Marketing Campaigns: Project Accounting for Campaigns
In MYOB Advanced, you can use the project accounting functionality to track the expenses and revenue related to a marketing campaign and associate a marketing campaign with a project if the Project Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. The system can treat a marketing campaign as a project and use the mechanism for tracking the project budget for tracking the budget of the marketing campaign.
For more information about project budgets, see Managing the Project Budget.
Configuring a Project for a Campaign
To be able to track the expenses and revenue of a marketing campaign, you need to create a project on the Projects (PM301000) form without selecting any customer. For the project, on the Projects or Project Tasks (PM302000) form, you also need to create a project task dedicated to the expense and revenue accounting of a marketing campaign. For more information, see Creating and Processing Projects.
Also, in the system settings for projects, All Projects must be selected in the Restrict Project Selection box on the General tab (Visibility Settings section) of the Projects Preferences (PM101000) form. This setting makes it possible for the system to associate an invoice or sales order that is created as a result of this marketing campaign with a project with no customer selected.
You can select the project and project task associated with a marketing campaign on the Campaign Details tab (Project Accounting Integration section) of the Marketing Campaigns (CR202000) form. If needed, you can specify these settings for multiple marketing campaigns to associate them with a single project.
You can delete a project associated with a marketing campaign by clearing the settings specified in the Project Accounting Integration section of the Campaign Details tab for this marketing campaign. You can also change the project by selecting another project and project task. In this case, all documents created based on this marketing campaign stay associated with the previously defined project. You can override a project, unless it is specified in a released invoice.
Processing Campaign-Related Documents
By default, an activity created on the Marketing Campaigns (CR202000) form is not associated with any project, even if the campaign itself is associated with a project. You can associate an activity of Work Item or Task type with a project and project task by selecting them in the Project and Project Task boxes, respectively, on the Activity (CR306010) or Task (CR306020) form. The marketing campaign activities with selected project and project task will be displayed on the Activities tab of the Projects (PM301000) and Project Tasks (PM302000) forms.
If a project and project task have been defined for the marketing campaign, the system associates them with any opportunities that are created as a result of this marketing campaign. You can also manually associate an opportunity created on the Opportunities (CR304000) form that is not based on any marketing campaign, with a marketing campaign (and a project, respectively) in one of the following ways:
- By selecting the marketing campaign in the Source Campaign box on the CRM Info tab (Source section) of the Opportunities form
- By selecting the project in the Project box on the Financial tab (Other Settings section) of the Opportunities form
If only one marketing campaign is associated with a project, the system inserts it in the Source Campaign box by default. If multiple campaigns are associated with a project, in this box, you can select a marketing campaign from the list of marketing campaigns associated with the selected project. The system inserts the project task created for this marketing campaign in the Project Task column on the Details tab of the Opportunities form for an opportunity.
If you do not need to associate an opportunity with a marketing campaign, you can delete the marketing campaign that is inserted for the opportunity in the Source Campaign box of the Opportunities form. In this case, the opportunity is not associated with the marketing campaign and project.
When you create an invoice through an opportunity that has resulted from a marketing campaign, the system adds the line with this invoice on the Invoices tab of the Projects form. When the created invoice is released, the system shows the revenue and expenses of the marketing campaign in the Actual Amount column on the Balances tab of the form.