Trial Balance

Form ID: (GL303010)

You use this form to import the trial balances of branches from third-party software during the initial implementation of MYOB Advanced. The data for import should be in .csv or .xlsx format.

After the data has been successfully imported, you can process it by mapping the imported accounts and subaccounts to those available in the system. The system performs mapping automatically and marks the accounts and subaccounts that do not exist in your system with error indications. You can perform further mapping manually. After you complete the mapping and make sure the transactions are in balance, you click Remove Hold on the form toolbar and then click Release to release the record. This creates an adjusting batch that does the following:

  • Sets to zero the balances of all account-subaccount pairs (available in the ledger before import) for which no data was imported
  • Updates the balances of other accounts (and subaccounts if applicable) to match those in the imported trial balance data

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard buttons and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands can be shown as buttons on the form toolbar, as commands on the More menu, or in both places. These commands are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.

Button/Command Description
Hold Changes the status of the import record to On Hold. You click this button or command when you want to make changes to the record or to pause its processing.
Release Initiates the release process for the selected import record. Only a balanced import can be released. As a result, the status of the import changes to Released.
Remove Hold

Changes the status of the import record from On Hold to Balanced, making it possible to release it.

The button and command are available only if the import record has the On Hold status, the record contains no error indications, and its total debits are equal to its total credits.

Summary Area

In the Summary area, you specify the main parameters required for importing the trial balance, such as the target branch, the posting ledger, and the financial period to import trial balance data.

Element Description
Import Number The identifier of the import record.

The current status of the import record, which is assigned by the system.

The status can be one of the following:

  • On Hold: The import record is a draft and can be edited manually. While the status of an import is On Hold, the import may contain error indications. When you click the Remove Hold button on the form toolbar (or the equivalent action) for an import record with this status, if the import contains no errors and its total debits equal its total credits, the system changes the status to Balanced.
  • Balanced: The import record is created and can be released or posted. An import record with this status can be modified or deleted, but changes can be saved only if the credit and debit totals for the import are equal.
  • Released: The import record has been released. It is not possible to delete a trial balance with this status.
Import Date

The date of the import operation for this import record. All journal transactions of the generated batch will have the transaction date specified here.

You can enter only a date that corresponds to a financial period that has been generated on the Master Financial Calendar (GL201000) form. If the date that you enter belongs to a financial period that has not yet been generated in the system—for example, for a date in the distant future or past—the system will display an error message, and you will not be able to save the document.

Period The financial period to which the imported data is posted.

The branch of the organization whose trial balance is imported.

This box appears on the form only if the Multibranch Support feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.


The ledger to which the imported data is posted.

By default, this is the default posting ledger specified on the Ledgers (GL201500) form, but you can select another posting ledger.

Batch Number The batch's unique identifier, which the system generates based on the numbering sequence assigned to batches in the Batch Numbering Sequence box on the General Ledger Preferences (GL102000) form.
Description A brief description of the import operation or the imported data.
Debit Total The total of the debit amounts for the import record (the sum of the debit totals of the asset and expense accounts). The system calculates this value automatically.
Credit Total

The total of the credit amounts for the import record (the sum of the credit totals of the liability and income accounts). The system calculates this value automatically.

Note: The system calculates this value by using the type of the balance to be imported, normal or reversed—that is, the sign used to display the positive amounts of the credit totals of the liability and income accounts accounted for calculations. For details, see Preparation for Importing Trial Balances.
Control Total

The control total, which you enter manually to validate the imported total balance amount. This value should be equal to the sum of the debit total amount (Debit Total) and the credit total amount (Credit Total) of the trial balance.

This box appears on the form only if the Validate Batch Control Totals on Entry check box is selected on the General Ledger Preferences form.

Transaction Details Tab

The Transaction Details tab contains the list of account-subaccount pairs for the import record and their YTD balances imported from the file. You can validate the data by mapping imported accounts and subaccounts to the internal accounts and subaccounts. The rows where accounts or subaccounts cannot be mapped automatically are marked with errors and can be mapped manually.

Table 1. Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Element Description

Gives you the ability to select an action to be performed for the records.

The following options are available:

  • Validate: Validates the selected records or all records if you click the Process or Process All button, respectively, on the table toolbar. As a result of the validation process, the system maps the account-subaccount pairs of the trial balance to the internal account-subaccount pairs in the system. The system shows an error for the records that cannot be mapped during validation.
  • Merge Duplicates: Merges duplicates for the selected records or all records if you click the Process or Process All button, respectively, on the table toolbar.
Process Initiates validation or the merging of duplicates, depending on the selected action, for the records you have selected in the table.
Process All Initiates validation or the merging of duplicates, depending on the selected action, for all the records in the table.
Table 2. Table Columns
Column Description
Included An unlabeled check box that you select to include this account-subaccount pair for processing if you click Process.

The status of the record.

The following options are available:

  • New: Indicates that the record was just imported.
  • Validated: Indicates that the record was validated—that is, that the account and subaccount were mapped to the internal account and subaccount.
  • Error: Indicates that the record was not validated—that is, that either the account or the subaccount was not mapped to an internal account or subaccount.
  • Duplicate: Marks the records detected as duplicates.
Imported Account The account imported from the file.
Mapped Account The internal account to which the imported account has been matched. The system automatically fills in this box with the internal account found in the system during the validation process.
Imported Subaccount

The imported subaccount.

This box appears on the form only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Mapped Subaccount

The internal subaccount to which the imported subaccount has been matched. The system automatically fills in this box with the internal subaccount found in the system during the validation process.

This box appears on the form only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

YTD Balance The year-to-date balance of the account-subaccount pair.
Currency YTD Balance

The year-to-date balance of the account-subaccount pair in the foreign currency, if applicable.

This box appears on the form only if the Multicurrency Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Type The type of General Ledger account.
Description A detailed description of the account.

Exceptions Tab

This tab shows all accounts (or account-subaccount pairs, if applicable) with nonzero balances that are present in the selected ledger but not listed in the imported data. If you have performed the import for the first time, this tab is blank.

On release of the trial balance, for each account listed on this tab, the system generates a transaction that makes the account balance equal to zero for the period you are importing the trial balance for. For details, see Preparation for Importing Trial Balances.

For imports that have been released, this tab is not displayed.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Account The account in the specified ledger.

The subaccount used with the account.

This box appears on the form only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Type The type of the account, which is one of the following options: Asset, Liability, Expense, or Income.
Description The description of the account.
Beg. Balance The balance of the account at the beginning of the selected period.
Debit Total The total of debits posted to the account during the period.
Credit Total The total of credits posted to the account during the period.
Ending Balance The ending balance of the account at the end of the selected period or on the trial balance date if the current period is selected.
Last Activity The date of the last activity on the account.