Order Synchronization: Orders with Gift Wrapping
In a BigCommerce store, a merchant can provide its customers with the option of having their purchase gift-wrapped. The BigCommerce gift-wrapping functionality supports creating gift-wrapping options for specific products or for all products, for free or at various pricing levels. If a customer purchases an item for which gift-wrapping options have been configured, they have the option to add gift wrapping and a gift message to their purchase while viewing their shopping cart.
Configuration of Gift Wrapping Import
To configure the import of gift-wrapped items to MYOB Advanced, you perform the following general steps:
- On the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form, define a non-stock
item to represent gift wrapping in sales orders, shipments, and invoices. This non-stock
item should have the following settings:
- Item Status (in the Summary area): Active, No Purchases, or No Request
- Type (the General tab): Non-Stock Item or Service
- Require Receipt: Selected
- Require Shipment: Selected
- On the Order Settings tab of the BigCommerce Stores (BC201000) form, select the non-stock item that represents gift wrapping in the new Gift Wrapping Item box. The non-stock item selected in this box is excluded from synchronization and is not exported when the Non-Stock Item entity is synchronized with the BigCommerce store.
When a sales order that includes gift-wrapped items is imported from the BigCommerce store to MYOB Advanced, on the Details tab of the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, the imported sales order contains a line for gift wrapping for each of the gift-wrapped items. In the line for the gift-wrapping item, the system inserts the same warehouse as is assigned to the main item. The line number of the item to which the gift wrapping pertains is shown in the Associated Order Line Nbr. column.
Import of Gift Messages
Active | ERP Object | ERP Field | External Object | External Field / Value |
Selected | Sales Order → Details | Gift Message | Order Data → Order Products | Wrapping Message |
Gift Wrapping Details in the Sales Order Synchronization Record Information
You can view the information about the gift-wrapping item on the Sync History (BC301000) form. To do this, you select a row of a sales order synchronization record in the table and click View Details on the More menu. In the Sync Record Details dialog box, which is opened, information about the sales order line containing the gift-wrapping item is displayed along with information about the sales order line of the item for which gift wrapping was added in the BigCommerce store. The gift wrapping order line contains Sales Order Line (Gift Wrapping) in the Entity Type column. The sales order line for gift wrapping has the same value in the External ID column as the sales order line of the item to be gift wrapped.