Changes to the Entities, Fields, and Actions of the Default/20.200.001 Endpoint as Compared to the Default/18.200.001 Endpoint
The following tables contain the new, modified, or removed elements of the Default/20.200.001 endpoint as compared to the Default/18.200.001 endpoint.
Entity | Related Form Name and ID |
AccountDetailsForPeriodInquiry | Account Details for Period (GL404001) |
Budget | Budgets (GL302010) |
CompaniesStructure | Company Branch (CS401000) |
Ledger | Ledgers (GL201500) |
Payment.SalesOrderPayment | Payments and Applications (AR302000) |
SalesOrder.SalesOrderCreditCardTransactionDetail | Sales Orders (SO301000) |
Shipment.ShipmentPackageDetail | Shipments (SO302000) |
StorageDetailsInquiry | Storage Details (IN408050) |
StorageDetailsByLocationInquiry | Storage Details by Item Warehouse Location (IN408055) |
Task.TaskRelatedActivity | Task (CR306020) |
ServiceOrder | Service Orders (FS300100) |
Appointment | Appointments (FS300200) |
Entity | Related Form Name and ID | Change |
InventoryAdjustment | Adjustments (IN303000) |
AttributeDefinition | Attributes (CS205000) | The AttributeDetail detail entity has been
removed. The following fields have been added to the
AttributeValue detail entity:
Note: These changes affect many entities. |
BusinessAccount | Business Accounts (CR303000) |
AccountSummaryInquiry | Account Summary (GL401000) | In the AccountSummaryRow detail entity, the
following changes have been made:
Case | Cases (CR306000) |
ChangeOrder | Change Orders (PM308000) | The mapping has been changed. |
Contact | Contacts (CR302000) | The mapping has been changed. |
Event | Event (CR306030) |
ExpenseReceipt | Expense Receipt (EP301020) | The type and mapping of the ReceiptID field have been changed. |
Lead | Leads (CR301000) | The mapping has been changed. |
NonStockItem | Non-Stock Items (IN202000) |
Opportunity | Opportunities (CR304000) | The mapping has been changed. |
Payment | Payments and Applications (AR302000) | The mapping has been changed. |
Project | Projects (PM301000) | The mapping has been changed. |
TaxReportingSettings | Reporting Settings (TX205100) | The ReportingSettings entity has been renamed to TaxReportingSettings. |
SalesInvoice | Invoices (SO303000) | The mapping has been changed. |
SalesOrder | Sales Orders (SO301000) |
Shipment | Shipments (SO302000) | The mapping has been changed. |
Task | Task (CR306020) |
Field or Action Name | Related Form Name and ID |
Activity.CreatedByID | Activity (CR306010) |
Activity.CreatedDateTime | Activity (CR306010) |
Activity.LastModifiedDateTime | Activity (CR306010) |
Activity.RelatedEntityType | Activity (CR306010) |
Activity.RelatedEntityNoteID | Activity (CR306010) |
Activity.RelatedEntityDescription | Activity (CR306010) |
Activity.ActivityDetail.Billable | Activity (CR306010) |
Activity.ActivityDetail.Overtime | Activity (CR306010) |
Activity.ActivityDetail.BillableOvertime | Activity (CR306010) |
Activity.ActivityDetail.BillableTime | Activity (CR306010) |
Activity.ActivityDetail.Category | Activity (CR306010) |
Activity.ActivityDetail.CostCode | Activity (CR306010) |
Activity.ActivityDetail.CreatedDateTime | Activity (CR306010) |
Activity.ActivityDetail.LastModifiedDateTime | Activity (CR306010) |
Activity.ActivityDetail.CreatedByID | Activity (CR306010) |
Bill.LastModifiedDateTime | Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) |
BusinessAccount.NoteID | Business Accounts (CR303000) |
Carrier.CarrierUnits | Carriers (CS207700) |
Carrier.Centimeter | Carriers (CS207700) |
Carrier.Inch | Carriers (CS207700) |
Carrier.Kilogram | Carriers (CS207700) |
Carrier.Pound | Carriers (CS207700) |
Carrier.WarehouseID | Carriers (CS207700) |
Case.LastModifiedDateTime | Cases (CR306000) |
Case.NoteID | Cases (CR306000) |
Check.LastModifiedDateTime | Checks and Payments (AP302000) |
Check.VoidCheck | Checks and Payments (AP302000) |
Contact.NoteID | Contacts (CR302000) |
Email.StartDate | Email Activity (CR306015) |
Email.CreatedByID | Email Activity (CR306015) |
Email.CreatedDateTime | Email Activity (CR306015) |
Email.LastModifiedDateTime | Email Activity (CR306015) |
Email.NoteID | Email Activity (CR306015) |
Email.RelatedEntityType | Email Activity (CR306015) |
Email.RelatedEntityNoteID | Email Activity (CR306015) |
Email.RelatedEntityDescription | Email Activity (CR306015) |
Event.CreatedByID | Event (CR306030) |
Event.CreatedDateTime | Event (CR306030) |
Event.LastModifiedDateTime | Event (CR306030) |
Event.RelatedEntityType | Event (CR306030) |
Event.RelatedEntityNoteID | Event (CR306030) |
Event.RelatedEntityDescription | Event (CR306030) |
InventoryReceipt.LastModifiedDateTime | Receipts (IN301000) |
InventoryReceipt.InventoryReceiptDetail.POReceiptNbr | Receipts (IN301000) |
Invoice.BillToContact | Invoices and Memos (AR301000) |
Invoice.BillToContactOverride | Invoices and Memos (AR301000) |
Invoice.ShipToContact | Invoices and Memos (AR301000) |
Invoice.ShipToContactOverride | Invoices and Memos (AR301000) |
ItemWarehouse.OverrideProductManager | Item Warehouse Details (IN204500) |
KitAssembly.LastModifiedDateTime | Kit Assembly (IN307000) |
Lead.LastModifiedDateTime | Leads (CR301000) |
Lead.NoteID | Leads (CR301000) |
Lead.Active | Leads (CR301000) |
Lead.Description | Leads (CR301000) |
Lead.RefContactID | Leads (CR301000) |
Lead.ConvertedBy | Leads (CR301000) |
Lead.QualificationDate | Leads (CR301000) |
Opportunity.LastModifiedDateTime | Opportunities (CR304000) |
Opportunity.NoteID | Opportunities (CR304000) |
Payment.Branch | Payments and Applications (AR302000) |
Payment.LastModifiedDateTime | Payments and Applications (AR302000) |
Payment.ProcessingCenterID | Payments and Applications (AR302000) |
Payment.SaveCard | Payments and Applications (AR302000) |
Payment.CreditCardTransactionInfo | Payments and Applications (AR302000) |
Payment.PaymentDetail.CashDiscountTaken | Payments and Applications (AR302000) |
PurchaseOrder.BaseCurrencyID | Purchase Orders (PO301000) |
PurchaseOrder.CurrencyEffectiveDate | Purchase Orders (PO301000) |
PurchaseOrder.CurrencyRate | Purchase Orders (PO301000) |
PurchaseOrder.CurrencyRateTypeID | Purchase Orders (PO301000) |
PurchaseOrder.CurrencyReciprocalRate | Purchase Orders (PO301000) |
PurchaseReceipt.BaseCurrencyID | Purchase Receipts (PO302000) |
PurchaseReceipt.CurrencyEffectiveDate | Purchase Receipts (PO302000) |
PurchaseReceipt.CurrencyRate | Purchase Receipts (PO302000) |
PurchaseReceipt.CurrencyRateTypeID | Purchase Receipts (PO302000) |
PurchaseReceipt.CurrencyReciprocalRate | Purchase Receipts (PO302000) |
PurchaseReceipt.Location | Purchase Receipts (PO302000) |
PurchaseReceipt.ProcessReturnWithOriginalCost | Purchase Receipts (PO302000) |
PurchaseReceipt.TotalCost | Purchase Receipts (PO302000) |
PurchaseReceipt.PurchaseReceiptDetail.EditableUnitCost | Purchase Receipts (PO302000) |
PurchaseReceipt.PurchaseReceiptDetail.EstimatedINExtendedCost | Purchase Receipts (PO302000) |
PurchaseReceipt.PurchaseReceiptDetail.ExtendedCost | Purchase Receipts (PO302000) |
PurchaseReceipt.PurchaseReceiptDetail.FinalINExtendedCost | Purchase Receipts (PO302000) |
PurchaseReceipt.PurchaseReceiptDetail.POReceiptLineNbr | Purchase Receipts (PO302000) |
PurchaseReceipt.PurchaseReceiptDetail.POReceiptNbr | Purchase Receipts (PO302000) |
PurchaseReceipt.PurchaseReceiptDetail.TransferOrderLineNbr | Purchase Receipts (PO302000) |
SalesInvoice.DetailTotal | Invoices (SO303000) |
SalesInvoice.DiscountTotal | Invoices (SO303000) |
SalesInvoice.FreightPrice | Invoices (SO303000) |
SalesInvoice.PaymentTotal | Invoices (SO303000) |
SalesInvoice.TaxTotal | Invoices (SO303000) |
SalesOrder.SalesOrderDetail.Amount | Sales Orders (SO301000) |
Shipment.CreateNewShipmentForEveryOrder | Shipments (SO302000) |
Shipment.Description | Shipments (SO302000) |
Shipment.OverrideFreightPrice | Shipments (SO302000) |
Shipment.FreightCurrencyID | Shipments (SO302000) |
Shipment.Picked | Shipments (SO302000) |
Shipment.ShipmentPackage.PackageContents | Shipments (SO302000) |
Shipment.ShippingSettings.Freight | Shipments (SO302000) |
Shipment.ShippingSettings.FreightCost | Shipments (SO302000) |
Shipment.ShippingSettings.FreightCostIsuptodate | Shipments (SO302000) |
Shipment.ShippingSettings.FreightTaxCategory | Shipments (SO302000) |
Shipment.ShippingSettings.OrderVolume | Shipments (SO302000) |
Shipment.ShippingSettings.OrderWeight | Shipments (SO302000) |
Shipment.ShippingSettings.PackageWeight | Shipments (SO302000) |
Shipment.ShippingSettings.PremiumFreight | Shipments (SO302000) |
Task.CreatedByID | Task (CR306020) |
Task.CreatedDateTime | Task (CR306020) |
Task.LastModifiedDateTime | Task (CR306020) |
Task.RelatedEntityType | Task (CR306020) |
Task.RelatedEntityNoteID | Task (CR306020) |
Task.RelatedEntityDescription | Task (CR306020) |
TransferOrder.LastModifiedDateTime | Transfers (IN304000) |
Entity | Related Form Name and ID |
AccountByPeriodInquiry | Account by Period (GL402000) |
AccountBySubaccountInquiry | Account by Subaccount (GL403000) |
AccountDetailsInquiry | Account Details (GL404000) |
AccountLocation | Account Locations (CR303010) |
InterBranchAccountMapping | Inter-Branch Account Mapping (GL101010) |
JournalVoucher | Journal Vouchers (GL304000) |
ManageFinancialPeriods | Manage Financial Periods (GL503000) |
Payment.Payments | Payments and Applications (AR302000) |
SalesInvoice.SalesInvoiceTotals | Invoices (SO303000) |
VoucherEntryCode | Voucher Entry Codes (GL106000) |
Field or Action Name | Related Form Name and ID |
Activity.RelatedEntityDescription | Activity (CR306010) |
Activity.LinkEntityToActivity | Activity (CR306010) |
Activity.ActivityDetail.ClassIcon | Activity (CR306010) |
Activity.ActivityDetail.CreatedAt | Activity (CR306010) |
Activity.ActivityDetail.CreatorID | Activity (CR306010) |
Activity.ActivityDetail.CreatorUsername | Activity (CR306010) |
Activity.ActivityDetail.IsCompleteIcon | Activity (CR306010) |
Activity.ActivityDetail.PriorityIcon | Activity (CR306010) |
Activity.ActivityDetail.ReminderIcon | Activity (CR306010) |
BusinessAccount.ConvertBusinessAccountToVendor | Business Accounts (CR303000) |
Carrier.CarrierUnitOfWeight | Carriers (CS207700) |
Carrier.UOM | Carriers (CS207700) |
Contact.ConvertContactToBusinessAccount | Contacts (CR302000) |
Contact.CloseContactAsDuplicate | Contacts (CR302000) |
Email.Date | Email Activity (CR306015) |
Email.RelatedEntityDescription | Email Activity (CR306015) |
Email.StartTime | Email Activity (CR306015) |
Email.DownloadEmlFileEmail | Email Activity (CR306015) |
Email.LinkEntityToEmail | Email Activity (CR306015) |
Event.RelatedEntityDescription | Event (CR306030) |
Event.StartTime | Event (CR306030) |
Event.CompleteAndFollowUpEvent | Event (CR306030) |
Event.LinkEntityToEvent | Event (CR306030) |
FinancialPeriod.GeneratePeriods | Master Financial Calendar (GL201000) |
Invoice.ReverseInvoice | Invoices and Memos (AR301000) |
Lead.CloseLeadAsDuplicate | Leads (CR301000) |
Payment.PaymentLoadDocuments | Payments and Applications (AR302000) |
Payment.PaymentLoadOrders | Payments and Applications (AR302000) |
PurchaseOrder.EnterPOReceipt | Purchase Orders (PO301000) |
PurchaseOrder.EnterAPBill | Purchase Orders (PO301000) |
PurchaseReceipt.ControlAmount | Purchase Receipts (PO302000) |
PurchaseReceipt.TotalAmount | Purchase Receipts (PO302000) |
PurchaseReceipt.PurchaseReceiptDetail.ExtendedCost | Purchase Receipts (PO302000) |
SalesInvoice.Totals | Invoices (SO303000) |
SalesInvoice.SalesInvoiceAddOrder | Invoices (SO303000) |
SalesInvoice.SalesInvoiceAutoApply | Invoices (SO303000) |
SalesOrder.SalesOrderAddStockItem | Sales Orders (SO301000) |
SalesOrder.SalesOrderCreatePurchaseOrder | Sales Orders (SO301000) |
Shipment.CurrencyID | Shipments (SO302000) |
Shipment.FreightCurrency | Shipments (SO302000) |
Task.RelatedEntityDescription | Task (CR306020) |
Task.CompleteAndFollowUpTask | Task (CR306020) |
Task.LinkEntityToTask | Task (CR306020) |
TimeEntry.Totals.Freight | Time Entry (PM209100) |
TimeEntry.Totals.FreightCost | Time Entry (PM209100) |
TimeEntry.Totals.FreightCostIsuptodate | Time Entry (PM209100) |
TimeEntry.Totals.FreightTaxCategory | Time Entry (PM209100) |
TimeEntry.Totals.OrderVolume | Time Entry (PM209100) |
TimeEntry.Totals.OrderWeight | Time Entry (PM209100) |
TimeEntry.Totals.PackageWeight | Time Entry (PM209100) |
TimeEntry.Totals.PremiumFreight | Time Entry (PM209100) |
TrialBalance.TrialBalanceProcess | Trial Balance (GL303010) |
TrialBalance.TrialBalanceProcessAll | Trial Balance (GL303010) |
TrialBalance.ReleaseTrialBalance | Trial Balance (GL303010) |