Form ID: (CR306010)
On this form, you can create a new activity, such as a note, chat, escalation, message, phone call, or work item. You can also view (and edit, if needed) any existing activity.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.
Button | Description |
Complete | Changes the status of the activity to Completed. |
Summary Area
You use this area to enter or view the settings of the activity.
Element | Description |
Summary | A brief description of the activity, which is used as its identifier. |
Type | The type of the activity, which is one of the options defined on the Activity Types (CR102000) form. |
Internal | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the activity is hidden from external users. |
Date |
The start date and time of the activity. The time information is available only if the Track Time and Costs check box is selected. |
Workgroup | The workgroup to which the activity is assigned. |
Owner | The user name of the employee responsible for this activity. |
Related Entity Type | The type of the entity that is associated with the activity. This box is empty by default. You can select the type of the entity related to the event from the following predefined list of entity types:
Related Entity |
The entity of the selected type that is associated with the activity. This box becomes available and required when the Related Entity Type box is filled in. If you change the type of entity in the Related Entity Type box, this box becomes blank, and you can select an entity of the newly selected type. You can select an existing entity of the selected type by clicking the magnifier button; this opens the lookup table with the available records of the selected type. If this entity is selected, you can click the Open button to the right of this box to open a new browser tab with the entity on the appropriate form. If you select or change the related entity on the current form and the data entry form of this related entity has an Activities tab, the summary information about the activity on the current form will be copied to this tab of the data entry form. For example, if you associate the activity is associated with a specific lead, on the Activities tab of the Leads (CR301000) form, the system adds a row with the summary information about the current activity. If you change the entity selected in this box, the current activity will no longer be associated with the entity previously selected in this box. |
Task | The parent task or event for the current activity. |
Project |
The project associated with this activity (or the non-project code, which indicates that this activity is not associated with any project defined in the system). The box is shown if the Time Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. With this feature enabled, if the activity was created from the Projects (PM301000) or Project Tasks (PM302000) form, the box is shown if the Track Time and Costs check box is selected in the Summary area of the current form. If the Time Management feature is disabled, the box is shown if the activity was created from the Projects or Project Tasks form. |
Certified Job |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the activity is a certified job. The system automatically selects this check box if for the associated project, the Certified Job check box is selected in the Project Properties section on the Summary tab of the Projects form. You can clear this check box if it has been selected or select it manually, if needed. The box is shown only if the Construction feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form and the Track Time and Costs check box is selected in the Summary area of the current form. |
Project Task |
The project task with which this activity is associated. You can select only a project task that relates to the project selected in the Project box. If you select a project that has the default project task, this task is automatically populated in the column. The box is shown if the Time Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. With this feature enabled, if the activity was created from the Projects or Project Tasks form, the box is shown if the Track Time and Costs check box is selected in the Summary area of the current form. If the Time Management feature is disabled, the box is shown if the activity was created from the Projects or Project Tasks form. |
Cost Code |
The cost code with which this activity is associated to track project costs and revenue. The box is shown if the Cost Code feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form and the Track Time and Costs check box is selected in the Summary area of the current form. |
Labor Item |
The non-stock item of the Labor type associated with the activity. By default, the system selects the labor item associated with the owner of this activity. You can clear the box if a labor item has been selected or select a labor item manually, if needed. The box is shown if the Time Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form and the Track Time and Costs check box is cleared in the Summary area of the current form. If the Time Management feature is disabled, the box is shown if the activity was created from the Projects or Project Tasks form and the Track Time and Costs check box is cleared in the Summary area of the current form. |
Union Local |
The union local associated with the activity. The system automatically populates the Union Local box in the activity based on the owner of the activity and its associated project as follows:
You can clear the box if a union local has been selected or select a union local manually, if needed. The box is shown only if the Construction feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form and the Track Time and Costs check box is selected in the Summary area of the current form. |
Track Time and Costs |
A check box that you select to make available elements that you can use to enter the time-related information and track billable time in projects. For a new activity created from the Projects or Project Tasks form, the check box is selected by default regardless of the state of the Track Time and Costs check box of the activity type on the Activity Types form. For a new activity that was not created Projects or Project Tasks form, the check box inherits the state from the settings of the corresponding activity type on the Activity Types form. For a new activity created from the Projects or Project Tasks form, the check box is selected by default regardless of the state of the Track Time and Costs check box of the activity type on the Activity Types form. The check box is available only if the Time Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Status |
The status of the activity, which is one of the following options: Open, Canceled, or Completed. The box is shown if the Time Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. With this feature enabled, if the activity was created from the Projects or Project Tasks form, the box is shown if the Track Time and Costs check box is selected in the Summary area of the current form. If the Time Management feature is disabled, the box is shown if the activity was created from the Projects or Project Tasks form. |
Approver |
Read-only. The person who is responsible for approving the activity. The box is shown if the Time Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. With this feature enabled, if the activity was created from the Projects or Project Tasks form, the box is shown if the Track Time and Costs check box is selected in the Summary area of the current form. If the Time Management feature is disabled, the box is shown if the activity was created from the Projects or Project Tasks form. |
Earning Type |
The earning type for the activity, which determines how labor is costed. The options are defined on the Earning Types (EP102000) form. The box is shown if the Time Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. With this feature enabled, if the activity was created from the Projects or Project Tasks form, the box is shown if the Track Time and Costs check box is selected in the Summary area of the current form. If the Time Management feature is disabled, the box is shown if the activity was created from the Projects or Project Tasks form. |
WCC Code |
The work class compensation code associated with the activity. The box is shown only if the Construction feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form and the Track Time and Costs check box is selected in the Summary area of the current form. |
Shift Code |
The code that represents a set of rules that the system uses to calculate a pay increase when this activity is performed during a specific work shift. The box is shown only if the Shift Differential feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form and the Track Time and Costs check box is selected in the Summary area of the current form. |
Time Spent |
The time (in hours and minutes) spent on the activity. The box is shown if the Time Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. With this feature enabled, if the activity was created from the Projects or Project Tasks form, the box is shown if the Track Time and Costs check box is selected in the Summary area of the current form. |
Billable |
A check box that you select if the time spent on the activity is billable. The box is shown if the Time Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Released |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the activity has been released. The box is shown if the Time Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. If the Time Management feature is disabled, the box is shown if the activity was created from the Projects or Project Tasks form. |
Billable Time |
The billable time (in hours and minutes) spent on the activity. This time cannot be equal to zero or exceed the time specified in the Time Spent box. The box is shown only if the Time Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form and the Track Time and Costs and Billable check boxes are selected in the Summary area of the current form. |
Reference Nbr. |
A link to the invoice that has been generated when the released activity has been billed. The box is shown if the Time Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. With this feature enabled, if the activity was created from the Projects or Project Tasks form, the box is shown if the Track Time and Costs check box is selected in the Summary area of the current form. If the Time Management feature is disabled, the box is shown if the activity was created from the Projects or Project Tasks form and the Track Time and Costs check box is selected in the Summary area of the current form. |