Order Synchronization: To Configure and Import Authorize.Net Payments
The following activity will walk you through the process of configuring the system so that you can import payments based on the Authorize.Net payment method from the Shopify store to MYOB Advanced and then further process them, if necessary.
Suppose that the SweetLife Fruits & Jams company wants to accept card payments in the Shopify store. The company already has the Authorize.Net account for processing card payments. Acting as an implementation consultant helping SweetLife to set up the integration of MYOB Advanced with the Shopify store, you need to configure Authorize.Net as a card payment provider in the Shopify store, configure the card payment processing in MYOB Advanced, and then configure the import of card payments from the Shopify store to MYOB Advanced.
Configuration Overview
- On the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the Integrated Card Processing feature has been enabled.
- On the Cash Accounts (CA202000) form, the 10250ST cash account has been created.
Process Overview
In this activity, you will do the following:
- On the Accounts Receivable Preferences (AR101000) form, activate integrated card processing.
- On the Processing Centers (CA205000) form, define a processing center.
- On the Processing Centers form, connect the processing center to the Authorize.Net payment gateway.
- On the Payment Methods (CA204000) form, define a payment method that will represent all card payments in the Shopify store.
- In the admin area of the Shopify store, activate the Authorize.Net payment gateway for accepting card payments.
- On the Shopify Stores (BC201010) form, map the Authorize.Net store payment method with the payment method defined in MYOB Advanced for all card payments.
- On the storefront of the Shopify store, create a test sales order paid by card.
- In the admin area of the Shopify store, review the created test sales order.
- On the Prepare Data (BC501000) form, prepare the sales order for synchronization; on the Process Data (BC501500) form, process the sales order data prepared for synchronization.
- On the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, review the imported sales order.
System Preparation
Before you complete the instructions in this activity, do the following:
- Make sure that the following prerequisites have been met:
- The Shopify store has been created and configured, as described in Initial Configuration: To Set Up a Shopify Store.
- The connection to the Shopify store has been established and the initial configuration has been performed, as described in Initial Configuration: To Configure the Store Connection.
- Sign up for an Authorize.Net sandbox account at https://developer.authorize.net/hello_world/sandbox.html. After you create an account, you will get the credentials to use in payment processing (API Login ID and Transaction Key). You will use these credentials in this activity.
- Configure MYOB Advanced to use HTTPS. A secure connection with a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate is required for making transactions to the Authorize.Net payment gateway through the MYOB Advanced website.
- Launch the MYOB Advanced website with the U100 dataset preloaded, and sign in with the
following credentials:
- Username: gibbs
- Password: 123
Step 1: Activating Integrated Card Processing
To activate integrated card processing, do the following:
- Open the Accounts Receivable Preferences (AR101000) form.
- In the Data Processing Settings section, select the Enable Integrated CC Processing check box.
- On the form toolbar, click Save.
Step 2: Creating the Processing Center
To create the processing center that will be connected to the Authorize.Net payment gateway, do the following:
- Open the Processing Centers (CA205000) form.
- On the form toolbar, click Add New Record, and in the
Summary area, specify the following settings:
- Proc. Center ID:
This processing center represents the connection to the Authorize.Net payment gateway for the credit card processing transactions from the online store.
- Name: Authorize.Net Commerce
- Cash Account: 10250ST - Company Merchant
This cash account also determines the currency in which the system will make the authorization and capture credit card transactions.
- Active: Selected
- Payment Plug-In (Type): Authorize.Net API
The selected payment plug-in is a card processing plug-in supplied with MYOB Advanced that interacts with the payment gateway in PCI DSS-compliant mode. The sensitive information of the card is neither stored in MYOB Advanced nor transferred between the system and the payment gateway.
- Allow Saving Payment Profiles: Selected (default state)
- Synchronize Deletion: Selected (default state)
- Accept Payments from New Cards: Selected (default state)
- Proc. Center ID:
- On the form toolbar, click Save.
Step 3: Specifying the Connection Settings for the Processing Center
To configure the connection to the Authorize.Net payment gateway (so that you can use the payment gateway in test mode), do the following:
- While you are still viewing the Processing Centers (CA205000) form
with Authorize.Net API plug-in selected, on the Plug-In
Parameters tab, specify the values as listed in the following
ID Value MERCNAME The API Login ID of your sandbox account SIGNKEY Leave empty TESTMODE 1 TRANKEY The Transaction Key of your sandbox account VALIDATION Test Mode - To test that the connection settings, on the form toolbar, click Test
If the test connection is successful, the system will display the following confirmation message: The credentials were accepted by the processing center.
Step 4: Configuring a Payment Method That Represents Payments by Card
You can create one payment method for all credit cards, which is the approach you will take in this step. (Alternatively, to categorize payments in MYOB Advanced by card payment systems, you could create a payment method for each payment system supported by the gateway and specify the same merchant account for all payment methods.)
To create the ALLCARDS payment method for all payments by credit card, do the following:
- Open the Payment Methods (CA204000) form.
- On the form toolbar, click Add New Record.
- In the Summary area, specify the following settings:
- ERP Payment Method: ALLCARDS
- Active: Selected
- Means of Payment: Credit Card
- Description: All card payments
- Use in AP: Cleared
- Use in AR: Selected
- Require Remittance Information for Cash Account: Cleared
When you set Means of Payment to Credit Card, on the Settings for Use in AR tab, the Integrated Processing check box becomes selected, and the Processing Centers tab appears.
- On the Allowed Cash Accounts tab, do the following:
- On the table toolbar, click Add Row.
- In the new row, select the 10250ST cash account in the Cash Account column.
- Make sure the Use in AR check box is selected.
- On the Processing Centers tab, add a row, and specify the
following settings in the row:
- Proc. Center ID: AUTHNETCOM
- Active: Selected
- Default: Selected
- On the form toolbar, click Save to save your changes.
Step 5: Defining the Authorize.Net Payment Gateway in the Shopify Store
To define the Authorize.Net payment method that the store will accept for the United States Dollar (USD) currency, do the following:
- Sign in to the Shopify store as the store administrator.
- In the bottom left of the, click .
- On the Payments settings page, which opens, in the Third-party providers section, click Choose third-party provider.
- On the Third-party payment providers page, which opens, click the row of Authorize.net.
- On the payment provider settings page that opens for Authorize.net (Account information section), specify the API Login ID and Transaction ID of your Authorize.net sandbox account, which you used to create a processing center in Step 3.
- In the Test mode section, select the Enable test mode check box.
- In the bottom right, click Activate Authorize.net.
- Click Back to return to the Payments page.
- In the Payment capture section, make sure that the
Manually capture payment for orders check box is
With this setting, the payment is authorized at the time of the order placement, and then you can manually capture it in the admin area or after the order is imported to MYOB Advanced.
- In the bottom right, click Save to save your changes.
Step 6: Creating the Mapping for the Authorize.Net Store Payment Method
To configure the mapping for the Authorize.Net store payment method, do the following:
- Open the Shopify Stores (BC201010) form.
- In the Store Name box of the Summary area, select SweetStore - SP.
- On the Payment Settings tab, in the Base
Currency Payment Methods table of the Payment Method
Mapping section, map the Authorize.Net payment method set up in
the Shopify store with the payment method configured in MYOB Advanced by specifying the following settings:
- Active: Selected
- Store Payment Method: AUTHORIZE_NET
- ERP Payment Method: ALLCARDS
- Cash Account: 10250ST
- Proc. Center ID: AUTHNETCOM
- Click Save to save your changes.
Step 7: Creating an Order Through the Storefront
To purchase a jar of jam, so that you can later import the order and review the credit card payment, do the following:
- Sign in to the admin area of the Shopify store as the store administrator.
- In the left pane, under Sales Channels, click the Preview button right of Online Store.
- On the storefront, start typing plum in the search bar, and in the list of search results, click Plum jam 96 oz.
- On the page for the Plum jam 96 oz product, click Add to Cart.
- In the top right, click View Cart.
- On the Your Cart page, which opens, change the quantity of the Plum jam 96 oz product to 3.
- Click Check Out.
- On the order creation page (Information step), specify
the needed settings as follows:
- In the Contact information section, in the Email or mobile phone number box, specify melody@example.com.
- In the Shipping address section, fill in the
shipping address boxes as follows:
- First name: Melody
- Last name: Keys
- Address: 3402 Angus Road
- City: New York
- Country/Region: United States
- State: New York
- Postal Code: 10003
- At the bottom of the page, click Continue to shipping.
- On the order creation page (Shipping step), in the Shipping method section, select the Economy option button, and click Continue to payment.
- On the order creation page (Payment step), in the
Payment section, select the Credit
card option button, and specify the following card settings:
- Credit number: 4111 1111 1111 1111
- Name on card: Melody Keys
- Expiration: 12/23
- Security code: 123
- In the Billing address section, select the Same as shipping address option button.
- Click Pay now to place and pay your order.
Your order has been created, and on the confirmation page, the order number is displayed. You will process the order with this order number further in this activity.
Step 8: Reviewing the Sales Order in the Admin Area
To review the sales order that you placed in the previous step, do the following:
- While you are signed in to the admin area of the Shopify store, in the left menu, click Orders.
- On the Orders page, which opens, click the row of the order for Melody Keys.
- On the order details page, which opens, review the order details.
Notice that the payment status is Authorized and the Capture payment button is displayed. Because you have configured the Authorize.net payment option to only authorize (but not capture) the payment amount when the order is placed, the payment funds have not yet been captured.
Tip: You can view the details of the card transaction by expanding the corresponding link in the Timeline section at the bottom of the page.
Step 9: Importing the Sales Order
To prepare the sales order data for synchronization and then process it, do the following:
- Open the Prepare Data (BC501000) form.
- In the Store box of the Summary area, select SweetStore - SP.
- In the Prepare Mode box, select Incremental.
- In the table, select the unlabeled check box in the row of the Sales Order entity, and on the form toolbar, click Prepare.
- In the Processing dialog box, which opens, review the results of the processing, and click Close to close the dialog box.
- In the row of the Sales Order entity, click the link with the number of prepared synchronization records in the Ready to Process column.
- On the Process Data (BC501500) form, which opens with the SweetStore - SP store and the Sales Order entity selected, click Process All on the form toolbar.
- In the Processing dialog box, which opens, review the results of the processing, and click Close to close the dialog box.
Step 10: Reviewing the Imported Sales Order
To review the settings of the imported sales order, do the following:
- Open the Sync History (BC301000) form.
- In the Summary area, specify the following settings:
- Store: SweetStore - SP
- Entity: Sales Order
- On the Processed tab, in the row of the sales order that you have just imported, click the link in the ERP ID column.
- On the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, which opens for the
imported order, review the settings of the order.
In the Summary area, notice that the Customer Order Nbr. and Description boxes include the order number from Shopify. In the Customer box, the system has inserted the ID of the customer that was generated based on the customer numbering sequence defined on the Shopify Stores (BC201010) form.
- On the Payments tab, review the details of the created
payment document.
Notice that the payment document has the Prepayment type. It includes the external credit card transaction associated with the purchase. The number of the transaction (which in Shopify is shown in the Timeline) is displayed in the Payment Ref. column and its status, which is Pre-Authorized, is displayed in the Proc. Status column.
- On the table toolbar, click Capture.
After the capture operation is successfully completed, Proc. Status is changed to Captured, and the status of the prepayment document is changed from Pending Processing to Balanced, which means that the prepayment document can now be released.
Next you would proceed to create and confirm the related shipment, prepare the related invoice, and release the payment. For the purposes of this activity, you do not have to perform any of these operations.