Account Details
Form ID: (GL404000)
On this form, you can view all activities in a specific account during the financial period or range of financial periods that you select. If you use subaccounts in your system, you can view activities for one subaccount or a group of subaccounts.
On this form, you can also select transactions for reclassification, or view the reclassification history for the selected reclassification transactions.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.
Button | Description |
Reclassify |
Opens the Reclassify Transactions (GL506000) form, where you can proceed with the reclassification of the transactions you have selected (by using the unlabeled check boxes) in the table. |
Reclassify All | Opens the Reclassify Transactions (GL506000) form, where you can proceed with the reclassification of all transactions listed on the current form. |
Reclassification History |
Opens the Reclassification History (GL405000) form for the selected transaction. This button is available only if you have selected a reclassification transaction is selected in the table. |
Selection Area
Element | Description |
Company/Branch |
The company or branch for which you want to view information. By default, the current company or branch is selected. |
Ledger | The ledger in which you want to view the account balances. You
can select a ledger of the Actual, Reporting, or
Statistical type. Note: Ledgers of the Budget type
are not available for selection. |
From Period | The financial period that begins the date range of the batches you want to view. |
To Period | The financial period that ends the date range of the batches you want to view. |
Account | The account for which you want to view activities in the selected financial period. You must select an account. |
Subaccount |
The subaccount or the group of subaccounts whose data you want to view. To view data for a group of subaccounts, specify the values for only some segments; this defines the group of subaccounts with the specified values (and with different values in the segments that were left blank). To view data for the selected account (with all subaccounts) in the specified period, leave the box blank. This box appears on the form only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. |
From Date | The first date of the interval within the period. If you leave this box blank, the date in the Period Start Date box is used. |
Period Start Date | The first date of the selected financial period. The system fills in this box with the first date of the period selected in the From Period box. |
To Date | The last date of the interval within the selected period. If you leave this box blank, the date in the Period End Date box is used. |
Period End Date | The last date of the selected financial period. The system fills in this box with the last date of the period selected in the To Period box. |
Show Summary | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the rows with transactions in the table should be combined by dates. That is, the transactions of the same date should be combined into one row, in which the amounts of all included transactions are summarized. |
Include Unposted | A check box that indicates (if selected) that transactions of batches with the Released status are added to the list in addition to batches that have been posted. |
Include Unreleased |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that transactions of batches with the On Hold and Balanced statuses are also added to the list. If the Approval Workflow feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form and an approval map has been configured for GL transactions, GL transactions with the Pending Approval and Rejected statuses are also shown in the list. This check box is available if the Include Unposted check box is selected. |
Include Reclassified | A check box that indicates (if selected) that transactions of reclassified batches are also added to the list. |
Show Currency Details |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that additional table columns with currency details will be displayed. This check box appears on the form only if the Multicurrency Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Use Master Calendar |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the data in the table will be shown for the master calendar. That is, the table will show the balance details of the account, which were posted for the master calendar. If the check box is cleared, the table will show data for the financial period in the company calendar. If the Company box is blank, this check box is selected by default. This check box appears on the form only if the Multiple Calendar Support feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. For details on running consolidated reports and inquiries, see Consolidated Reports for Companies with Different Calendars. |
Beginning Balance | The balance of the selected account (with the specified subaccount,if any) on the date selected in the From Date box, or at the beginning of the period selected in the From Period box (that is, on the date that is shown in the Period Start Date box) if the date is not specified. |
Turnover | The difference between the ending and beginning balances. |
Ending Balance | The ending balance of the account calculated based on the
transactions shown in the table. Note: When a filter is applied to
the records in the table, the ending balance of the account is
calculated as the beginning balance of the account in the period
selected in the From Period box plus the
turnover amount calculated based on the filtered records shown
in the table. |
In this table, the list shows the transactions of the batches that match the criteria specified in the Selection area.
Column | Description |
Included | An unlabeled check box that you select to include this transaction in processing when you one of the buttons on the form toolbar. |
Module | The module where the transaction originated. |
Batch Number | The reference number of the batch (generated for the transaction) that updated the balance of the selected account. You can click the link to navigate to the Journal Transactions (GL301000) form so you can view batch details. |
Tran. Date | The date of the transaction. |
Period ID |
The financial period of the transaction in the company calendar. This column appears in the table when the Use Master Calendar check box in the Summary area is cleared. |
Master Period ID |
This financial period of the transaction in the master calendar. This column appears in the table when the Use Master Calendar check box in the Summary area is selected. |
Description | The user-defined description of the transaction. |
Ref. Number | The reference number of the document on which this transaction is
based. You can click this link to navigate to the appropriate form
so that you can view the details of the document. Note: Navigation
to the form is not supported if the reference number for the
document was specified manually. |
Branch |
The branch of the company. This column appears on the form only if the Multibranch Support feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Account | The account updated by the batch transactions. |
Subaccount | The subaccount used in the batch. |
Beg. Balance | The running total of the account's beginning balance calculated in the order of transactions displayed in the table. If you reorder or filter transactions, the amount in this column will be recalculated. |
Debit Amount | The transaction debit amount charged to the account during the selected financial period. |
Credit Amount | The transaction credit amount charged to the account during the selected financial period. |
Ending Balance | The running total of the account's ending balance calculated in the order of transactions displayed in the table. If you reorder or filter transactions, the amount in this column will be recalculated. |
Reclass. Batch Number | The number of the related reclassification batch. |
Project Tran. ID |
The reference number of the project transaction associated with this transaction. The column is available if the Project Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form and the GL check box is selected in the Visibility Settings section on the Projects Preferences form. |
Business Account |
The customer or vendor (by its ID) that is associated with the document. This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Adjusting the Table Layout: Process Activity. |
Business Account Name |
The name of the business account. This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Adjusting the Table Layout: Process Activity. |
Inventory ID |
The stock or non-stock inventory item that is associated with the record. This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Adjusting the Table Layout: Process Activity. |
Line Nbr. |
The reference number of the line related to the account in the batch. This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Adjusting the Table Layout: Process Activity. |
Column | Description |
Currency ID | The currency of denomination used for the account. |
Curr. Beg. Balance | The account balance in the currency of denomination at the start of the financial period. |
Curr. Debit Total | The debit total in the currency of denomination for the specified account over the financial period. |
Curr. Credit Total | The credit total in the currency of denomination for the specified account over the financial period. |
Curr. Ending Balance | The account balance in the currency of denomination at the end of the financial period. |