Name | Primary key columns | Number of columns | Comment |
CAMPAIGN_WAVE | SEQNO | 19 | This table contains details of all campaign waves setup in EXO Business CRM. |
CONTACTS | SEQNO | 68 | This table contains information about Contacts. |
CURRENCIES | CURRENCYNO | 10 | This table contains details of all currencies used in the EXO Business system. |
DR_ACCGROUP2S | ACCGROUP | 3 | This table stores the Secondary Groups for Debtors (a grouping on top of the primary grouping - see DR_ACCGROUPS). |
DR_ACCGROUPS | ACCGROUP | 3 | This table stores the Primary Groups for Debtors (the finer level of grouping - compare DR_ACCGROUP2S). |
DR_ACCS | ACCNO | 90 | This table contains information about Debtor accounts. |
DR_ADDRESSES | SEQNO | 9 | This table stores the additional delivery addresses for a Debtor account. These are used in places like Sales Orders, where the user can select a delivery address for the order. |
DR_ALLOCATIONS | SEQNO, ALLOCNO | 11 | This table stores details of Debtor allocations. |
DR_CONTACTS | SEQNO | 56 | This table contains details of Contact records that are associated with Debtor accounts. Contact details are taken from the relevant entry in the CONTACTS table. |
DR_CONT_HIST | SEQNO | 14 | This table contains information about the History Notes attached to Debtor accounts. |
DR_INVLINES | | 56 | This table contains line information for all Debtor transactions. |
DR_INVLINES_SERIALS | SEQNO | 4 | This table contains details of serial numbers on Debtor Invoice lines. |
DR_PRICEGROUPS | GROUPNO | 3 | This table stores details of all Debtor Price Policy Groups. These are set up in the EXO Business Configurator at Admin > Debtors > Debtor Price Policy Groups. |
DR_PRICES | SEQNO | 16 | This table contains information on Debtor price rules. |
DR_PRICE_POLICY | POLICY_HDR | 11 | This table contains information on Debtor price policies. |
DR_PRICE_POLICY_ACC | SEQNO | 4 | This table defines the members of Debtor price policies. |
DR_TRANS | SEQNO | 78 | This table contains header information for all Debtor transactions. |
GLACCS | ACCNO | 20 | This table contains details of all General Ledger accounts. |
NARRATIVES | SEQNO | 2 | This table contains the narratives attached to transactions. |
OPPORTUNITY | SEQNO | 30 | This table contains details of all Opportunities used by the EXO CRM module. |
PAYMENT_TYPES | PTNO | 43 | This table contains details of all Payment Types. |
PERIOD_STATUS | SEQNO | 18 | This table contains details of the age periods set up in the system. |
SALESORD_HDR | SEQNO | 55 | This table contains header information for all Sales Orders. |
STAFF | STAFFNO | 39 | This table stores details of all EXO Business staff members. These are the people who are authorised to log in to and use the EXO Business system. |
STOCK_ITEMS | STOCKCODE | 85 | This table contains details of all stock items. |
TAX_RATES | SEQNO | 8 | This table contains all tax rates used by the system. |