Column name | Table | Key | Data type | Not NULL | Comment |
ABSENT | STAFF | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field is set to 'Y' if the staff member is currently absent, i.e. if their Absent flag is ticked in EXO Business Configurator. |
ACCGROUP | DR_ACCGROUPS | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID for the Primary Debtor Group. |
ACCGROUP | DR_ACCGROUP2S | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID for the Secondary Debtor Group. |
ACCGROUP | DR_ACCS | FK | INTEGER | No | The Debtor's primary Debtor Account Group. |
ACCGROUP | DR_PRICES | FK | INTEGER | No | The Debtors Account Group that the price rule belongs to. |
ACCGROUP | DR_PRICE_POLICY_ACC | FK | INTEGER | No | The relevant Debtor account group. |
ACCGROUP | GLACCS | | INTEGER | No | The GL account's Account Group. |
ACCGROUP2 | DR_ACCS | FK | INTEGER | No | The Debtor's secondary Debtor Account Group. |
ACCNO | DR_INVLINES | FK | INTEGER | No | The account number of the Debtor that the transaction belongs to. |
ACCNO | DR_CONT_HIST | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the Debtor account that the History Note is attached to. |
ACCNO | DR_TRANS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the Debtor account against which the transaction was generated. If the transaction is against a branch account, this field is set to the head account's ACCNO. |
ACCNO | DR_PRICES | FK | INTEGER | No | The Debtor account that the price rule is defined for. Has the value -1 if the price rule belongs to a generic price policy. |
ACCNO | DR_PRICE_POLICY_ACC | FK | INTEGER | No | The relevant Debtor account. |
ACCNO | GLACCS | PK | INTEGER | Yes | The unique GL account number. |
ACCNO | DR_CONTACTS | FK | INTEGER | No | The account number of the Debtor account that the Contact is associated with. |
ACCNO | DR_ADDRESSES | FK | INTEGER | No | The account number of the Debtor record that the address applies to. |
ACCNO | SALESORD_HDR | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the Debtor account that the Sales Order was created for. |
ACCNO | DR_ACCS | PK | INTEGER | Yes | The unique ID number for the Debtor account. |
ACCOUNT_STATUS | STAFF | | INTEGER | Yes | The staff member's account status. Will be one of: 0 = Account OK 1 = Account Locked 2 = Password Expired |
ACTIONDUEDATE | DR_CONT_HIST | | DATETIME | No | This field is used by the Serviceable Units add-on module - it is not set from the Debtors UI. |
ACTIONSTATUS | DR_CONT_HIST | | INTEGER | No | This field is used by the Serviceable Units add-on module - it is not set from the Debtors UI. |
ACTIVATION_DATE | SALESORD_HDR | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when the Sales Order was activated. |
ACTIVE_CR | PAYMENT_TYPES | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is ticked if the Payment Type is active for Creditors, i.e. if its "Active for creditors" flag is ticked. |
ACTIVE_DR | PAYMENT_TYPES | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is ticked if the Payment Type is active for Debtors, i.e. if its "Active for debtors" flag is ticked. |
ACTIVE_POS | PAYMENT_TYPES | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is ticked if the Payment Type is active for the EXO POS module, i.e. if its "Active for POS" flag is ticked. |
ADDRESS1 | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Postal address line 1. |
ADDRESS1 | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Postal address line 1. |
ADDRESS1 | DR_CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
ADDRESS1 | SALESORD_HDR | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 1. |
ADDRESS2 | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Postal address line 2. |
ADDRESS2 | SALESORD_HDR | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 2. |
ADDRESS2 | DR_CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
ADDRESS2 | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Postal address line 2. |
ADDRESS3 | SALESORD_HDR | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 3. |
ADDRESS3 | DR_CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
ADDRESS3 | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Postal address line 3. |
ADDRESS3 | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Postal address line 3. |
ADDRESS4 | DR_CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
ADDRESS4 | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Postal address line 4 |
ADDRESS4 | SALESORD_HDR | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 4. |
ADDRESS4 | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Postal address line 4. |
ADDRESS5 | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Postal address line 5. This line is only available on the Debtor Account Details screen if the Additional Postal Address Row profile setting is enabled. |
ADDRESS5 | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Postal address line 5. This line is only available on the Contacts window if the Additional Postal Address Row profile setting is enabled. |
ADDRESS5 | SALESORD_HDR | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 5. |
ADDRESS5 | DR_CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
ADDRESS6 | SALESORD_HDR | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 6. |
ADVERTSOURCE | DR_CONTACTS | | INTEGER | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
ADVERTSOURCE | CONTACTS | FK | INTEGER | No | The Contact's Advertising Source - corresponds to the SEQNO of the type in the ADVERT_TYPES table. |
AGE | PERIOD_STATUS | | INTEGER | Yes | The age of the period. The current period has an age of 0. |
AGE | DR_ALLOCATIONS | | AS | No | The allocation's age. This is calculated based on PERIOD_SEQNO. |
AGE | DR_TRANS | | AS | No | The transaction's age. This is calculated based on PERIOD_SEQNO. |
AGEDBAL0 | DR_ACCS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Aged Balance for the current month. |
AGEDBAL1 | DR_ACCS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Aged Balance for the previous month. |
AGEDBAL2 | DR_ACCS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Aged Balance for two months back. |
AGEDBAL3 | DR_ACCS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Aged Balance for three months back. |
AGE_STAMP | DR_ALLOCATIONS | | INTEGER | No | This is a historical field that has been superseded by the AGE calculated field. |
AGE_STAMP | DR_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | This is a historical field that has been superseded by the AGE calculated field. |
ALERT | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(60) | No | Pop-up alert text to display when dealing with the Debtor. |
ALERT | STOCK_ITEMS | | VARCHAR(60) | No | Text of the pop-up alert message that appears when the stock item is sold or purchased. |
ALERTPC | CURRENCIES | | INTEGER | Yes | The % Change Alert for the currency - when editing currencies, the user will be alerted if the currency is changed by a percentage greater than this. |
ALLOCAGE | DR_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | The age in which the transaction was allocated. |
ALLOCATED | DR_TRANS | | CHAR(1) | No | 0 = Unallocated or partially allocated. 1 = Allocated in the current period. 2 = Allocated in any prior period. |
ALLOCATEDBAL | DR_TRANS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The amount that has been allocated. |
ALLOCNO | DR_ALLOCATIONS | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the allocation set. |
ALLOCTIME | DR_ALLOCATIONS | | DATETIME | No | The date and time of the allocation. |
ALLOWJOURNAL | GLACCS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if the GL account allows journals. |
ALLOW_RESTRICTED_STOCK | DR_ACCS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | If 'Y', it is possible to sell stock items that have been flagged as restricted goods to this Debtor. If the profile setting "Use customised customer stock restrictions logic" (CUSTOM_STOCK_RESTRICTION) is enabled, a custom function (FN_RESTRICTED_ITEM) is used instead of this field. |
ALPHACODE | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(15) | No | A non-unique alphanumeric ID code for the Debtor. Can be used for sorting accounts alphabetically, e.g. give "The Warehouse" the code "WARE" to sort under W instead of T. Sometimes used as an alternate account reference. |
AMOUNT | DR_TRANS | | AS | No | The amount of the transaction, including tax, in the currency of the Debtor account. |
AMOUNT | OPPORTUNITY | | FLOAT(53) | No | The quote value for the Opportunity. |
AMOUNT | DR_ALLOCATIONS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The amount allocated. |
ANALYSIS | DR_TRANS | | VARCHAR(12) | No | For payments, this field holds the payment type. |
ANALYSIS | DR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | GL code for the Stock line. Can be overridden. The visibility of this column onscreen is controlled by the profile "Enable display and override of GL code from stock item". |
API_ACCESS | STAFF | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if the staff member is authorised to use the EXO API. |
APP_PASSWORD | STAFF | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The staff member's password, used when logging in to the EXO Business system. Passwords are stored in an encrypted format. |
ASSIGNED_BY | OPPORTUNITY | | INTEGER | No | The ID of the staff member who assigned the Opportunity. |
ASSIGNED_TO | OPPORTUNITY | | INTEGER | No | The ID of the staff member to whom the Opportunity has been assigned. |
AUTH_AMT | STAFF | | FLOAT(53) | No | The staff member's Credit Invoice Authorisation Limit. |
AUTOBILLCODE | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(23) | No | The Bill of Materials (Order Template) used by the Debtor. |
AUTO_NARRATIVE | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | No | The setting of the stock item's Auto Narrative property. Will be one of: 0=No 1=Yes with Blank 2=Yes with Notes |
AVECOST | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The stock item's Average Cost Price. |
AVERAGE_RATE | CURRENCIES | | FLOAT(53) | No | This field relates to the Intercompany module. |
AVE_DAYS_TO_PAY | DR_ACCS | | INTEGER | Yes | Average Debtor days, calculated by the Stored Procedure DR_CR_ALLOCATION_AVE_DAYS_SP every time you access the Analysis tab. |
BACKORDER | SALESORD_HDR | | CHAR(1) | No | Set to 'Y' if the Sales Order is on back order. |
BAD_CHEQUE | DR_ACCS | | CHAR(1) | No | If 'Y', cheques are not accepted from the Debtor. Set by the "Do Not Accept Cheque" flag on the Details 2 tab. |
BAD_LOGIN_COUNT | STAFF | | INTEGER | Yes | The number of times the staff member has attempted to log in but failed. |
BALANCE | GLACCS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The account's balance. |
BALANCE | DR_ACCS | | AS | No | Current balance. |
BALANCE_SHEET_TYPE | GLACCS | | INTEGER | Yes | For balance sheet accounts, this field indicates the balance sheet type. Will be one of: -1 = Not a balance sheet account 0 = Asset 1 = Liability 2 = Equity |
BALSHEETACCTOT | GLACCS | | AS | No | The balance sheet total for the account. |
BANK | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(20) | No | The Bank detail from the last update of a payment header. Populated via right-clicking on a payment on the Transactions tab and selecting Edit Ref Field. This option is only available if the profile setting "Permitted level of access to debtor transaction editing" (EDITDRTRANS) is set to allow transaction editing. |
BANKFEE | PAYMENT_TYPES | | CHAR(1) | No | This value is set to 'Y' if the Payment Type's "Apply payment group bank fee" flag is ticked. |
BANKFEED_REFRESHTOKEN | STAFF | | VARCHAR(500) | No | Encrypted OAuth refresh token used for Bank Feeds. |
BANK_ACCOUNT | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(40) | No | The Debtor's bank account number, used for Direct Debit payments. |
BANK_ACC_NAME | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(40) | No | The Debtor's bank account name, used for Direct Debit payments. |
BARCODE1 | STOCK_ITEMS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Barcode/alternate code 1. |
BARCODE2 | STOCK_ITEMS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Barcode/alternate code 2. |
BARCODE3 | STOCK_ITEMS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Barcode/alternate code 3. |
BASE | TAX_RATES | | FLOAT(53) | No | |
BATCHCODE | DR_INVLINES | | VARCHAR(20) | No | The batch code on the line. The "Enable stock batch codes" Company-level profile setting must be enabled to be able to use batch codes. |
BATCHNO | DR_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | If the transaction was a part of a Debtors receipt batch, the batch number is stored here. |
BINCODE | STOCK_ITEMS | | VARCHAR(12) | No | Bincode for the stock item. |
BKORDQTY | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | Back Order Qty from the Sales Order. |
BOMPRICING | DR_INVLINES | | CHAR(1) | No | How Bills of Materials are priced. Will be one of: C = Pricing by Component T = Pricing by total |
BOMTYPE | DR_INVLINES | | CHAR(1) | No | The type of Bill of Materials that the line relates to: N = Normal stock item B = Build K = Kit L = Lookup |
BRANCH | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The Branch detail from the last update of a payment header. Populated via right-clicking on a payment on the Transactions tab and selecting Edit Ref Field. This option is only available if the profile setting "Permitted level of access to debtor transaction editing" (EDITDRTRANS) is set to allow transaction editing. |
BRANCHNO | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | No | Branch number for the stock item. |
BRANCHNO | SALESORD_HDR | | INTEGER | No | The Branch number on the Sales Order. |
BRANCHNO | DR_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | The branch ID number. |
BRANCHNO | DR_ACCS | | INTEGER | No | Branch number - only used by specific sites. |
BRANCHNO | DR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | The branch number. Lines generally inherit the branch specified on the invoice header. |
BRANCH_ACCNO | DR_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | Only used in head account/branch account scenarios. This field contains the account number of the branch account. |
BSBNO | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(40) | No | The Debtor's Bank State Branch number (Australian databases only). |
BUYRATE | CURRENCIES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The buy rate (for purchases). |
CAMPAIGN_SEQNO | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the campaign that the campaign wave is part of. |
CAMPAIGN_WAVE_SEQNO | DR_PRICES | FK | INTEGER | No | ID number of the campaign wave that this price rule applies to, if relevant. |
CAMPAIGN_WAVE_SEQNO | DR_PRICE_POLICY | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the campaign wave that the policy relates to, if relevant. |
CAMPAIGN_WAVE_SEQNO | DR_TRANS | FK | INTEGER | No | If the transaction is associated with a campaign wave (EXO Business CRM), the wave's ID number is stored here. |
CAMPAIGN_WAVE_SEQNO | CONTACTS | FK | INTEGER | No | If the Contact is included in a campaign wave (EXO Business CRM), the wave's ID number is stored here. |
CAMPAIGN_WAVE_SEQNO | OPPORTUNITY | FK | INTEGER | No | If the Opportunity is associated with a campaign wave (EXO Business CRM), the wave's ID number is stored here. |
CAMPAIGN_WAVE_SEQNO | SALESORD_HDR | FK | INTEGER | No | If the Sales Order is associated with a campaign wave (EXO Business CRM), the wave's ID number is stored here. |
CASHOUTPTNO | PAYMENT_TYPES | | INTEGER | Yes | This field contains the ID number of the Payment Type that this Payment Type uses as its Linked cash out payment type. |
CHEQUE_TYPE | PAYMENT_TYPES | | CHAR(1) | No | This value is set to 'Y' if the Payment Type's Payment behaviour is set to "Cheque". |
CLOSED_VALUE | OPPORTUNITY | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The total value of all closed lines on the Opportunity. |
CLOSE_DATE | OPPORTUNITY | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when the Opportunity was changed to Closed status. |
CLOSING_RATE | CURRENCIES | | FLOAT(53) | No | This field relates to the Intercompany module. |
CODETYPE | DR_INVLINES | | CHAR(1) | Yes | The type of code on the line. Will be one of: G - GL code S - Stock code |
COMMUNICATION_METHOD | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | INTEGER | No | This field specifies the Communication Method selected for the campaign wave. Will be one of: 0 = no Communication Method selected 1 = Mailshot Process 2 = Bulk Activity Creation 3 = Execute SQL 4 = Social Media Post 5 = Export List 6 = Execute External Program |
COMPANYID | OPPORTUNITY | | VARCHAR(50) | No | The ID number of the company (Debtor, Creditor or Non Account) that the Opportunity is assigned to. |
COMPANY_ACCNO | CONTACTS | | INTEGER | No | If the Contact is associated with a company (Debtor, Creditor or Non Account) the company's ID number is recorded here. |
COMPANY_ACCTYPE | CONTACTS | | INTEGER | No | If the Contact is associated with a company (Debtor, Creditor or Non Account) the type of company account is recorded here: 1 = Debtor account 2 = Creditor account 3 = Non Account |
COMPLETE | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if the campaign wave's Complete flag is ticked. |
COMTYPE | DR_CONT_HIST | | INTEGER | No | This field is used by the Serviceable Units add-on module - it is not set from the Debtors UI. |
CONSIGNTOLOC | SALESORD_HDR | | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the consignment location. |
CONTACTSEQNO | OPPORTUNITY | | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the Contact that the Opportunity is assigned to. |
CONTACT_SEQNO | DR_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | The SEQNO of the Contact assigned to this transaction. |
CONTACT_SEQNO | DR_CONTACTS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the Contact record in the CONTACTS table. |
CONTACT_SEQNO | SALESORD_HDR | | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the Contact assigned to the Sales Order. |
CONTACT_SEQNO | DR_CONT_HIST | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the associated Contact record. |
CONTRACT_HDR | DR_TRANS | | INTEGER | Yes | This field links to price policies to indicate that a price rule was used belonging to this price contract, e.g. it could be a promotion. |
COST_LINENO | DR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | Yes | This field is the link used when allocating cost lines to DR_INVLINES. |
COS_GLSUBCODE | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | No | The Cost of Sales sub-account updated in the General Ledger when the stock item is sold. |
COS_GL_CODE | STOCK_ITEMS | FK | INTEGER | No | The Cost of Sales account updated in the General Ledger when this stock item is sold. |
COURIER_DEPOT_SEQNO | DR_ADDRESSES | | INTEGER | No | This field is no longer used - it relates to the old couriers module. |
COURIER_DEPOT_SEQNO | DR_ACCS | | INTEGER | No | Related to the courier add-on module. Not currently supported. |
CREATEDATE | OPPORTUNITY | | DATETIME | No | The date and time that the Opportunity was created. |
CREATEDBY | OPPORTUNITY | | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the staff member who created the Opportunity. |
CREATED_DATE | GLACCS | | DATETIME | No | The date and time that the GL account was created. |
CREATE_DATE | SALESORD_HDR | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when the Sales Order was created. |
CREDITQTY | DR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | Yes | Contains the sum of quantities which have been a part of credit notes against the transaction. |
CREDITSTATUS | DR_ACCS | | INTEGER | No | Credit terms for the Debtor. |
CREDLIMIT | DR_ACCS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The credit limit for the Debtor account. |
CUBIC | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Cubic weight of the item. |
CURRCODE | CURRENCIES | | VARCHAR(3) | No | The three-letter currency code, e.g. AUD, NZD. |
CURRENCY | DR_ALLOCATIONS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the currency in which the transaction took place. |
CURRENCYNO | GLACCS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the currency that the GL account is in. |
CURRENCYNO | SALESORD_HDR | | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the currency that the Sales Order is in. |
CURRENCYNO | CURRENCIES | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID code for the currency. |
CURRENCYNO | DR_TRANS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID of the currency being used for the transaction. |
CURRENCYNO | OPPORTUNITY | | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the currency that the Sales Order is in. |
CURRENCYNO | DR_INVLINES | FK | INTEGER | No | The currency number for the line. |
CURRENCYNO | DR_ACCS | | INTEGER | Yes | The currency of the Debtor account. |
CURRNAME | CURRENCIES | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The descriptive name for the currency. |
CURRSYMBOL | CURRENCIES | | VARCHAR(5) | No | The symbol for the currency, e.g. $, £. |
CUSTOMER_REF | DR_PRICE_POLICY | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Reference field for the customer's reference. |
CUSTORDERNO | DR_TRANS | | VARCHAR(20) | No | For invoices generated from Sales Orders, this field holds the value of the Extra Field customer Order number. |
CUSTORDERNO | SALESORD_HDR | | VARCHAR(20) | No | The customer's order number. |
DDNO | DR_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | Direct debit number. |
DEFACCOUNT | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field is set to 'Y' if the Debtor account is the default company for the Contact, i.e. if it is the company specified in the Company field on the Details tab of the Contacts window. |
DEFAULTWARRANTYNO | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | Yes | The default Warranty No for the stock item. |
DEFCONTACT | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if the Contact is set as the default Contact for the Debtor account. |
DEFLOCNO | SALESORD_HDR | | INTEGER | No | The default location that stock is being supplied from. |
DELADDR1 | DR_CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
DELADDR1 | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 1. |
DELADDR1 | DR_ADDRESSES | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 1. |
DELADDR1 | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 1. |
DELADDR2 | DR_CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
DELADDR2 | DR_ADDRESSES | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 2. |
DELADDR2 | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 2. |
DELADDR2 | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 2. |
DELADDR3 | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 3. |
DELADDR3 | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 3. |
DELADDR3 | DR_CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
DELADDR3 | DR_ADDRESSES | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 3. |
DELADDR4 | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 4. |
DELADDR4 | DR_ADDRESSES | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 4. |
DELADDR4 | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 4. |
DELADDR4 | DR_CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
DELADDR5 | DR_CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
DELADDR5 | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 5. |
DELADDR5 | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 5. |
DELADDR5 | DR_ADDRESSES | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 5. |
DELADDR6 | DR_CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
DELADDR6 | DR_ADDRESSES | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 6. |
DELADDR6 | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 6. |
DELADDR6 | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 6. |
DELIVADDR1 | DR_TRANS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 1. |
DELIVADDR2 | DR_TRANS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 2. |
DELIVADDR3 | DR_TRANS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 3. |
DELIVADDR4 | DR_TRANS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 4. |
DELIVADDR5 | DR_TRANS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 5. |
DELIVADDR6 | DR_TRANS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 6. |
DELIVERYCOUNT | SALESORD_HDR | | INTEGER | Yes | A count of the number of times the order has been supplied. |
DEPOSIT_STATUS | DR_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | This value is set to 1 if the payment is a deposit. |
DESCRIPT | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | VARCHAR(50) | No | A short written description of the campaign wave. |
DESCRIPTION | STOCK_ITEMS | | VARCHAR(40) | No | The stock item's description. |
DESCRIPTION | DR_INVLINES | | VARCHAR(40) | No | Description of the Stock item on this line. |
DESCRIPTION | OPPORTUNITY | | VARCHAR(60) | No | Description text for the Opportunity. |
DETAILS | OPPORTUNITY | | VARCHAR(4096) | No | Any details or notes entered for the Opportunity. |
DIMENSIONS | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | Yes | How the dimensions of the stock item are specified. Will be one of: 0=None 1=Length 2=Square 3=Cubic |
DIRECTFAX | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The Contact's fax number. |
DIRECTFAX | DR_CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
DIRECTPHONE | DR_CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
DIRECTPHONE | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The Contact's direct telephone number. |
DIRECT_CREDIT_TYPE | PAYMENT_TYPES | | CHAR(1) | No | This value is set to 'Y' if the Payment Type's Payment behaviour is set to "Direct Credit". |
DIRECT_DEBIT_TYPE | PAYMENT_TYPES | | CHAR(1) | No | This value is set to 'Y' if the Payment Type's Payment behaviour is set to "Direct Debit". |
DISCOUNT | DR_PRICES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The percentage discount to be applied, as per a price rule. |
DISCOUNT | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The percentage discount for the Stock item on this line. |
DISCOUNTLEVEL | DR_ACCS | | INTEGER | No | The Debtor's discount level - this is only populated via EXO APIs. |
DISCOUNTRATE | STAFF | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The staff member's Discount Rate Limit. |
DISPATCH_INFO | DR_TRANS | | VARCHAR(70) | No | The dispatch method. The profile setting "Prompt for dispatch information for debtor invoices and sales orders" must be enabled for users to be able to enter a dispatch method. |
DISPATCH_INFO | SALESORD_HDR | | VARCHAR(70) | No | The dispatch method for the Sales Order. |
DOC_BATCH_HDR_SEQNO | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | INTEGER | No | For campaign waves with the "Mailshot Process " Communication Method that include email attachments, this field contains the ID number of the documentation batch in the DOC_BATCH_HDR table that relates to the attachments. |
DRAWER | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The Drawer detail from the last update of a payment header. Populated via right-clicking on a payment on the Transactions tab and selecting Edit Ref Field. This option is only available if the profile setting "Permitted level of access to debtor transaction editing" (EDITDRTRANS) is set to allow transaction editing. |
DRCR | GLACCS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'C' for Credit accounts or 'D' for Debit accounts. |
DRINVLINEID | DR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | A unique ID for the invoice line, which should be used to link to other tables. Every time an invoice is edited, the lines are essentially removed and reinserted again, which changes the SEQNO. However, the DRINVLINEID field retains its value. Hence, any relationships built on this field are still valid in such a scenario. |
DUEDATE | SALESORD_HDR | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when the Sales Order is due to the customer. |
DUEDATE | DR_TRANS | | DATETIME | No | The payment due date. |
DUE_DATE | OPPORTUNITY | | DATETIME | No | The due date for the Opportunity. |
DUTY | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The duty percentage on the stock item. |
D_DEBIT_EMAIL | DR_ACCS | | CHAR(1) | No | If set to 'Y', Direct Debit payment advice will be sent to the Debtor by email. |
D_DEBIT_FAX | DR_ACCS | | CHAR(1) | No | If set to 'Y', Direct Debit payment advice will be sent to the Debtor by fax. |
D_DEBIT_PRINT | DR_ACCS | | CHAR(1) | No | If set to 'Y', printed Direct Debit payment advice will be sent to the Debtor. |
ECONORDERQTY | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The economic order quantity (EOQ) for the stock item. |
EFTAUTH | DR_TRANS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Only applies to EFTPOS transactions. The authorisation code for EFTPOS integration. |
EFTCAID | DR_TRANS | | VARCHAR(15) | No | Only applies to EFTPOS transactions. The CAID (entered in EXO Business Config) is stamped to every payment transaction in EXO Business when that transaction is processed via EFTPOS. The CAID is used when a settlement is performed to compute settlement totals and produce a settlement report. |
EFTPOS | PAYMENT_TYPES | | INTEGER | No | The Payment Type's EFTPOS behaviour. This will be one of: 0 = no EFT interface 1 = validate only (cheque) 2 = process EFT sale 3 = process EFT cash out |
EFTSTAN | DR_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | For EFTPOS payment transactions, the journal number (often know as a STAN) is stamped to each transaction in EXO Business and directly correlates to the journal entry in the EFTPOS software. |
EMAIL | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(60) | No | The Contact's email address. |
EMAIL | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(60) | No | The Debtor's email address. |
EMAIL | DR_CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(60) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
EMAIL_ADDRESS | STAFF | | VARCHAR(50) | No | The staff member's email address. |
EMPLOYEE_CODE | STAFF | | INTEGER | Yes | This field is used by the payroll integration functionality. |
ENDDATE | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | DATETIME | No | The end date for the period that the campaign wave runs over. |
END_DATE | DR_PRICE_POLICY | | DATETIME | Yes | Date to which the price rule remains active. |
ESTIMATE | OPPORTUNITY | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The estimated value entered for the Opportunity. |
EVENT_SEQNO | DR_CONT_HIST | FK | INTEGER | No | If the History Note was created as a result of event logging, this field contains the ID number of the reason event from the REASONS table. |
EXCHRATE | OPPORTUNITY | | FLOAT(53) | No | The exchange rate for the currency that the Opportunity is in. |
EXCHRATE | DR_TRANS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The exchange rate being used for the transaction, as determined by the currency in use. |
EXCHRATE | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The exchange rate for the line at the time of the transaction. |
EXCHRATE | DR_ALLOCATIONS | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The exchange rate used for conversion at the time of the allocation. |
EXCHRATE | SALESORD_HDR | | FLOAT(53) | No | The exchange rate for the currency that the Sales Order is in. |
EXCLUDE_FROM_REVAL | GLACCS | | CHAR(1) | No | If this field is set to 'Y', the account is excluded from revaluation. |
EXPIRY_DAYS | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | No | Number of days before expiry of the stock item. |
EXTENSION | STAFF | | VARCHAR(12) | No | The staff member's telephone extension. |
FACEBOOK | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(500) | No | The Contact's Facebook username or ID number. |
FACEBOOK | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(500) | No | The Debtor's Facebook account ID or username. |
FACEBOOK_ACCESS_TOKEN | STAFF | | VARCHAR(max) | No | If the staff member uses their own Facebook account when using the EXO Business social media functions, their encrypted access token is stored here. |
FACEBOOK_POST_ID | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | VARCHAR(100) | No | For campaign waves with the "Social Media Post" Communication Method, this field contains the ID number of the Facebook post. |
FAX | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The Debtor's fax number. |
FINALISATION_DATE | SALESORD_HDR | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when the Sales Order was finalised. |
FIN_QTR | PERIOD_STATUS | | INTEGER | Yes | The financial quarter that the period belongs to. |
FIRSTNAME | DR_CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
FIRSTNAME | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The Contact's first name. |
FIXED | DR_PRICE_POLICY | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field contains 'Y' if the policy is fixed |
FREIGHT_FREE | DR_INVLINES | | CHAR(1) | Yes | 'Y' or 'N' depending on whether the line is freight free. This comes from the price policy for the line. |
FREIGHT_FREE | DR_ACCS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | Used to suppress the freight prompt on Invoices or Sales Orders for this Debtor account. Can be superseded by the FREIGHT_FREE settings in price rules. |
FREIGHT_FREE | DR_TRANS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | Set to 'Y' if this transaction is freight free. This is determined by a combination of the FREIGHT_FREE properties on Debtor accounts and Price Policies. |
FULLNAME | CONTACTS | | AS | No | The Contact's full name, formed by joining the FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME fields. |
GATEWAY | PAYMENT_TYPES | | INTEGER | No | This field specifies the Payment Type's Gateway Behaviour. This will be one of: 0 = None 1 = Purchase 2 = Authorise |
GATEWAYNO | DR_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | Only applies to EFTPOS transactions. The gateway number for EFTPOS integration. |
GEOCODE_STATUS | CONTACTS | | INTEGER | No | Result of the geocode lookup. Will be one of: Null or -1 - lookup not yet attempted 0 - lookup successful >0 - lookup failed |
GEOCODE_STATUS | DR_ACCS | | INTEGER | No | Result of the geocode lookup. Will be one of: Null or -1 - lookup not yet attempted 0 - lookup successful >0 - lookup failed |
GLACC | TAX_RATES | | INTEGER | No | The GL account used for the tax rate (if it is not using the default control account). |
GLBATCHNO | DR_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | The batch number for the journals that have sourced from this transaction. |
GLCODE | DR_TRANS | FK | INTEGER | No | For payments, this field contains the GL code of the bank account. |
GLCONTROLACC | DR_ACCS | | INTEGER | No | Not currently used. |
GLCONTROLSUBACC | DR_ACCS | | INTEGER | No | Not currently used. |
GLPOSTED | DR_TRANS | | CHAR(1) | No | Y = the transaction has been posted to GL. N = the transaction has not been posted to GL. |
GLSUBACC | TAX_RATES | | INTEGER | No | The GL subaccount used for the tax rate (if it is not using the default control subaccount). |
GLSUBCODE | DR_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | For payments, this field contains the GL subcode of the bank account. |
GROUPNAME | DR_ACCGROUPS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The name of the group. |
GROUPNAME | DR_PRICEGROUPS | | VARCHAR(30) | Yes | The Debtor Price Policy Group's name. |
GROUPNAME | DR_ACCGROUP2S | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The name of the group. |
GROUPNO | DR_PRICEGROUPS | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique identifier for the Debtor Price Policy Group. |
HAS_BACKORDERS | SALESORD_HDR | | CHAR(1) | Yes | Set to 'Y' if there are quantities on the Sales Order that are on back order. |
HAS_BN | STOCK_ITEMS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if the stock item is batch tracked. |
HAS_BUDGETS | STAFF | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if the staff member has been assigned a Sales Team Budget, i.e. if their Has Budget flag is ticked in EXO Business Configurator. |
HAS_EXPIRY | STOCK_ITEMS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field is set to 'Y' if the stock item has an expiry date. This flag is only available in the UI if the "Use expiry dates for batched & serial numbers" profile setting is enabled. |
HAS_SN | STOCK_ITEMS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if the stock item is serial number tracked. |
HAS_UNINVOICED | SALESORD_HDR | | CHAR(1) | Yes | Set to 'Y' if there are quantities on the Sales Order that have not been invoiced yet. |
HAS_UNPICKED | SALESORD_HDR | | CHAR(1) | Yes | Set to 'Y' if there are quantities on the Sales Order that have not been picked yet. |
HAS_UNRELEASED | SALESORD_HDR | | CHAR(1) | Yes | Set to 'Y' if there are quantities on the Sales Order that have not been released yet. |
HAS_UNSUPPLIED | SALESORD_HDR | | CHAR(1) | Yes | Set to 'Y' if there are quantities on the Sales Order that have not been supplied yet. |
HDR_SEQNO | DR_INVLINES | FK | INTEGER | No | The SEQNO of the record in the DR_TRANS table that this record related to. |
HEAD_ACCNO | DR_ACCS | | INTEGER | Yes | The ACCNO of the Debtor's head office account. If no head office, this is set to -1. |
HIDDEN_COST | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | This field applies to Bills of Materials. For kits that use pricing by components, this field stores the header-level cost. For builds that use individual stocklines, this fields stores the lines' real costs. |
HIDDEN_SELL | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | This field applies to Bills of Materials. For kits that use pricing by components, this field stores header-level sell prices For builds that use individual stocklines, this fields stores the lines' real prices. |
HOMEPHONE | STAFF | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The staff member's home telephone number. |
HOMEPHONE | DR_CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
HOMEPHONE | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The Contact's home phone number. |
IMAGE_FILE_INDEX | PAYMENT_TYPES | | INTEGER | No | Specifies the Toolbar image to display on EXO Business interfaces for the Payment Type. |
IMG_FILE | PAYMENT_TYPES | | VARCHAR(80) | No | The filename of the image displayed for the Payment Type on websites. |
INCASHDRAWER | PAYMENT_TYPES | | CHAR(1) | No | This value is set to 'Y' if the Payment Type's "Open Cash Drawer" flag is ticked. |
INVFILENO | DR_ACCS | | INTEGER | No | The number that is used in the name of the invoice template that will be used for this Debtor, e.g. 1 for Invoice1.clf. |
INVLINEID | DR_INVLINES_SERIALS | FK | INTEGER | No | The associated Debtors Invoice line - links to DR_INVLINES.DRINVLINEID. |
INVNO | DR_INVLINES | | VARCHAR(20) | No | The invoice number. |
INVNO | DR_TRANS | | VARCHAR(20) | No | The invoice number. For credit notes, the invoice number is prefixed with CR. |
INVOICECOUNT | SALESORD_HDR | | INTEGER | Yes | A count of the number of invoices generated for the order. |
INVOICETYPE | DR_ACCS | | INTEGER | No | This field only applies to Australian databases where M-Powered Invoices are enabled. If set to 1, search results on the Transactions tab of the Debtor Account Details window will only include accounts with the M-Powered invoice type. |
INVOICE_TYPE | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(20) | No | The type of invoice to send to the Debtor: DEFAULT, STANDARD or M-POWERED. Only applies to Australian databases. |
ISACTIVE | DR_ACCS | | CHAR(1) | No | Whether the account is active (Y) or inactive (N). |
ISACTIVE | STAFF | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if the staff member is currently active, i.e. if their Active flag is ticked in EXO Business Configurator. |
ISACTIVE | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Whether the Contact is active (Y) or inactive (N). |
ISACTIVE | STOCK_ITEMS | | CHAR(1) | No | If this field is set to 'Y', the stock item is active. |
ISACTIVE | GLACCS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if the GL account is active. |
ISACTIVE | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
ISTEMPLATE | DR_ACCS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | If 'Y', this Debtor account can be used as a template for Non Accounts and new POS accounts. |
IS_ACTIVE | DR_PRICE_POLICY | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field contains 'Y' if the policy is active. |
IS_CLOSE | OPPORTUNITY | | AS | No | Set to 'Y' if the Opportunity has been changed to Closed status. |
IS_DISCOUNTABLE | STOCK_ITEMS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field is set to 'Y' if the stock item is discountable. |
IS_SUPERVISOR | STAFF | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field is set to 'Y' if the staff member is designated as a supervisor, i.e. if their Has supervisory override authority flag is ticked. |
JOBCODE | DR_INVLINES | | VARCHAR(15) | No | If the line originates from a job, the job's code is recorded in this field. |
JOBNO | DR_TRANS | | INTEGER | Yes | Where Job Costing is in use, this field contains the ID number of the job associated with the transaction. |
JOBNO | DR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | If the line originates from a job, the job's ID number is recorded in this field. |
JOBNO | DR_CONT_HIST | | INTEGER | Yes | This is a legacy field that is no longer used. |
JOBNO | DR_PRICES | | INTEGER | No | ID number of the job that this price rule applies to, if relevant. |
JOBTITLE | STAFF | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The staff member's job title. |
JOB_CONTRACT_BILLINGS_SEQNO | DR_TRANS | | INTEGER | Yes | If the invoice is related to a Progress Billing invoice in EXO Job Costing, the ID number of that invoice is recorded here (from JOB_CONTRACT_BILLINGS). |
JOB_CONTRACT_BILLINGS_SEQNO | DR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | Yes | If the invoice is related to a Progress Billing invoice in EXO Job Costing, the ID number of that invoice is recorded here (from JOB_CONTRACT_BILLINGS). |
KEEPTRANSACTIONS | DR_ACCS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | If 'N', all branch transactions are transferred to head office account. |
KEY_POINT | TAX_RATES | | VARCHAR(5) | No | The tax return key point that applies to the tax rate. |
KITCODE | DR_INVLINES | | VARCHAR(23) | No | The Bill of Materials code, if the line is part of a BOM. |
KITSEQNO | DR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | A Bill of Materials SEQNO used to group BOM lines together. |
LANDING_SITE | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | VARCHAR(150) | No | For campaign waves with the "Mailshot Process" Communication Method, this field contains any text entered into the Landing site field. |
LASTMONTH | DR_ACCS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Turnover for last month. |
LASTMONTHUNITS | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Units of stock item sold in the previous month. |
LASTMONTHVALUE | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sales value for the previous month for the stock item. |
LASTNAME | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The Contact's last/family name. |
LASTNAME | DR_CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
LASTYEAR | DR_ACCS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Turnover for last year. |
LASTYEARUNITS | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Units of stock item sold in for the previous year. |
LASTYEARVALUE | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sales value for last year. |
LAST_BAD_LOGIN | STAFF | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when the staff member last attempted to log in but failed. |
LAST_LOGIN | STAFF | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when the staff member last successfully logged in. |
LAST_UPDATED | DR_ACCS | | DATETIME | No | Time and date stamp when the Debtor's account details were last updated. |
LAST_UPDATED | GLACCS | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when the GL account was last updated. |
LAST_UPDATED | SALESORD_HDR | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when the Sales Order was last updated. |
LAST_UPDATED | STOCK_ITEMS | | DATETIME | No | Date and time when the stock item record was last updated. |
LAST_UPDATED | CONTACTS | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when the Contact record was last updated. |
LATESTCOST | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The stock item's Last Cost Price. |
LATITUDE | DR_ACCS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The Debtor's latitude. |
LATITUDE | CONTACTS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The Contact's latitude. |
LEDGER | PERIOD_STATUS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | The ledger for a specific age. |
LINETAX_OVERRIDDEN | DR_INVLINES | | CHAR(1) | No | Contains 'Y' if the tax on the line has been manually modified. |
LINETOTAL | DR_INVLINES | | AS | No | A computed field containing the total value for the line, excluding tax. |
LINETOTAL_INCTAX | DR_INVLINES | | AS | No | A computed field containing the total value for the line, including tax. |
LINETOTAL_TAX | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The tax total for the line. |
LINETYPE | DR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | Yes | This field indicates the type of line. Will be one of: 0 = Normal stockline 1 = BOM header line 2 = BOM component line 4 = Narrative line |
LINE_SOURCE | DR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | The source SEQNO of the line, if it originated from a Sales Order or job. |
LINKEDIN | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(20) | No | The Debtor's LinkedIn account ID. |
LINKEDIN | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(20) | No | The Contact's LinkedIn account ID. |
LINKEDIN_POST_DATE | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | DATETIME | No | For campaign waves with the "Social Media Post" Communication Method, this field contains the date of the LinkedIn post. |
LINKEDIN_TOKEN_KEY | STAFF | | VARCHAR(max) | No | If the staff member uses their own LinkedIn account when using the EXO Business social media functions, their encrypted access token key is stored here. |
LINKEDIN_TOKEN_SECRET | STAFF | | VARCHAR(max) | No | If the staff member uses their own LinkedIn account when using the EXO Business social media functions, their encrypted access token secret is stored here. |
LINKEDSTATUS | DR_INVLINES | | CHAR(1) | No | Will be one of: S = Stocked L = Lookup N = Not applicable |
LINKED_QTY | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The physical stock unit quantity. |
LINKED_STOCKCODE | DR_INVLINES | | VARCHAR(23) | No | The physical stock unit. |
LISTPRICE | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The original unit price for the Stock item on this line. |
LISTSEQ | PAYMENT_TYPES | | INTEGER | No | The value of this field determines the Payment Type's position in lists. |
LIVE_TRANS | PAYMENT_TYPES | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if the Payment Type is set to be available on bank servers, i.e. if its "On live bank server" flag is ticked. |
LOCALVALUE | SALESORD_HDR | | AS | No | The value of the Sales Order in the local currency. |
LOCATION | DR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | The location that the Stock item will be moved out of. Generally, lines inherit the location from the invoice header. |
LOCKED | PERIOD_STATUS | | CHAR(1) | No | If set to 'Y', the period is locked, implying that this age in a specific ledger is closed and no more transactions should take place |
LOGINID | STAFF | | VARCHAR(30) | Yes | The staff member's login ID. This is the ID used to log in to the EXO Business system. |
LONGITUDE | CONTACTS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The Contact's longitude. |
LONGITUDE | DR_ACCS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The Debtor's longitude. |
LOOKUP_RECOVERABLE | STOCK_ITEMS | | CHAR(1) | No | If this field contains 'Y', the stock item is a recoverable expense in EXO Job Costing. |
LOST_VALUE | OPPORTUNITY | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The total value of all lost lines on the Opportunity. |
MASTER_JOBNO | DR_PRICES | | INTEGER | No | ID number of the master job that this price rule applies to, if relevant. |
MAXSTOCK | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The maximum default stock level for each location. |
MENU_NO | STAFF | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the Menu Definition specified for the staff member. Corresponds to the menu's SEQNO field in the MENU_COLLECTION table. |
MINGLSEQNO | PERIOD_STATUS | | INTEGER | No | The first transaction for the period found in the GLTRANS table. |
MINORDLINESEQNO | PERIOD_STATUS | | INTEGER | No | For the Debtors ledger, this specifies the first transaction for the period found in the SALESORD_LINES table. For the Creditors ledger, this specifies the first transaction for the period found in the PURCHORD_LINES table. |
MINORDSEQNO | PERIOD_STATUS | | INTEGER | No | For the Debtors ledger, this specifies the first transaction for the period found in the SALESORD_HDR table. For the Creditors ledger, this specifies the first transaction for the period found in the PURCHORD_HDR table. |
MINQTY | DR_PRICES | | FLOAT(53) | No | Minimum quantity for the price rule to apply. |
MINSTOCK | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The minimum default stock level for each location. |
MINSTOCKSEQNO | PERIOD_STATUS | | INTEGER | No | The first transaction for the period found in the Stock ledger. |
MINTRANLINESEQNO | PERIOD_STATUS | | INTEGER | No | For the Debtors ledger, this specifies the first transaction for the period found in the DR_INVLINES table. For the Creditors ledger, this specifies the first transaction for the period found in the CR_INVLINES table. |
MINTRANSEQNO | PERIOD_STATUS | | INTEGER | No | For the Debtors ledger, this specifies the first transaction for the period found in the DR_TRANS table. For the Creditors ledger, this specifies the first transaction for the period found in the CR_TRANS table. |
MOBILE | DR_CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
MOBILE | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The Contact's mobile phone number. |
MOBILE_ACCESS | STAFF | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field contains 'Y' if the staff member is authorised to use the EXO OnTheGo mobile app. |
MODIFIEDBY | OPPORTUNITY | | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the staff member who most recently modified the Opportunity. |
MODIFIEDDATE | OPPORTUNITY | | DATETIME | No | The date and time that the Opportunity was most recently modified. |
MONTHUNITS | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sales totals in terms of quantity for the current month. |
MONTHVAL | DR_ACCS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Turnover for the current month. |
MONTHVALUE | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sales value for the current month. |
MPOWERED_TYPE | PAYMENT_TYPES | | CHAR(1) | No | This value is set to 'Y' if the Payment Type's Payment behaviour is set to "M-Powered". |
MSN_ID | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(45) | No | The Contact's MSN ID number. |
NAME | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(60) | No | The Debtor's name. |
NAME | TAX_RATES | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The full name of the taxation rate. |
NAME | DR_TRANS | | VARCHAR(70) | No | The name of the Debtor account against which the transaction was generated. |
NAME | STAFF | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The staff member's full name. |
NAME | GLACCS | | VARCHAR(40) | No | The account name. |
NARRATIVE | NARRATIVES | | VARCHAR(4096) | No | The text of the narrative. |
NARRATIVE_SEQNO | SALESORD_HDR | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the narrative attached to the Sales Order header. |
NARRATIVE_SEQNO | DR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | The SEQNO for the narrative on this line. |
NARRATIVE_SEQNO | DR_TRANS | FK | INTEGER | No | ID number of the narrative attached to the transaction. |
NEED_ORDERNO | DR_ACCS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | If set to 'Y', order numbers are checked against past order numbers to prevent duplication. Only applies when the profile setting "Validate Debtor Order Numbers" (VALIDATE_DR_ORDERNO) is enabled. |
NICKNAME | STAFF | | VARCHAR(15) | No | A short nickname for the employee. |
NON_STOCK_AUTH_AMT | STAFF | | FLOAT(53) | No | The staff member's Non-Stock Purchase Order Authorisation Limit. |
NOTE | DR_CONT_HIST | | VARCHAR(4096) | No | The main body of the History Note. |
NOTES | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(4096) | No | All notes entered for the Debtor on the Notes tab. |
NOTES | DR_CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(4096) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
NOTES | DR_PRICE_POLICY | | VARCHAR(4096) | No | Any notes that have been recorded for the policy. |
NOTES | GLACCS | | VARCHAR(4096) | No | Any notes on the GL account. |
NOTES | STOCK_ITEMS | | VARCHAR(4096) | No | Any notes for the stock item. |
NOTES | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(4096) | No | All notes entered for the Contact on the Notes tab. |
NUMDECIMALS | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | Yes | The number of decimal places that can be entered for the stock item's quantity. |
NUNITPR | DR_INVLINES | | AS | No | A computed field containing the unit price, taking into account the discount on the line. |
ONHOLD | SALESORD_HDR | | CHAR(1) | No | Set to 'Y' if the Sales Order is on hold. |
OPENINGBAL | GLACCS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The account's opening balance. |
OPENITEM | DR_ACCS | | CHAR(1) | No | Contains "Y" if this is not a balance brought forward account. |
OPPORTUNITY_LEAD | OPPORTUNITY | FK | INTEGER | No | The Opportunity's lead source, taken from OPPORTUNITY_LEAD.SEQNO. |
OPPORTUNITY_SEQNO | SALESORD_HDR | FK | INTEGER | No | If the Sales Order is associated with an Opportunity (EXO Business CRM), the Opportunity's ID number is stored here. |
OPPORTUNITY_SEQNO | DR_TRANS | FK | INTEGER | No | If the transaction is associated with an Opportunity (EXO Business CRM), the Opportunity's ID number is stored here. |
OPTOUT_EMARKETING | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if the Contact's Opt-Out eMarketing flag is ticked. Contacts who have opted out of eMarketing will not be included in campaign waves for campaigns whose Campaign Type is set to "Marketing" (EXO Business CRM). |
OPT_IN_URL | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | VARCHAR(150) | No | For campaign waves with the "Mailshot Process" Communication Method, this field contains any text entered into the Opt in URL field. |
OPT_OUT_URL | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | VARCHAR(150) | No | For campaign waves with the "Mailshot Process" Communication Method, this field contains any text entered into the Opt out URL field. |
ORDERDATE | SALESORD_HDR | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when the Sales Order was created. |
ORDERQTY | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The Order Qty from the Sales Order. |
ORDSTATUS | SALESORD_HDR | | INTEGER | No | Additional status information for the Sales Order. Will be one of: 10 = Quote 20 =
Order 30 =
Acknowledged Order 40 =
Pick In Progress 50 =
Pick Confirmed 70 =
Supplied 80 =
Invoiced 90 =
100 = Lost Quote
160 = Force Fully Processed |
ORDTOTAL | SALESORD_HDR | | AS | No | The total amount for the Sales Order. |
ORD_REF | DR_TRANS | | VARCHAR(20) | No | For invoices generated from Sales Orders, this field holds the order's reference field value. |
OUTLOOK_LINK | DR_CONT_HIST | | VARCHAR(40) | No | If the History Note was emailed, this field contains a link to the email in MS Outlook. |
OVER_TEND | PAYMENT_TYPES | | CHAR(1) | No | This value is set to 'Y' if the Payment Type's "Allow to be over tendered" flag is enabled. |
PACK | STOCK_ITEMS | | VARCHAR(10) | No | Describes the unit of sale for pricing, e.g. EACH or PACK. |
PASSWORD_CHANGED | STAFF | | DATETIME | Yes | The date and time when the staff member's password was last changed. |
PASS_WORD | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Used for integrated web shops. |
PAYROLL_ID | STAFF | | VARCHAR(15) | No | The staff member's Employee ID (Payroll) number. This field is used when EXO Business is integrating with an external payroll system, e.g. MYOB EXO Payroll. It must contain the employee's corresponding ID number in the payroll system. |
PAY_STATUS | DR_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | This value is set by the Toggle Query Status right-click menu option on the Allocations screen. |
PAY_TYPE | DR_ACCS | | INTEGER | No | The default payment method. |
PERIODNAME | PERIOD_STATUS | | VARCHAR(20) | No | The name/description for the period. |
PERIOD_SEQNO | PERIOD_STATUS | | INTEGER | Yes | The period's sequence number within fiscal year. |
PERIOD_SEQNO | DR_TRANS | FK | INTEGER | Yes | ID number of the period that the transaction is in. |
PERIOD_SEQNO | DR_ALLOCATIONS | | INTEGER | Yes | The period in which the allocation took place. |
PERIOD_SHORTNAME | PERIOD_STATUS | | VARCHAR(8) | No | A short name for the period. |
PHONE | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The Debtor's phone number. |
PHONE | STAFF | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The staff member's work telephone number. |
PHYS_BRANCH | DR_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | ID of the Physical branch. |
PHYS_STAFF | DR_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | The staff ID of the person logged in. |
PICKEDCOUNT | SALESORD_HDR | | INTEGER | No | The amount of items on the Sales Order that have been picked. |
POLICY_HDR | DR_PRICE_POLICY_ACC | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The Debtor price policy that the account/account group belongs to. |
POLICY_HDR | DR_PRICES | FK | INTEGER | No | The Debtor price policy that the price rule belongs to. |
POLICY_HDR | DR_PRICE_POLICY | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the policy record. |
POLICY_REF | DR_PRICE_POLICY | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Reference field for the policy |
POSTTIME | DR_CONT_HIST | | DATETIME | No | The actual date and time that the record was posted. |
POSTTIME | DR_TRANS | | DATETIME | No | The actual date/time the transaction was posted at. |
POST_CODE | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(12) | No | The Debtor's postal code. |
POST_CODE | DR_CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(12) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
POST_CODE | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(12) | No | The Contact's post code. |
POS_CREDIT | PAYMENT_TYPES | | CHAR(1) | No | This value is set to 'Y' if the Payment Type can be used for credits in EXO Business POS, i.e. if its "Credits" flag is ticked in the Available on POS Transactions section. |
POS_LAYBY | PAYMENT_TYPES | | CHAR(1) | No | This value is set to 'Y' if the Payment Type can be used for lay-bys in EXO Business POS, i.e. if its "Lay-bys" flag is ticked in the Available on POS Transactions section. |
POS_QUOTE | PAYMENT_TYPES | | CHAR(1) | No | This value is set to 'Y' if the Payment Type can be used for quote in EXO Business POS, i.e. if its "Quotes" flag is ticked in the Available on POS Transactions section. |
POS_RECEIPT | PAYMENT_TYPES | | CHAR(1) | No | This value is set to 'Y' if the Payment Type can be used for receipts in EXO Business POS, i.e. if its "Receipts" flag is ticked in the Available on POS Transactions section. |
POS_REFUND | PAYMENT_TYPES | | CHAR(1) | No | This value is set to 'Y' if the Payment Type can be used for refunds in EXO Business POS, i.e. if its "Refunds" flag is ticked in the Available on POS Transactions section. |
POS_SALE | PAYMENT_TYPES | | CHAR(1) | No | This value is set to 'Y' if the Payment Type can be used for sales in EXO Business POS, i.e. if its "Sales" flag is ticked in the Available on POS Transactions section. |
PQTY | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | |
PREV_PERIOD_CLOSE | DR_TRANS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The balance as at the end of the previous period. |
PREV_PERIOD_OPEN | DR_TRANS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Balance as at the start of the previous period. |
PRICE | DR_PRICES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The substitute price to be applied to the stockcode/group. |
PRICEGROUP | DR_ACCS | FK | INTEGER | No | Price Group for the Debtor. New accounts get this from profile setting "Default debtor price group for new debtors" (DEFDRPRICEGROUP). |
PRICENO | DR_ACCS | | INTEGER | No | The Base price for the Debtor. |
PRICEPERKG | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The stock item's sell price per kg. |
PRICEQTY | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The stock item's sell price per quantity. |
PRICE_OVERRIDDEN | DR_INVLINES | | CHAR(1) | Yes | Contains 'Y' if the price on the line has been manually modified. |
PRIOR_AGEDBAL0 | DR_ACCS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Prior Aged Balance for the current month. |
PRIOR_AGEDBAL1 | DR_ACCS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Prior Aged Balance for the previous month. |
PRIOR_AGEDBAL2 | DR_ACCS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Prior Aged Balance for two months back. |
PRIOR_AGEDBAL3 | DR_ACCS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Prior Aged Balance for three months back. |
PRIOR_BALANCE | DR_ACCS | | AS | No | Balance as at the prior period. |
PRIVATE_ACC | DR_ACCS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | If 'Y', the debtor account is classed as private. It can only be accessed by users who have the profile setting "Allow access to private debtor accounts" (ALLOW_ACCESS_TO_PRIVATE_DR_ACC) enabled. |
PRIVATE_ACC | GLACCS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field is set to 'Y' if the GL account is a private account. |
PROBABILITY | OPPORTUNITY | | INTEGER | No | The Probability value entered for the Opportunity. |
PROCESSED | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if the campaign wave's Processed flag is ticked. |
PROCESSFINALISATION | SALESORD_HDR | | INTEGER | No | Will be one of: 0 = Normal 1 =
Deleted 2 = Forced Fully Processed
3 = Lost Quote |
PROMPTPAY_AMT | DR_ACCS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Prompt payment discount amount. |
PROMPTPAY_PC | DR_ACCS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Prompt payment discount percentage. |
PTDESC | PAYMENT_TYPES | | VARCHAR(12) | No | The Payment Type's name. |
PTGROUP | PAYMENT_TYPES | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the Payment Group that the Payment Type belongs to. Taken from the PGNO field of the PAYMENT_GROUP table. |
PTKEY | PAYMENT_TYPES | | CHAR(1) | No | A one-character code for the Payment Type. |
PTNO | DR_TRANS | FK | INTEGER | No | The payment number. |
PTNO | PAYMENT_TYPES | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the Payment Type. |
PURCHTAXRATE | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | No | Default GST rate for purchase transactions. |
PURCH_GLSUBCODE | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | No | The default GL sub-account code that purchase transactions for this stock item are posted to. |
PURCH_GL_CODE | STOCK_ITEMS | FK | INTEGER | No | The GL code that purchase transactions for this stock are posted to. |
QUANTITY | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The quantity for this line. |
RATE | TAX_RATES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The percentage taxation rate. |
REF1 | DR_TRANS | | VARCHAR(20) | No | For invoices, this field contains whatever was entered into the Reference field. If the invoice is for an asset created from Job Costing, this field holds the stockcode for the asset. For payments, this field contains the payment type, e.g. CASH, CHEQUE. |
REF2 | DR_TRANS | | VARCHAR(20) | No | For payments, this filed contains the payment reference/cheque number. For invoices, when coming from Sales Order, this field contains the customer orderno Extra Field value. |
REF3 | DR_TRANS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | For payments, this field contains the payment bank and branch. For invoices, this field contains the text 'Invoice'. |
REFERENCE | SALESORD_HDR | | VARCHAR(20) | No | An additional reference number for the Sales Order. |
REFERENCELEVEL | PAYMENT_TYPES | | INTEGER | No | This field specifies the Payment Type's Drawer/Reference level. This will be one of: 0 = Not Editable 1 = Editable 2 = Must Fill |
REFUND | PAYMENT_TYPES | | CHAR(1) | No | This value is set to 'Y' if the Payment Type allows refunds, i.e. if its "Permit use on refund/credit" flag is enabled. |
RELEASECOUNT | SALESORD_HDR | | INTEGER | No | The amount of items on the Sales Order that have been released. |
RELEASEDAMT | DR_TRANS | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | This field is populated by the Direct Debits functionality. |
REPORTCODE | GLACCS | | VARCHAR(15) | No | The report code used by the GL account. |
REPORTCODE | DR_ACCGROUPS | | VARCHAR(15) | No | A report code for the group. |
REPORTCODE | DR_PRICEGROUPS | | VARCHAR(15) | No | A reporting code for the Debtor Price Policy Group. |
REPORTCODE | PERIOD_STATUS | | VARCHAR(8) | No | A code used for reporting purposes. |
REPORTCODE | DR_ACCGROUP2S | | VARCHAR(15) | No | A report code for the group. |
REPORTS_TO_STAFFNO | STAFF | | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the staff member that this staff member reports to. |
RESTRICTED_ITEM | STOCK_ITEMS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field is set to 'Y' if the stock item is a restricted item. |
RE_MOVEMENTS | CURRENCIES | | FLOAT(53) | No | This field relates to the Intercompany module. |
ROUND_AMT | PAYMENT_TYPES | | INTEGER | No | This field specifies the number of cents that the Payment Type should round to. |
ROUND_UP | PAYMENT_TYPES | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if the Payment Type's "Round up when midway" flag is ticked. |
SALESNO | DR_CONTACTS | | INTEGER | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SALESNO | SALESORD_HDR | | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the salesperson assigned to the Sales Order. |
SALESNO | CONTACTS | FK | INTEGER | No | The STAFFNO of staff member who is set as the Sales person for the Contact. |
SALESNO | DR_TRANS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the salesperson. |
SALESNO | DR_ACCS | FK | INTEGER | No | ID number of the salesperson assigned to the Debtor account. |
SALESNO | DR_CONT_HIST | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID of the staff member selected on the History Note. |
SALESTAXRATE | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | No | Default GST rate for sales transactions. |
SALES_ACCNO | DR_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | If the transaction is against a branch account, this field holds the account number for the branch account and the ACCNO field holds the account number of the head account. In all other cases, this field and the ACCNO field always have same number. |
SALES_GLSUBCODE | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | No | The default GL sub-account code that sales transactions for this stock item are posted to. |
SALES_GL_CODE | STOCK_ITEMS | FK | INTEGER | No | The default GL code that sales transactions for this stock item are posted to. |
SALUTATION | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(4) | No | The Contact's preferred salutation, e.g. Mr, Mrs. |
SALUTATION | DR_CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(4) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SBR_REFRESHTOKEN | STAFF | | VARCHAR(1024) | No | The refresh token used for SBR authentication. |
SECTION | GLACCS | | INTEGER | No | This field is set to 0 for Profit and loss accounts or 1 for Balance sheet accounts. |
SECURITYPROFILEID | STAFF | | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the staff member's Security profile. Corresponds to the profile's ID field in the PROFILE table. |
SELLPRICE1 | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 1. |
SELLPRICE10 | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 10. |
SELLPRICE2 | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 2. |
SELLPRICE3 | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 3. |
SELLPRICE4 | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 4. |
SELLPRICE5 | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 5. |
SELLPRICE6 | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 6. |
SELLPRICE7 | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 7. |
SELLPRICE8 | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 8. |
SELLPRICE9 | STOCK_ITEMS | | AS | No | Sell price 9. |
SELLRATE | CURRENCIES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The sell rate (for sales). |
SELL_PRICE_BANDNO | DR_PRICES | | INTEGER | Yes | Switch to this base sell price band (generally set if no discount/substitute price is applied). |
SEQNO | TAX_RATES | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the tax rate. |
SEQNO | DR_ALLOCATIONS | PK, FK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the allocation. |
SEQNO | DR_CONT_HIST | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique identifier for the record. |
SEQNO | DR_ADDRESSES | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the record. |
SEQNO | OPPORTUNITY | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the Opportunity. |
SEQNO | NARRATIVES | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the narrative. |
SEQNO | DR_CONTACTS | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique identifier for the Debtor Contact. The identifier for the Contact record is specified by the CONTACT_SEQNO field. |
SEQNO | DR_PRICES | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the price record. |
SEQNO | DR_TRANS | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique transaction ID. |
SEQNO | DR_PRICE_POLICY_ACC | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the record. |
SEQNO | DR_INVLINES | FK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique transaction ID. |
SEQNO | DR_INVLINES_SERIALS | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the line. |
SEQNO | PERIOD_STATUS | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the period. |
SEQNO | CONTACTS | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique identifier for the Contact record. |
SEQNO | SALESORD_HDR | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the Sales Order. |
SEQNO | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the campaign wave. |
SERIALNO | DR_INVLINES_SERIALS | | VARCHAR(50) | No | The serial number. |
SERIALNO_TYPE | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | Yes | How the stock item is serialised. Will be one of: 0 = Not Serialised 1 = Fully Tracked (In & Internal & Out) 2 = Creditor & Internal (In & Internal) 3 = Debtor Only (Out only) 4 = Creditor & Debtor (In & Out Only) 5 = Creditor Only (In Only) 6 = Internal & Debtor (Internal & Out only) 7 = Internal Only |
SESSION_ID | DR_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | ID number of the session. |
SETTINGS | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | VARCHAR(4096) | No | This field is used by campaign waves where the Communication Method is "Execute SQL" or "Execute External Program". |
SHIFTNO | DR_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | The shift number for EXO Business POS. |
SHORTNAME | PAYMENT_TYPES | | VARCHAR(6) | No | The short name used for the Payment Type on some displays. |
SHORTNAME | TAX_RATES | | VARCHAR(6) | No | A short name for the taxation rate. |
SHOWLINE | DR_INVLINES | | CHAR(1) | No | This field applies to Bills of Materials, and is used by Clarity to determine if the line can be printed. |
SKYPE_ID | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(45) | No | The Contact's Skype ID number. |
SMTP_SEQNO | STAFF | | INTEGER | No | Where emails are sent via SMTP using the EXO Business Email Sender, this field contains the ID of the SMTP settings that apply to the staff member (SMTP_ACCOUNT.SEQNO). Set up via the SMTP Server Settings window. |
SOCIAL_MEDIA_TEXT | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | VARCHAR(500) | No | For campaign waves with the "Social Media Post" Communication Method, this field contains the text that is posted to the social media network(s). |
SORTCODE | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(12) | No | Banks National Clearing Code or Routing Number used by some banks. Expose as an Extra Field to use. |
SOURCEINV_SEQNO | DR_TRANS | | INTEGER | Yes | For credit notes, this field stores the SEQNO of the source invoice transaction. |
SO_SEQNO | DR_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | For invoices generated from Sales Orders, this field holds the SEQNO of the Sales Order. |
STAFFNO | STAFF | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique identifier for the staff record. |
STARTDATE | DR_PRICES | | DATETIME | No | Date from which the price rule is active. |
STARTDATE | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | DATETIME | No | The start date for the period that the campaign wave runs over. |
STARTDATE | DR_ACCS | | DATETIME | No | The date that the Debtor account was created on. |
STARTDATE | PERIOD_STATUS | | DATETIME | No | The start date for the period. |
START_DATE | DR_PRICE_POLICY | | DATETIME | Yes | Date from which the policy becomes active. |
START_DATE | OPPORTUNITY | | DATETIME | No | The start date of the Opportunity. |
STATEMENT | DR_ACCS | | CHAR(1) | No | How statements will be sent to the Debtor. P = print, E = email, B = both, N = none. |
STATEMENT_CONTACT_SEQNO | DR_ACCS | | INTEGER | No | When sending statements via email, the email will be sent to this address. If this field is blank, the email address of the Debtor account's default contact is used. If the account does not have a default Contact, the Debtor's email address (EMAIL) is used. |
STATUS | STOCK_ITEMS | | CHAR(1) | No | The stock item's status. Will be one of: S = Stock item L = Lookup item |
STATUS | SALESORD_HDR | | INTEGER | No | The status of the Sales Order. Will be one of: 0 = Not Processed
1 = Partly Processed 2 = Fully Processed
3 = Quotation
4 = Standing Order
5 = Layby
6 = Lost Quote |
STDCOST | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The stock item's standard cost. |
STOCKCODE | DR_INVLINES | FK | VARCHAR(23) | No | Code of the Stock item on this line. |
STOCKCODE | DR_PRICES | FK | VARCHAR(23) | No | If the price rule is defined for an individual Stock item, this field stores the item's stockcode. |
STOCKCODE | STOCK_ITEMS | PK | VARCHAR(23) | Yes | A unique ID code for the stock item. |
STOCKGROUP | STOCK_ITEMS | FK | INTEGER | No | The Primary (Fine) Stock Group that the item belongs to. |
STOCKGROUP2 | STOCK_ITEMS | FK | INTEGER | No | The stock item's Secondary (Coarse) Stock Group. |
STOCKPRICEGROUP | DR_PRICES | | INTEGER | No | If the price rule is defined against a price group rather than an individual product, this field stores the Stock price group. |
STOCKPRICEGROUP | STOCK_ITEMS | FK | INTEGER | No | The price group that the stock item belongs to. |
STOCK_AUTH_AMT | STAFF | | FLOAT(53) | No | The staff member's Stock Purchase Order Authorisation Limit. |
STOCK_CLASSIFICATION | STOCK_ITEMS | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The stock classification that the item belongs to. |
STOPCREDIT | DR_ACCS | | CHAR(1) | No | If 'Y', the Debtor is on Stop Credit, and no further transactions will take place. |
STOPDATE | DR_PRICES | | DATETIME | No | Date to which the price rule remains active. |
STOPDATE | PERIOD_STATUS | | DATETIME | No | The end date for the period. |
SUB1 | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SUB1 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 1 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB10 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 10 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB10 | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SUB11 | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SUB11 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 11 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB12 | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SUB12 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 12 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB13 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 13 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB13 | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SUB14 | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SUB14 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 14 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB15 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 15 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB15 | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SUB16 | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SUB16 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 16 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB17 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 17 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB17 | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SUB18 | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SUB18 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 18 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB19 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 19 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB19 | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SUB2 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 2 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB2 | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SUB20 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 20 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB20 | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SUB21 | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SUB21 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 21 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB22 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 22 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB22 | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SUB23 | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SUB23 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 23 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB24 | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SUB24 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 24 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB25 | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SUB25 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 25 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB26 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 26 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB26 | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SUB3 | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SUB3 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 3 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB4 | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SUB4 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 4 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB5 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 5 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB5 | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SUB6 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 6 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB6 | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SUB7 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 7 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB7 | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SUB8 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 8 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB8 | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SUB9 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 9 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB9 | DR_CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
SUBCODE | DR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | The GL subaccount code on the line. |
SUBJECT | DR_CONT_HIST | | VARCHAR(80) | No | The subject line of the History Note. |
SUBTOTAL | SALESORD_HDR | | FLOAT(53) | No | The subtotal amount on the Sales Order. |
SUBTOTAL | DR_TRANS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The tax-exclusive amount, in the currency of the Debtor account. |
SUPPLIERCOST | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The supplier cost price. |
SUPPLIERNO | STOCK_ITEMS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number (CR_ACCS.ACCNO) of the stock item's main supplier. |
SUPPLIERNO2 | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | No | Alternate supplier for the stock item. |
SUPPLIERNO3 | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | No | Alternate supplier for the stock item. |
SYNC_CONTACTS | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field is set to 'Y' if the Contact is set to sync with Microsoft Outlook. |
TAKENUP | DR_ALLOCATIONS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is a flag that specify whether or not the allocation has been a part of realised gain/losses. |
TAXINC | SALESORD_HDR | | CHAR(1) | No | Set to 'Y' if the Sales Order is tax-inclusive. |
TAXINC | DR_TRANS | | CHAR(1) | No | Y = tax inclusive, N = tax exclusive. |
TAXRATE | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The percentage tax rate on the line at the time of the transaction. |
TAXRATE | DR_TRANS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The tax rate used by the transaction, e.g. 12.5 = 12.5%. |
TAXRATE_NO | DR_TRANS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the tax rate used by the transaction. |
TAXRATE_NO | DR_INVLINES | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the tax rate used by the transaction. |
TAXREG | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | GST/ABN number of the Debtor. |
TAXRETCODE | DR_TRANS | | VARCHAR(15) | No | The tax return code for the GST return that this transaction applies to. |
TAXROUNDING | SALESORD_HDR | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The difference between the tax calculated on header and the sum of the tax on all lines. |
TAXROUNDING | OPPORTUNITY | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The difference between the tax on the header and the sum of the tax on the individual lines. |
TAXROUNDING | DR_TRANS | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The tax rounding amount, where the tax on the header doesn't match the sum of the tax on the lines. Where the tax rate is consistent across all lines of an invoice and none of the lines have been overridden, tax is calculated based on the subtotal. If any line on the invoice has a varied tax rate, or any line is recorded as TAX_OVERRIDDEN='Y' then the tax total on the invoice is the sum of the tax on each line. The difference between the sum of the rounded tax on the lines and the application of the tax rate to the subtotal is recorded in this field. |
TAXSTATUS | GLACCS | | INTEGER | No | The Override GST rate specified for the GL account. A value of -1 corresponds to the AUTO SELECT RATE option. |
TAXSTATUS | DR_ACCS | | INTEGER | No | The Override GST rate for the Debtor. |
TAXTOTAL | SALESORD_HDR | | FLOAT(53) | No | The total tax amount on the Sales Order. |
TAXTOTAL | DR_TRANS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The tax total in the currency of the Debtor account. |
TAXTOTAL | OPPORTUNITY | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The total tax amount on the Opportunity. |
TERMINAL_ID | DR_TRANS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The terminal ID for a shift in EXO Business POS. |
TITLE | DR_CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Taken from the associated record in the CONTACTS table. |
TITLE | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The Contact's job title. |
TOAGEDBAL | DR_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | Only applicable in case of balance brought forward accounts payments and adjustments. Used in the trigger POST_DR_TRANS to refresh the aged balances on the account. 0 = current 1 = 1 months 2 = 2 months 3 = 3 months 4 = from oldest |
TOTALSTOCK | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | Total units of stock for the item. |
TRACKER_KEY | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | VARCHAR(150) | No | For campaign waves with the "Mailshot Process" Communication Method, this field contains any text entered into the Tracker ID field. |
TRANSDATE | DR_TRANS | | DATETIME | No | The date/time mentioned in the transaction itself. |
TRANSDATE | DR_CONT_HIST | | DATETIME | No | The transaction date against the History Note. |
TRANSDATE | DR_INVLINES | | DATETIME | No | The date of the transaction. |
TRANSTYPE | DR_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | 1 = Postive amount is Invoice, Negative amount is Credit; 4 = Negative amount is Payment, Positive amount is Refund |
TRANS_SEQNO | DR_ALLOCATIONS | FK | INTEGER | No | This field is a link back to the original transaction line in DR_TRANS table (DR_TRANS.seqno). |
TWITTER | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(500) | No | The Contact's Twitter username. |
TWITTER | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(500) | No | The Debtor's Twitter username. |
TWITTER_POST_ID | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | VARCHAR(100) | No | For campaign waves with the "Social Media Post" Communication Method, this field contains the ID number of the Twitter post. |
TWITTER_TOKEN_KEY | STAFF | | VARCHAR(max) | No | If the staff member uses their own Twitter account when using the EXO Business social media functions, their encrypted access token key is stored here. |
TWITTER_TOKEN_SECRET | STAFF | | VARCHAR(max) | No | If the staff member uses their own Twitter account when using the EXO Business social media functions, their encrypted access token secret is stored here. |
TXID | DR_TRANS | | VARBINARY(256) | No | A unique transaction ID number, populated by the trigger TRG_TXID_DR_TRANS. Used to separate native transactions inserted by EXO Business from other transactions. |
TXID | SALESORD_HDR | | VARBINARY(256) | No | The Transaction ID assigned to the Sales Order - this applies when using a payment gateway. |
UNITCOST | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The unit cost of the Stock item on this line. |
UNITPRICE | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The unit price of the Stock item on this line. |
UNITPRICE_INCTAX | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The unit price of the Stock item on this line, inclusive of tax. |
UNREALISED_GAINS_GL_BATCH | DR_TRANS | | INTEGER | Yes | The batch number for the unrealised gains journal that the transaction is a part of. Reset to zero when the journal is reversed. |
UPDATEITEM_CODE | STOCK_ITEMS | | VARCHAR(23) | No | Only applies to lookup items. The ID number of the stocked item that maintains the actual stock. |
UPDATEITEM_QTY | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Only applies to lookup items. Quantity of the stocked item. |
UPDATE_STOCK | DR_INVLINES | | CHAR(1) | No | If this field is set to 'Y', stock movements are created via the trigger DR_INVLINES_POST. The field is then set to 'T'. |
USERPROFILEID | STAFF | | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the staff member's User profile. Corresponds to the profile's ID field in the PROFILE table. |
USESUBCODES | GLACCS | | CHAR(1) | No | Not used. |
VARIABLECOST | STOCK_ITEMS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | The field is set to 'Y for Variable Cost stock items. |
WAS_BACKORDERED | SALESORD_HDR | | CHAR(1) | No | Set to 'Y' if the Sales Order has been placed in back order status at any time. |
WAVE_NO | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | INTEGER | No | An ID number that uniquely identifies the campaign wave within the campaign. |
WEBSITE | DR_ACCS | | VARCHAR(50) | No | URL of the Debtor's website. |
WEB_SHOW | PAYMENT_TYPES | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if the Payment Type is set to appear on websites, i.e. if its "Show on web site" flag is ticked. |
WEEK_NO | DR_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | The week number. Populated by the SET_DR_TRANS_WEEK_NO trigger - week dates must be set up first. |
WEIGHT | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Physical weight of the stock item. |
WEIGHTED_ESTIMATE | OPPORTUNITY | | AS | No | The Opportunity's weighted estimate. |
WEIGHTED_VALUE | OPPORTUNITY | | AS | No | The Opportunity's weighted value. |
X_COLOURID | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | No | Style colour ID of the stock item. Used by the Style, Size Colour functionality. |
X_SIZEID | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | No | Style size ID of the stock item. Used by the Style, Size Colour functionality. |
YAHOO_ID | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(45) | No | The Contact's Yahoo! ID number. |
YEARAGE | PERIOD_STATUS | | INTEGER | Yes | The ageing of the year that the period falls in. The current year has an age of 0. |
YEARUNITS | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Year to date sales totals in terms of quantity. |
YEARVAL | DR_ACCS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Turnover for the current year. |
YEARVALUE | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sales value for the current year. |
ZERO_TEND | PAYMENT_TYPES | | CHAR(1) | No | This value is set to 'Y' if the Payment Type's "Allow zero tender value" flag is ticked. |