can define item classes, which are used to group stock or non-stock items with similar properties and to provide default settings for new items. You can browse through the existing item classes and modify their settings, add new classes, and delete unused (unpopulated) classes from the system.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes standard buttons and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands can be shown as buttons on the form toolbar, as commands on the More menu, or in both places. These commands are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.
Command | Description |
Manage Restriction Groups | Navigates to the Restriction Groups by Item Class (IN103010) form so you can view the restriction group members. |
Apply to Children | Applies the settings of the currently selected item class to all its child item classes. |
Change ID | Opens the Specify New ID dialog box, in which you can enter a new identifier for the item class. |
Apply Restriction Settings to All Inventory Items | Updates the security settings for all items of the class if the default restriction groups of the class have been reassigned. |
Item Class Tree Pane
In this pane, you can view the hierarchy of the item classes that are defined in the system and quickly navigate to any of these classes. You click an item class in this pane to view the settings of this item class in the right pane.
Depending on the configuration of the INITEMCLASS segmented key on the Segmented Keys (CS202000) form, an item class can be a parent class; that is, it can have child item classes, which are represented as nested levels (nodes or leaves) in the tree. Parent item classes are represented as nodes of the tree. If an item class has no child item classes, it is displayed as a leaf of the tree.
Right Pane: Summary Area
In this area, you can enter the identifier and description for a new item class, or select an existing class for viewing or modification.
Element | Description |
Class ID | The unique identifier of the item class. The structure of this identifier is defined by the configuration of the INITEMCLASS segmented key, which is specified on the Segmented Keys form. |
Description | A description of the item class. |
Right Pane: General Tab
This tab holds the basic settings of the item class, including the unit conversion rules for it.
Element | Description |
Stock Item |
A check box you select to include only stock items in this class. This check box is available only if the Inventory feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. |
Allow Negative Quantity |
A check box you select to allow negative on-hand quantities for items of this class. To have more options for processing sales orders with these items, also select the Add Zero Lines for Items Not in Stock check box on the Sales Orders Preferences (SO101000) form. For more information, see Shipping Rule Combinations. This check box is available only if the Inventory feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Accrue Cost |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that on release of an SO invoice with this item, the system calculates the accrued cost and posts this cost to the Expense account of the item. Otherwise, if the check box is cleared, the cost of sold items is not accrued to expenses. For details, see Creating Non-Stock Items: General Information. |
Export to External System |
A check box that you select to allow the export of items of this class to an external e-commerce system or multiple systems. By default, this check box is selected for all new item classes. The check box is available only if the Retail Commerce feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Item Type | The item type that will be selected by default for new items of this item class. You can select one of the following options: Finished Good, Component Part, or Subassembly. (This setting has no business logic tied to it in the current version and can be used for informational purposes only.) |
Valuation Method |
The valuation method to be assigned by default to all stock items of the class. You can select one of the following options:
This box is available only if the Inventory feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Replenishment Source | The source of replenishment used for items of the class. One of
the following options can be selected:
This box is displayed if only if the Manufacturing feature is enabled and the Inventory Replenishment feature is disabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. If the Inventory Replenishment feature is enabled, you specify replenishment settings on the Replenishment tab. |
Tax Category | The tax category to be assigned by default to new items of this item class. Tax categories are defined by using the Tax Categories (TX205500) form. |
Tax Calculation Mode | The tax calculation mode assigned by default to the expense items
of this item class:
This box appears only if the non-stock item class has the Expense item type and only if the Net/Gross Entry Mode feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Posting Class |
The posting class selected for the item class. You use the Posting Classes (IN206000) form to define posting classes and their settings. This box is available only if the Inventory feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Lot/Serial Class |
The lot/serial class to be assigned by default to new items of this item class. This box appears only if the Lot and Serial Tracking feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. You use the Lot/Serial Classes (IN207000) form to define lot/serial classes and their settings. |
Price Class | The price class to be assigned by default to new items of this item class. You use the Item Price Classes (IN209000) form to define lot/serial classes and their settings. |
Default Warehouse |
The warehouse that will be used by default for receiving and issuing the items of this item class. If the feature is disabled, the MAIN warehouse is used as the default warehouse. This box appears only if the Multiple Warehouse Locations feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Availability Calculation Rule |
The availability calculation rule to be used for calculating the availability of inventory items of this item class. For more information, see Availability Calculation Rules: General Information. This box appears only if the Inventory feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Element | Description |
Tariff Code | The six-digit tariff code that complies with the Harmonized
System of tariff nomenclature standardized by the World Customs
Organization. This box is available only if the Shipping Carrier Integration feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. |
Element | Description |
Undership Threshold (%) |
The minimum percentage of goods shipped (with respect to the ordered quantity) for the system to mark the order as completely shipped. This setting is not applicable to items with serial or lot numbers specified; these items should be shipped in the precise quantities in which they are ordered. This setting provides the default value for items of this class. |
Overship Threshold (%) |
The maximum percentage of goods shipped (with respect to the ordered quantity) allowed by the customer. This setting is not applicable to items with serial or lot numbers specified; these items should be shipped in the precise quantities in which they are ordered. This setting provides the default value for items of this class. |
Element | Description |
Base Unit | The UOM to be used as the default base unit for items of the class. You can select the base unit from the list of UOMs defined on the Units of Measure (CS203100) form. |
Divisible Unit |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that decimal quantities of items of the item class in the base UOM can be specified in the following documents, depending on whether this class is created for stock or non-stock items:
When the check box is cleared, the system validates the quantities of items of the item class, making sure that they are integers, on inventory documents, shipments, SO invoices, and purchase receipts. By default, this check box is selected. |
Sales Unit |
The UOM to be used as the default sales unit for items of the class. You select this unit from the list of globally defined UOMs for which conversion factors to the selected base unit are specified on the Units of Measure form, or type an UOM. You then press Enter, and a new row will be appended to the unit conversion table for the class. In this row, you specify a conversion rule between the UOM selected as the sales unit and the UOM selected as the base unit. This box appears on the form only if the Multiple Units of Measure feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Divisible Unit |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that decimal quantities of items of the item class in the sales UOM can be specified in sales orders, shipments, and invoices. If the check box is cleared, only integer quantities of items of the item class in the sales UOM can be specified in these sales documents. If the items can be sold in other UOMs, the system validates the quantity of each item converted to the sales UOM, making sure that it is an integer. By default, this check box is selected. This box appears on the form only if the Multiple Units of Measure feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Purchase Unit |
The UOM to be used as the default purchase unit for items of the class. You select the unit from the list of globally defined UOMs for which conversion factors to the chosen base unit are specified on the Units of Measure form, or type an UOM. You then press Enter, and a new row will be appended to the unit conversion table for the class. In this row, you specify a conversion rule between the UOM selected as the purchase unit and the UOM selected as the base unit. This box appears on the form only if the Multiple Units of Measure feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Divisible Unit |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that decimal quantities of items of the item class in the purchase UOM can be specified in purchase orders and receipts. If the check box is cleared, only integer quantities of items of the item class in the purchase UOM can be specified in these purchase documents. If the items can be purchased in other UOMs, the system does not validate the quantity of each item converted to the purchase UOM, making sure that it is an integer. By default, this check box is selected. This box appears on the form only if the Multiple Units of Measure feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Column | Description |
From Unit | The unit to be converted. |
Multiply/Divide | The operation to be performed to convert the quantities expressed in the unit specified in the From Unit column to the quantities expressed in the unit specified in the Base Unit column. |
Conversion Factor | The factor to be used to convert the quantities expressed in the unit specified in the From Unit column to the quantities expressed in the unit specified in the Base Unit column. |
To Unit | The target unit for the unit conversion operations. All conversions are defined with respect to the base unit. |
Element | Description |
Price Workgroup | The default workgroup responsible for pricing items of the class. |
Price Manager | The default manager responsible for pricing items of the class. |
Min. Markup % | The default minimum markup percentage required for items of the class. |
Markup % | The default markup percentage for items of the class. The markup is the difference between the price of the item and its cost, with respect to the cost. |
Element | Description |
Days of Supply |
The number of days that the system uses by default for the consolidation of demand documents containing an item of this class during material requirements planning. When the number of days is more than zero, the system groups into a single planned order all items with the same ID from all demand documents (such as sales orders) with the requested date within the number of days starting from the current date. Tip: Demand documents are documents
that generate demand for items and cause items to be issued from one of the company's
warehouses. The demand document may be a sales order, a forecast, or a production order
for materials included in an item to be produced.
When an item of this class is created on the Stock Items (IN202500) form, the value specified in this box will be inserted in the Days of Supply box on the Manufacturing tab of that form as the default value, but it can be overridden for the item. If you later change the value in this box, the system updates the value in the Days of Supply box on the Stock Items form for each item of the class for which the default value has not been overridden. |
Right Pane: Replenishment Tab
On the Replenishment tab, you can create a list of replenishment classes that apply by default to stock items of the item class. Also, for each replenishment class, you can select a demand forecasting model and parameters for this model to be used in automatic replenishment.
This tab is available if the Inventory Replenishment and Multiple Warehouses features are enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
Element | Description |
Demand Calculation |
An option that defines how the system calculates the item quantity on demand for replenishment. Documents of the following types may be involved in the demand calculation: sales orders, transfers, and kit assembly documents (of the Production type). You can select one of the following options:
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Replenishment Class ID | The replenishment class that applies to items of this item class. |
Seasonality | The set of seasonality settings to be used with the replenishment class, by its ID. |
Source | The source of replenishment used for items of the class with this
replenishment class. One of the following options can be selected:
Method | The method of replenishment to be used by default for items of
the class with this replenishment class. You can select one of the
following options:
Replenishment Warehouse | If Purchase is selected in the Replenishment
Source column, the warehouse to handle centralized
purchasing for replenishment in the demand warehouse. Note: If
replenishment of the item is to be performed by purchasing
directly to the demand warehouse, select no warehouse in this
column. If Transfer is selected in the Replenishment Source column, this is the warehouse to be used as the source of replenishment by transfers. This column is available only if the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Transfer Lead Time | The number of days required for transferring goods from the source warehouse. |
Transfer ERQ | The economic reasonable quantity (ERQ) for the item transfer. This value represents the level of inventory that minimizes the total transfer costs. |
Demand Forecast Model | The model to be used for calculating the revised replenishment
parameters for this replenishment class when applied to items of the
item class. The following options are available:
Forecast Period Type | The type of time period to be used for selecting historical data for demand forecast model. The following options are available: Quarter, Month, Week, or Day. |
Periods to Analyze | The number of specified time periods for selecting historical data for the demand forecast model. |
Launch Date | The date when the current replenishment settings become effective for replenishment of items of the class. |
Termination Date | The date when the current replenishment settings of the replenishment class expire. |
Service Level (%) | The service level assigned to the item class. Note: The default value is 84.0%, which
results in a safety stock level of zero. For details on
usage of the service level parameter, see Configuration of Replenishment: Demand Forecast Model. |
Right Pane: Restriction Groups Tab
The Restriction Groups tab of the right pane displays the restriction groups in which item classes are included. For each class, you can select the groups to which the new items of the class will be assigned by default, and if default groups have been reassigned, you can update the settings for all existing items of the class by clicking Apply Restriction Settings to All Inventory Items on the form toolbar.
Button | Description |
Group Details | Navigates to the Restriction Groups (SM201030) form to let you view details of the restriction group. |
Column | Description |
Included | An unlabeled check box that indicates (if selected) that this restriction group will be assigned by default to items of the class. Select this check box if you want new items of the class to be assigned to this group by default. |
Group Name |
The name of the restriction group. The value of this column is read-only. |
Specific Type |
The functional type of the group, which can be Inventory Item Restriction. The value of this column is read-only. |
Description |
A brief description of the group. The value of this column is read-only. |
Active |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the group is active. The value of this column is read-only. |
Group Type |
A read-only column that shows the type of the restriction group: A, A Inverse, B, or B Inverse. For more information on these options, see Types of Restriction Groups. |
Right Pane: Attributes Tab
The tab has a table with the attributes to be used for items of the item class and attribute properties, including order on the list of class attributes. For examples of using attributes in customer management, see: Defining Lead Classes, Defining Business Account Classes, Defining Contact Classes, Defining Campaign Classes, Defining Opportunity Classes, and Defining Case Classes.
To create a new attribute, use the Attributes (CS205000) form.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Active | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the attribute is available for all items of the class. You can deactivate an obsolete attribute by clearing the check box—in this case, the deactivated attribute will no longer be displayed for items of the class, but all attribute values that have already been specified for existing records still will be stored in the database, so if you re-activate the attribute, its values will become visible in the system again. |
Attribute ID | The identifier of the attribute. |
Description | A read-only column that displays the detailed description of the attribute. |
Sort Order | A number that represents the order of the attribute in the list of class attributes. Type an integer directly in the column. The lower the integer, the higher the attribute will be in the list of class attributes. |
Required | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the attribute value is required for items of the class. |
Control Type | A read-only column that displays the type of control (element) for the attribute: Text, Combo, Checkbox, or Datetime. |
Category | The category of this attribute, which is one of the following:
This column is displayed only if the Matrix Items feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. |
Element | Description |
Default Column Attribute ID | The default attribute whose values the system displays in the columns of the matrix table when you generate matrix items of the template item by invoking the Create Matrix Items command on the form toolbar of this form or when you select matrix items of the template item on sales and purchase orders. |
Default Row Attribute ID | The default attribute whose values the system displays in the rows of the matrix table when you generate matrix items of the template item by invoking the Create Matrix Items command on the form toolbar of this form or when you select matrix items of the template item on sales and purchase orders. |
Element | Description |
Segment Type | The segment type, which is one of the following:
Attribute ID |
The attribute identifier that provides values for the segment. This column is available for the attribute identifier to be selected only if Attribute Value or Attribute Caption is selected in the Segment Type column of this row. |
Constant | The constant text to be used in the segment. You can specify a constant value in this column only if Constant is selected in the Segment Type column. |
Numbering ID |
The identifier of the numbering sequence that is used in the segment. You can select a numbering sequence in this column only if Auto Number is selected in the Segment Type column. You can manage numbering sequences by using the Numbering Sequences (CS201010) form. |
Number of Characters | The maximum number of characters in the segment. If the segment value exceed this number, the system cuts the value so that is has the specified length left to right. If the segment value contains less characters than the value of this column, the system adds spaces to the right of the value. |
Use Space as Separator | A check box that indicates (if selected) that a space is used as a separator between this and the next segments. |
Separator |
The character that is used as a separator between this segment and the next segment. If the Use Space as Separator check box is selected, this column is unavailable for editing; a space will be used as a separator between this segment and the one listed in the following row. |
Element | Description |
Segment Type | The segment type, which is one of the following:
Attribute ID |
The attribute identifier that provides values for the segment. This column is available for the attribute identifier to be selected only if Attribute Value or Attribute Caption is selected in the Segment Type column of this row. |
Constant | The constant text to be used in the segment. You can specify a constant value in this column only if Constant is selected in the Segment Type column. |
Numbering ID |
The identifier of the numbering sequence that is used in the segment. You can select a numbering sequence in this column only if Auto Number is selected in the Segment Type column. You can manage numbering sequences by using the Numbering Sequences (CS201010) form. |
Number of Characters | The maximum number of characters in the segment. If the segment value exceed this number, the system cuts the value so that is has the specified length left to right. If the segment value contains less characters than the value of this column, the system adds spaces to the right of the value. |
Use Space as Separator | A check box that indicates (if selected) that a space is used as a separator between this and the next segments. |
Separator |
The character that is used as a separator between this segment and the next segment. If the Use Space as Separator check box is selected, this column is unavailable for editing; a space will be used as a separator between this segment and the one listed in the following row. |
Service Management Tab
On this tab, you can set the default settings of the items of the class to be used in service management.
This tab is available only if the Service Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
Element | Description |
Default Billing Rule | The default billing rule that is assigned to the non-stock items
of the Service type of this class on the Non-Stock Items form. You can select one of the
Element | Description |
Route Service Class | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the item class is the class for the non-stock items that are used in route management. |
Element | Description |
Equipment Class | The type of equipment of the stock items that belong to the item
class. Select one of the following option buttons:
Column | Description |
Component ID | The identifier of the component of the stock items of the class. |
Active | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the component is active in the system and can be used in equipment management. |
Optional | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the component is not included in the stock items by default. |
Quantity | The quantity of components of a stock item of the class. |
Description | The description of the component. |
Item Class ID | The identifier of the item class with the Component stock item type to which the component is related. |